Generative AI in Schools: A Double-Edged Sword for Student Development




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Last week at work I was speaking with one of my colleagues whose son attends the same high school I used to attend. We were discussing his son’s experiences at school and comparing them to when I attended this same school from 2010 to 2012. One big difference that came up was the use of generative AI, especially ChatGPT.

I personally see great benefit in how generative AI such as ChatGPT can enhance our knowledge and our learning experience, but I view this from the point of a university student in his 20’s who had to go through his entire secondary education without the benefit of such tools. My colleague told me that his son has used ChatGPT for almost all his homework assignments and even to write book reports and essays and this is something that worried both him and I.

Your years spent in high school are when you develop yourself and your brain most. By becoming too reliant on AI this can diminish children’s critical thinking and problem-solving abilities that are crucial in their personal development. Also, I think the over-usage of generative AI in school will promote laziness and this can cause negative long-term affects when the person reaches higher education or begins professional life. I personally do not think the current education system, at least in the Netherlands is equipped to be able to handle the current digital landscape. Schools and teachers must find a way to incorporate AI technology into classroom learning in a way that supports critical thinking, problem-solving ability, and independent learning.

According to a recent survey in Australia 43% of over 1000 polled students admitted to using ChatGPT to complete assignments or cheat on exams (Technology News Australia, 2023). According to this same report Australian schools are now considering banning the use of ChatGPT. Public schools in 5 Australian states have already put forth measures to ban its use (Technology News Australia, 2023). Will this become a global trend?

I personally think that the years a child spends in high school are of upmost importance to their development and that changes in our education system need to happen soon. I do not believe in banning the use of Generative AI as it is a tool that can be of great benefit however, a way must be found to limit the negative effects of AI on teenagers. Australia is already implementing measures, are The Netherlands and other nations next?


Technology News Australia. (2023). ChatGPT May Lead To The Downfall Of Education And Critical Thinking. Tech Business News.

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