Artificial Intelligence at Student Consultant: Part 2




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In part one my blogs, I introduced the AI chatbot that streamlined consultant onboarding at Student Consultant. Today, we delve deeper into the AI landscape, with a focus on Microsoft 365 Copilot, a game-changer for our consultancy which we cannot wait for.

Microsoft 365 Copilot is a virtual assistant for people working in Microsoft 365 applications and services, as well as Windows. The tool, which is going to be released in 3 weeks (Walker, 2023), after being announced by Microsoft on March 16, 2023, builds on OpenAI’s sophisticated GPT-4 large language models (LLMs) and uses Microsoft Graph to transform user text input into content for Microsoft 365 apps like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Teams (Wikipedia, 2023). You can click the following link for a short introduction on Copilot:

Microsoft 365 Copilot will make sure that we never again begin from scratch. It provides the initial creative spark and provides a first draft for consultants and expansion by consultants. It can produce ideas, suggestions, and content to advance my work on a certain subject or project. Spataro (2023) claims that Word’s Copilot feature kick-starts the writing process by providing rough draughts that you can edit and modify. It keeps you in charge by allowing you to decide how it will go or give input. In addition, Copilot streamlines content generation for PowerPoint presentations by combining relevant data from previous documents or powerpoints. Data analysis and visualisation are going to be simple tasks in Excel, creating code and equations by just explaining what you want to see happen.

Every consultant, including student consultants, aims to concentrate on the most essential tasks. By performing repetitive and routine chores, Copilot streamlines work and frees up time for high-impact jobs. Outlook manages email effectively by summarising threads and recommending fast responses. By summarising talks, highlighting significant ideas, and recommending action items in real time, it transforms meetings in Teams. Beyond increasing output, Copilot improves abilities. Using natural language, it streamlines access to Microsoft 365’s extensive features. Our ability to use technology effectively will increase as a result of this transition (Spataro, 2023).

The opportunities are endless when Student Consultant adopts Microsoft 365 Copilot. It promises to profoundly alter how AI interacts with us and how we work with AI. While there may be a learning curve, those who embrace this new way of working quickly gain a competitive edge.


Spataro, J. (2023, March 16). Introducing Microsoft 365 Copilot – your copilot for work. Retrieved from The Official Microsoft Blog website:

Walker, A. (2023, October 4). Microsoft 365 Copilot: Confirmed release date and what we know so far. Retrieved October 12, 2023, from Android Authority website:

Wikipedia. (2023, April 1). Microsoft 365 Copilot. Retrieved from Wikipedia website:

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