The New AI function of Loom




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Loom is a video tool that has been my favorite for over years. It is a tool that helps you make and share screen recording with a voice over. I use it to explain things with a recording on screen to my collegues as it so much easier than describing the problems in words especially when you are working on more system-related things or workflows. I find this especially useful for remote teams as it is in between slacking and a whole online meeting, just like you would just ask someone at the office. However, when making more formally used videos for handbooks or for on websites, I have found my self many times cutting and rerecording videos multiple times. But that time is over as Loom introduced the AI function into their platform which makes my life much easier.

With the AI function of Loom you can automatically delete silent moments and filler words from your video. This make your video a lot more professional without hearing uhm or silence between slides. These were normally things I would cut out of the video. Manually selecting your filler words and cutting them out would take a lot of time.

Another function of the AI of Loom is that it automatically transcribes your video. The transcription of the video is also automatically summarized for the description and it comes up with a title for the video. Therefore, this tool is great for when you have to write out text of your video somewhere or you can use it as a transcription tool.

The last function I am going to discuss is the function of task creation. When you are creating new videos, you can set tasks by saying them out loud. When you send the Loom to your co-workers, they automatically receive a list of task set out for them. This saves you a lot of typing work if you already need to create a video.

Overall, I would suggest to try out the free trial and see it for yourself!

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