Save a hundred hours on writing your thesis with SCISPACE!




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Writing a thesis is nothing short of challenging. Delving deep into academic articles, extracting relevant data, and understanding interesting details can be an intimidating task. But what if there was a tool that could simplify this process, ensuring you save not just hours, but possibly hundreds of hours? Check out SciSpace!

At its core, SciSpace operates much like a chatbot, just like the better known ChatGPT. However, it has a specialized niche: it is finely tuned to process and answer questions about academic articles. You simply upload your chosen articles, and SciSpace becomes an expert on that content, ready to respond to every question you have.

One of the major hurdles when writing a thesis is sorting through vast amounts of information in academic papers. Often, you will have to cut through pages of complex literature in order to find an essential piece of information. SciSpace improves this procedure immensely. You can obtain specific answers to questions you have about the content of the article right away. You could possibly be able to reduce the amount of time you spend on research to a set of well-written questions and answers rather than reading an entire 20-page article.

Understanding difficult academic language can be a roadblock for many. Sometimes, even after reading a paragraph multiple times, the essence remains questionable. SciSpace can assist here too. By asking the tool to explain specific sections or concepts in simpler terms, you can ensure a deeper understanding without frustration.

Probably every student has faced a moment of realization missing out on crucial details after submitting a paper. SciSpace could act as a safety net. Before finalizing any section of your thesis, a quick Q&A session with the tool can ensure that you haven’t overlooked important information or misinterpreted data.

In my personal experience I used SciSpace for my bachelor thesis, which was a systematic literature review on international expansion strategies of entrepreneurial firms. Including around 70 high quality academic references, I can’t even imagine the extra time I would’ve had to spend to read through all these papers without the help of SciSpace.

As a student you have probably experienced time pressure while writing your thesis, so working efficiently is of high priority. SciSpace not only saves a lot of time but also offers the potential to enhance research quality. Now AI is breaking barriers, tools like SciSpace aren’t just luxuries but will become essential for every academic researcher out there. As we all are gearing up for our BIM thesis journey, let SciSpace be your companion and use this and other AI tools to your advantage!

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4 thoughts on “Save a hundred hours on writing your thesis with SCISPACE!”

  1. This sounds like a great tool for anyone working on their thesis as SciSpace can help to simplify complex academic language and make research more efficient. I am excited to try it out for my own thesis and see how it can help me save time and improve the quality of my work. Thank you for sharing this with us!

  2. Thank you for this article! I will definitively check this out when I am writing the master thesis. I could imagine this would be very popular among students, however some are still sceptical about AI. How is SciSpace able to ensure that its AI will generate accurate information each time? I also wonder if Universities have any concerns about this. While it is not direct copy pasting, it does remove the largest effort of writing a thesis, so you are not really proving yourself is the same way as before. Perhaps their will need to be a new task to replace the traditional thesis, in order to adapt to modern times. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Hi Laurens,

    I used before to upload some articles and tried to make it into a super study bot. However, is programmed to help as a business assistant and therefore I noticed that some of the answer were not complete or good. It focused mostly on the business side of things not really thinking academically. It was also even worse with numbers than chatgpt. I hope this one will be better and definently going to try it out for my thesis. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

  4. In the past few days, I have utilized Humata.AI to examine the required articles for the Information Strategy exam. In my search for an AI tool that could help me read and learn faster, I also came across SciSpace. Both SciSpace and Humata are recommended for literature reviews. After reading your post, I’m intrigued by the feature that SpiSpace can paraphrase a section in simpler terms. SpiSpace sounds very promising. Thanks to you I will probably use it as well for my studies. I’m very eager to find out about the differences in the AI tools.

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