Schools! Please embrace the power of generative AI.




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Yes, we all know by now that generative AI is not a substitute for a real source of knowledge like an academic database. But generative AI can be so much more than that. Why do schools think using AI to write texts is the only way to use it for academic writing? I believe that if used correctly it can help students to create quality writing. Not by letting it write the texts for them but by helping the students enhance their writing style.

These days AI is getting adopted by more and more people in the workplace. So why not embrace the future and teach students how to correctly use AI to enhance their writing? Schools are worried that by using AI, students will just let the AI write everything for them resulting in possible incorrect statements and loss of originality. That’s why schools should teach students how to use it in a way that improves their writing instead of decreasing it. Well, I hear you asking: “How should it be used then?”. Instead of letting it write your complete essay from scratch, it should first help you in the ideation phase. By interacting with AI you can more efficiently plan out what you want to write. Next, you should still do the research part. Find information from reputable sources and write about it. Now comes the fun part, if you are just like me and are not a good writer you can ask AI to enhance the text to make it more comprehensive, or give it a specific tone like professional or academic. This will in most cases enhance the text, by creating well-structured sentences while still containing your own original story. I know what you’re going to say, “Students should be able to write perfect theses in academic writing.” Well of course students should know how to write but a little help could help immensely. For someone like me who has dyslexia and never was a hero at grammar and writing structured sentences, it could really help. And of course, AI should not replace a human but it sure can make its life a bit easier and even make better written texts. I really hope that schools look at AI tools not as an enemy but as a friend. Please adopt AI, and teach students how to use the magic that is generative AI.

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1 thought on “Schools! Please embrace the power of generative AI.”

  1. Interesting blog! I wrote a blog on a similar topic myself and completely agree with you on most points. I think it is impossible to ban tools like Chatgpt and that we should instead learn to collaborate with these tools. Also because these tools will not just disappear, but might even be the future.
    However, your blog does raise an issue for me. When you talk about ‘Not letting AI write the texts for them’, I wonder how we are going to achieve that. How can we ensure that Chatgpt is not abused but used. I don’t think any school or student would benefit from letting ai completely create assignments. Anyway I agree with you that we should look at ways to use chatgpt in schools.

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