More Than Just Notes: Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Features in Notion AI




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Throwing back to the first day of my first-ever internship, I found myself shaking with nervousness like when a caveman confronts people with electricity. One of the invaluable pieces of advice my mentor gave to me on the day was the importance of becoming proficient in two-factor authentication for Jira and getting used to team Notion.

Of course, That was the first time that I learned the existence of Notion. Notion is one of the collaborative platforms that provides a variety of features, including notes, documents, schedules, and workspaces. And what about now…? It’s one of the apps I can’t live without my Notion. Recently, Notion also introduced artificial intelligence (AI) functions.

It’s the trusty sidekick that I simply can’t do without in my digital arsenal. A virtual canvas that turns the chaos of collaboration into a harmonious symphony. But hold your horses because Notion took a giant leap into the future by integrating artificial intelligence (AI) functionalities, thus elevating its game to dizzying new heights.

As you know, Chat GPT and Notion AI are both excellent examples of generative artificial intelligence, each with its own unique strengths (Perez, 2023). Chat GPT is great at holding conversations and can provide a range of responses based on what the user says. On the other hand, Notion AI is equipped to handle more complex tasks such as data analysis, image recognition, and natural language processing. With its natural language processing capabilities, Notion AI can analyze sentences, pick out nouns, and automatically sort documents and images. Plus, it can process data to give you precise answers to your questions (It seems like a great tool to BIM students!)

For the uninitiated, Notion is a veritable Swiss Army knife, amalgamating note-taking, task management, and database functionalities into one sleek platform. However, the highlight in this Notion AI is undoubtedly its AI capabilities. It transforms Notion from a standard tool to help organize yourself into a veritable virtual assistant, equipped to tackle everything from essay writing to study planning.

Personally, Notion AI has brought improvement in a way for me note-taking. With Notion AI it became possible to pepper my notes with images, videos, and links, which has been nothing short of a revelation. Also, the AI note feature categorizes and tags my notes automatically so that I can access information in a snap. Notion AI is also equipped with the task management function! I can use it as my personal secretary, helping me create to-do lists, set reminders, and track my progress in one convenient place.

But where Notion AI truly demonstrates its worth is in its writing assistant feature. This tool supports me in brainstorming ideas, structuring essays, and proofreading my work. like I have an all-time tutor by my sideNotion AI has genuinely transformed my university life, helping me stay organized, use my time wisely, and do better in my studies. Plus, it has freed me up to fully enjoy learning by doing my repetitive job.

So, to all of my BIM colleagues, do yourself a favor and give Notion AI a whirl!


Diorio, S. (2023, February 15). Waking Up To The “Art Of The Possible” In Artificial Intelligence. Forbes.

Perez, L. (2023). Notion AI vs ChatGPT vs ChatFlash: Breaking Down the Differences. Neuroflash.,solutions%20based%20on%20their%20needs.

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1 thought on “More Than Just Notes: Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Features in Notion AI”

  1. What a wonderful retrospective on your journey with Notion AI! I too remember my first encounter with Notion and the game-changing moment when they integrated AI. Your comparison of Chat GPT and Notion AI’s capabilities really paints a comprehensive picture of the vast potential of generative AI in modern digital tools. It’s fascinating to see how these tools, especially Notion AI, have evolved from being mere organizational platforms to full-fledged virtual assistants, catering to a myriad of tasks with ease. The way you’ve detailed its impact on your note-taking and essay writing resonated with me, as I’ve also experienced the profound advantages of these features. It’s always a pleasure to read real-life testimonials of how technology can improve our academic and professional journeys. Thanks for sharing your insights!

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