Really? You can do that?




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One of my favorite things about the recent explosion in AI capabilities is the that the possibilities on the horizon are so naively self-evident. Unlike some of the technological hypes of the last few years (cough, cough) that required hours upon hours and even university-level classes to get barely comfortable with the concepts, everything about generative AI is so… freeing. It just works. How it works – that’s a very different story. But what “it” does requires no power to understand.

My favorite recent example of this is Boomy – a music generative AI tool whose unique selling point is that it provides users with the ability to monetize their creation, while also facilitating the administrative side. On the website, you are prompted to start creating, save five songs, and then package them together into a release that you can submit to streaming platforms and earn royalties from.

Really? You can do that?

Of course, that’s not what makes Boomy so attractive. Platforms that advertise the ability to make some form of passive income while sitting on your couch are a hallmark of the internet, and somehow, we are not all rich yet. No, what makes Boomy so fascinating and fun is just how easy it is to use, while maintaining the depth that creativity requires, but also – how good it is. How they achieve this balance is also interesting. They play to their strengths, and they don’t touch vocal generation – only alteration. Boomy does not generate vocals, but it does allow users to easily upload vocals over the music they have generated, and – if desired – it can alter those vocals to match the song.

Although I’m far from a technophobe by any means, I’ve not explored creative generative AI beyond ChatGPT. My creative form of choice is text, and I am usually content to wonder at and ponder on others’ use of AI in other creative mediums. But Boomy hits a spot, and I strongly encourage a short visit to give it a try.

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