Creating compelling PowerPoint presentations can be a daunting task. Crafting content, designing slides, and ensuring a clear and engaging message can be a time-consuming process. But what if I told you there’s a game-changer? ChatGPT, a remarkable AI language model, can revolutionize the way PowerPoint slides are created. In this blog, we’ll explore the incredible power of ChatGPT in transforming your presentation-building experience.

Open a new Powerpoint presentation. Go to ‘Tools’ and then to ‘Macro’, click on ‘Visual Basic Editor’. Click on ‘New module’ in the upper left. Copy the VBA code provided by ChatGPT below and paste it in the module. Finally, run the code and you will obtain a blank powerpoint with all the information on the four slides. When you click on ‘Design Ideas’, you can easily add layouts to the slides.

Below, you can find the output of the codes, in combination with the “Design Ideas” function provided by Powerpoint. As you can see, ChatGPT has created 4 powerpoint slides about the use of ChatGPT for Powerpoint presentations. I personally think that the content of the slides could have been more in-depth, but making these slides costed me more or less 1 minute. Additionally, I could have specified the things I want on the slides more, which would have resulted in more comprehensive content.

In a world where time is precious and presentations are a critical communication tool, ChatGPT can be a game-changer when correctly used. It can generate content, streamline your PowerPoint preparation, and ensure message consistency. As you embrace this AI-powered tool, you’ll find yourself spending less time wrestling with text and formatting. However, it is notable that this content can be used as a foundation for your presentation, but still needs some tailoring and improvement to make it an engaging and creative presentation.