Unlocking Academic Excellence: Effective Use of ChatGPT for Students




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It is no secret that generative AI tools such as Chat-GPT have revolutionized our lives in many aspects since their appearance. Education is no exception to that. The education sector has witnessed a significant transformation due to technological advancements in recent years (Ganjoo, 2021). One of the innovations is AI-powered tools that assist students in their academic endeavors. Among these, Chatbot GPT, an advanced generative AI model, has emerged as a valuable resource for university students, offering an effective way to augment their learning and research experiences. 

There are voices amid growing negative perceptions rather than expectations for using ChatGPT; not only each school but also the education authorities still need to come up with accurate guidelines on how far to allow this. However, unconditionally limiting ChatGPT’s potential to students might rob them of fully realizing and harnessing its capabilities (Johnson, 2023). Thus, it is still crucial for students to understand how to utilize this resource for their academic endeavors in an ethical manner that complies with the respective university policies.

In this post, I’d like to introduce how students can leverage Chat GPT as a booster to enhance their academic journey while ensuring they avoid breaching academic integrity policies such as plagiarism with two use cases.

Students can use Chat GPT in writing academic papers to receive instant grammar checks. The program will identify grammatical errors in your writing in a minute by simply inserting your text into the box. Personally, I view ChatGPT as a formidable challenger to ‘Grammerly,’ with the added benefit of being free! What distinguishes ChatGPT from existing tools like Grammerly is its ability to deal with custom prompts. ChatGPT allows you to refine grammar, style, tone, and overall text coherence. Of course, ChatGPT shouldn’t be asked to generate entire texts or write assignments for users. Yet, we can still utilize chat GPT as an assistant tool, given the dynamic nature of the generated content, which can often lead to polished results.

Did you know that we can check their assignment to see whether it conforms to the criterion before submitting it with Chat GPT? Once you insert your writing and rubric with a command saying, “Check the writing by the rubric below.” Chat GPT will make an assessment in accordance with the assignment guides your professor offered, which I also used to check my diagrams for DBA :). Based on ChatGPT’s assessment, you can learn the points that need improvement in the assignment and work on them to get a better grade. 

As I wrote in the post, Integrating Chatbot GPT into our academic journey can let us harness its potential to elevate our learning experiences. If you have any creative way to leverage Chat GPT for your academic endeavors other than those mentioned above, please let me know in the comment section!


Ganjoo, A. (2021, July 29). Digitized Education: Recalibrating The Idea Of Classrooms. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/07/29/digitized-education-recalibrating-the-idea-of-classrooms/?sh=445fa2ba376e

Johnson, A. (2023, January 31). ChatGPT In Schools: Here’s Where It’s Banned—And How It Could Potentially Help Students. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ariannajohnson/2023/01/18/chatgpt-in-schools-heres-where-its-banned-and-how-it-could-potentially-help-students/

Pavlik, G. (2023). What is generative AI? How does it work? www.oracle.com. https://www.oracle.com/artificial-intelligence/generative-ai/what-is-generative-ai/

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2 thoughts on “Unlocking Academic Excellence: Effective Use of ChatGPT for Students”

  1. Hi Juyeon, I really like your post. It connects well with my topic “using GenAI as a teacher”. Personally, I didn’t think of checking criterions via ChatGPT, but I did use it as a grammar checker or synonym finder. I totally agree with you that ChatGPT can make student life easier and it does not need to be academically harmful. Thank you for this useful post!

  2. Hi Juyeon, I very much enjoyed reading your post. I very much agree that ChatGPT can be a valuable resource for students particularly in enhancing their writing skills. Using it as a substitute for Grammarly is very intriguing and something I have also used in the past. I appreciate that you emphasize using ChatGPT as an assistant tool rather than a content generator. You also bring up an interesting suggestion to use ChatGPT to check assignments against rubrics. This way students can see which specific areas of their assignments might need improvement. A limitation I would say is that students should still be skeptical with what AI generates and still critically assess the suggestions generated by AI. AI should be used as a tool to enhance knowledge; however we should be careful to noy become too reliant on its ease of use.

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