GenAI – A tool or a threat to artists?




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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making its way into the creative industries, generating everything from visual art to music and even literature. Tools like OpenAI’s DALL-E and JukeBox are offering artists and creators new areas to explore. But with these advancements, the question arises: Does AI enhance creativity, or does it risk replacing the unique qualities of human artistry?

In today’s day and age, AI has taken over lots of industries and made it so much easier and more efficient to do ones job. The same can be said for the creative industries. For example, DALL-E creates detailed images from simple text descriptions, allowing users to visualize their ideas practically in an instant. Similarly, JukeBox composes music by mimicking styles of different musicians, creating new songs that sound like they have been composed by certain artists (OpenAI, 2023). These tools offer exciting possibilities for artists, enabling rapid prototyping, experimentation with new styles, and creative exploration.

However, the rise of AI in creative fields also brings concern. It sparks the question if AI-generated art can bring emotion and depth or if that is something that only human experience can bring in traditional artwork. A different perspective came from a study done by the University of Vienna shows that, contrary to popular belief, people actually do perceive emotions and intentions with art that was generated by a computer (Demmer et al., 2023). 

There is also concern that AI could replace human artists, especially in fields like graphic design, stock photography, or music production. These are fields where AI can generate work in just a fraction of time and for much cheaper. Specifically stock images, marketing materials and generic mass-produced works are sectors that are most likely to take a hit (Tremayne-Pengelly, 2023). In marketing, for example, companies are increasingly using AI-generated content for campaigns. That leaves the worry that AI will lead to job displacement for many creators, as AI is able to generate logos, designs and music so quickly.

I think that rather than viewing AI as a threat, it should be seen as a tool that artists can use to lift their creativity. Just like the fact that digital cameras and phone cameras didn’t eliminate paintings, AI should also be used in a way to complement human creativity, not replace it. 


Demmer, T. R., Kühnapfel, C., Fingerhut, J., & Pelowski, M. (2023). Does an emotional connection to art really require a human artist? Emotion and intentionality responses to AI- versus human-created art and impact on aesthetic experience. Computers in Human Behavior, 148, 107875.

OpenAI. (2023). DALL·E: Creating Images from Text. OpenAI.

Tremayne-Pengelly, A. (2023, 31 augustus). Will A.I. replace artists? Some art insiders think so. Observer.

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Decentralized Journalism: Empowering the Future of News




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A week ago, I was scrolling through, which is one of the most popular sites in the Netherlands for news. Just like other news sites, they have collections of articles which are popular about a certain overarching subject. One of those collections was about the presidential elections in the USA (, 2024). The coverage appeared to favour Kamala Harris while portraying Donald Trump in a less favourable light and out of context. Even though I don’t support the Trump campaign, it shouldn’t be the case that a news source is so clearly in favour or against certain political standpoints as it should be objective and let the readers make their standpoints. After digging deeper I found out that is owned by a news company called DPG Media (dpgmediagroup, 2024), which mentioned that their political orientation is leftist (eurotopics, 2024). They also own several other major news sources. Thus having a large influence on the opinions the readers have, especially when news articles are slightly biased but are being masqueraded as objective.

This experience made me question the objectivity of mainstream media and wonder if there’s an alternative that offers unbiased news. That’s when I came across decentralized journalism. By using blockchain technology and peer-to-peer networks, it aims to distribute news without central control, reducing corporate influence and potential biases.

In decentralized journalism, journalists can publish their findings directly to readers, and content is stored across a network, making it resistant to censorship and manipulation. Readers can support journalists through micro-payments, improving transparency and independence from large media conglomerates.

This should be done in a way that journalists publish their findings and the readers can see an overview of these findings to take in multiple perspectives when forming their image of the subject. This is different from traditional news where the findings that are relevant to the story are chosen by potentially biased journalists to assemble an article in line with the perspective of the news outlet.

While challenges like verifying credibility exist, this model offers a promising path toward a more objective media landscape by empowering both journalists and readers.


DPG Media. (2024).$ verkiezinngen VS (2024).

The Netherlands: diversity despite media concentration. (2024).

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AI Voice Cloning Scams: does AI always benefit?




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Artificial intelligence can benefit people in many ways: including health care, legal consultation, and education, but its applications are not always positive for everyone. According to recent news from British bank Starling, they warned that ‘millions’ of people could fall victim because of voice cloning.

Imagine that you post a five-second video on Instagram, but it is enough for the scammers to use AI to generate your voice. They will call your close family or friends to ask for money as your identity. Starling Bank surveyed with Mortar Research and it showed that 46% of respondents did not even know this kind of scam exists. 8% of people will do as the scammers said and transfer as much money as possible. More than one-fourth of people claimed that they had been targeted by this kind of scam during this year.

AI-generated voice can be made convincing by technology like OpenAI’s Voice Engine. It can be designed to enhance the quality of customer service. However good intentions do not always result in good outcomes. When the technology develops, criminals will also develop new ideas to use this technology in their favor.

Have you guys watched ‘Black Mirror’? In my opinion, as AI technology develops, it will penetrate and complicate people’s lives. There is an episode ‘Be Right Back’ about AI simulation for people’s dead loved ones. A girl’s boyfriend died in a car accident, and an AI company provides a service to simulate his voice, ways of thinking, and even body. They seem to live together just like before, but it is never the same person, right?

Question: Do you think the benefit of AI weighs more than its negative effects? How can we cooperate with challenges like this scam? How can we balance innovation with ethical problems?

Source :

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SOAT to the rescue: Is the VAR offside or not?




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In football’s long history, something big happened during a friendly match between Italy and France on September 1, 2016: the introduction of Video Assistant Referee (VAR) technology. Soon after, the first official match using VAR took place on September 21, 2016, when Ajax faced Willem II in the KNVB Cup. Major leagues watched closely and by the 2017-2018 season, the German Bundesliga and Italy’s Serie A had adopted VAR. Spain’s La Liga and France’s Ligue 1 followed one year later in the 2018-2019 season, and in the 2019-2020 season, the Premier League, the wealthiest competition in football, implemented VAR as well (Nag, n.d.).

The Impact of VAR

Since the introduction of VAR, it has served its goal of making the game fairer. A study by Spitz et al. (2021) examined the impact of VAR on referees’ decision accuracy by comparing referees’ first and final decisions after VAR interventions. Results showed that referees’ accuracy improved from 92.1% to 98.3%. Furthermore, Carlos et al. (2019) found that VAR led to more accurate decisions and a decreased number of fouls, offsides, and yellow cards.

However, despite these improvements, not everyone seems to be a fan of VAR. VAR has faced growing criticism as it disrupts the free-flowing nature of football, one of the key reasons that football is the world’s most popular sport. Unlike stop-start games such as in the NBA or NFL, football is continuous in its essence (Euronews, 2022). Unfortunately, the introduction of VAR has resulted in more stoppages and delays in professional football, with referees often having to wait for decisions to be made by VAR officials far away from the stadium (Euronews, 2022). These interruptions have frustrated fans. In last season’s Premier League, the average VAR interruption took 64 seconds, extending the average game length to 102 minutes. In some cases, such as in a game between West Ham and Aston Villa, VAR took as long as 5 minutes and 37 seconds to disallow a goal (The Guardian, 2024).

The Future of VAR: Semi-Automated Offside Technology (SOAT)

This dissatisfaction has been listened to. For the 2024-2025 season, the Premier League plans to introduce a new and revolutionary version of VAR, using semi-automated offside technology (SOAT). Developed by Genius Sports, SOAT is an AI-powered system which will use 28 computer vision cameras in every stadium (The Guardian, 2024; Premier League, 2024). These cameras will capture 10,000 surface data points for the ball and each player, which allows Genius to immediately create so-called “offside walls” for VAR to use. The Premier League expects SOAT to reduce the average time for offside decisions by over 30 seconds (Premier League, 2024). Additionally, SOAT allows for 3D player graphics so that these can be shown on television, significantly improving experience and fan engagement for fans both at home and in the stadium.

In conclusion, the evolution of VAR technology in football reflects both the sport’s commitment to fairness and the challenges of maintaining its beloved flow. As fans express frustrations over delays and disruptions caused by VAR reviews, there is hope that innovations like AI-driven SOAT will bridge this gap. With quicker, more transparent decision-making and enhanced in-stadium experiences, AI has the potential to make VAR a tool that both referees and fans can embrace. As football continues to evolve, the role of AI may be crucial in ensuring that technology enhances rather than detracts from the passion and excitement that define the beautiful game.

SOAT was expected to be ready for use after one of the autumn international breaks during the 2024-2025 Premier League season. With the first break now behind us, the time has come to see if SOAT delivers on its promise.


Carlos, L. P., Ezequiel, R. & Anton, K. (2019). How does Video Assistant Referee (VAR) modify the game in elite soccer? International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 19(4), 646-653.

Euronews. (2022, February 3). VAR: Has it improved football or has it made it worse? Euronews.

Nag, U. (n.d.). What is VAR in football?.

Premier League. (2024, August 14). What’s new in 2024/25: Semi-automated offsides. Premier League.

Spitz, J., Wagemans, J., Memmert, D., Williams, A. M., & Helsen, W. F. (2020). Video assistant referees (VAR): The impact of technology on decision making in association football referees. Journal of Sports Sciences, 39(2), 147-153.

The Guardian. (2024, August 13). Premier League to introduce revolutionary camera system to aid VAR process. The Guardian.

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Digital adoption in the Histopathology industry




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I wanted to share some insights about a simple application of digital technologies in the histopathology industry.

Some basics about the field and industry:

  • Histopathology is the study of examining and diagnosing manifestations of diseases in the tissue(1). The discipline is commonly used to diagnose possible cancer formations.
  • Labs receive tissue samples that must undergo multiple processes to make it possible for a pathologist to evaluate the tissue structure. Examples of these stages are grossing, fixation, tissue processing, embedding, sectioning and staining.
  • The processes were developed in the 19th century and remain largely unchanged. However, technologies, materials, and lab organization have.

Diagnosis speed is crucial for quality patient care. Traditionally, labs have completed all processes manually which is both time consuming and psychically demanding for lab technicians. Turnaround time could take days, even weeks. To improve the throughput capacity, laboratories across the world (in the last two decades) have been acquiring specialized instruments to improve the efficiency of processes.

Two issues that many laboratories face is the cost of ownership and production organization. Laboratories, especially under public health care systems, face strong cost pressures from the purchasing department.

The non-digital solution has been to offer lease type deal which is more cash flow friendly, but the downside is that it usually offers much less production flexibility. Customers are often locked to semi-rigid contract and need to pay a monthly fee based on a fixed output quantity. Laboratories still need to pay based on the minimum slide requirement regardless of output schedule. For many laboratories, this becomes a dealbreaker.

The digital solution has been to connect instruments to healthcare specific systems (LIS) to record output, then invoice customers based on their usage. They pay more per patient, but the production flexibility is a benefit what many customers value. It is a small but powerful pricing innovation enabled by the digitalization of the instruments.

The Royal College of Pathologists. (n.d.). Histopathology.,clinicians%20manage%20a%20patient’s%20care.)

Requests for slides and blocks. (n.d.).

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Navigating the Future: Augmented Reality is Rewriting the Map 




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Augmented Reality (AR) is reshaping the way we learn, shop and even experience entertainment. AR creates a new way of how we interact with the world around us by blending digital content with our real physical surroundings. From virtual fitting rooms in the fashion industry to the new learning tools that revolutionize education (Bacca et al., 2014). AR is also transforming the way we navigate – whether you walk through a crowded city or drive on unfamiliar roads. AR-based navigation tools make it easier, and even more important, also safer to move through different environments.  

A perfect example of the use of AR in navigation is Google Maps’ AR walking directions. This initiative uses overlayed arrows and street names in the real-world view that is captured by the camera of our phones. This feature makes navigation simpler by providing visual aspects to guide users in busy urban spaces for example. This function reduces the confusion that is often associated with traditional map interfaces (Google, 2023). Indoors, AR can also make an impact in the way we navigate. Blippar’s AR navigation helps users to find their way through complex indoor spaces like malls or airports. It overlays digital directions on our smartphone screens (Blippar, 2023). This technology is particularly useful in environments where traditional GPS signals are weaker. 

In the automotive world, the company WayRay used AR head-up displays (HUDs). These systems can project navigational information directly onto the windshield of a vehicle. This allows drivers to receive direction instructions without diverting their attention from the road. WayRay uses holographic optical elements (HOEs) in their displays, these can handle complex optical tasks while staying thin, clear, and flexible enough to fit curved surfaces like windshields (WayRay, 2023). This innovation improves safety by reducing distractions. This can make AR navigation more integrated and intuitive. 

As AR technology advances, we can expect to see even more immersive and hands-free navigation experiences in the future, such as AR glasses that guide users in real time (Billinghurst et al., 2015). While there are still quite some challenges, like data accuracy and user adoption, AR will undoubtedly lead the next evolution of navigation.  


Bacca, J., Baldiris, S., Fabregat, R., Graf, S., & Kinshuk. (2014). Augmented reality trends in education: A systematic review of research and applications. Educational Technology & Society, 17(4), 133-149. 

Billinghurst, M., Clark, A., & Lee, G. (2015). A survey of augmented reality. Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction, 8(2-3), 73-272. 

Blippar. (2023). AR indoor navigation. Retrieved from 

Google. (2023). Google Maps AR walking directions. Retrieved from 

Huang, B. C., Hsu, J., Chu, E. T. H., & Wu, H. M. (2020). Arbin: Augmented reality based indoor navigation system. Sensors, 20(20), 5890. 

Narzt, W., Pomberger, G., Ferscha, A., Kolb, D., Müller, R., Wieghardt, J., … & Lindinger, C. (2006). Augmented reality navigation systems. Universal Access in the Information Society, 4, 177-187. 

WayRay. (2023). AR head-up displays for cars. Retrieved from 

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Disruptive innovation – Do we really need one?




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I have always been someone who is comfortable with technology and therefore have witnessed how digital technology has been evolving rapidly, I find it astonishing how digital invention has become the foundation of advancement in the modern age. But why do we need this precisely? Why do we need something that might replace us in our jobs? 

Last summer, I got in a situation where I was not able to move out of a small city because my car broke down on the way out. In previous years, one would think that nightmares were only found in movies – getting caught in an alien land with no clue on how to contact a mechanic for his mitts. Running up crazy figures in a towing bill was the least of one’s worries. However looking back, innovation in the digital ways changed that for me and I viewed it as a small problem.

In a matter of minutes after pulling out my smartphone, I have:

  1. Used Google Maps and searched for the local mechanics
  2. Read the reviews of other people in order to determine that one is trustworthy
  3. Clicked on the call button on the shop’s website
  4. Provided my current location to the mechanic
  5. Ordered a rideshare for me to go to a nearby café while I wait

Quick Google Map search could result in multiple helpful-suggestions. All in real-time1

This real life example shows well what this need for digital evolutions is all about. It’s not only about more or less exaggerated gadgets or higher internet speeds – it is about addressing issues of real importance and improving our quality of life in some practical manner.

The revolution in technology has shattered brick walls, made the restricted knowledge accessible to all, and brought people in the most unthought of ways. It makes us more productive, better informed and more flexible while dealing with rising difficulties.

In addition, to speak more broadly, digital innovations play a fundamental role in finding solutions for the world challenges. From advancing IT technologies to reduce the rates of climate change, to focusing on using AI in medical science to find diseases and their cures – the abundance for cause-and-effect is vast (Teja Reddy & Gatla Sr. Data Scientist, 2019).

Yet it may be worth reminding that although power can achieve an extraordinary change it is also coupled with responsibility. While striving for new levels of digital advancement, there are also challenges like data security, digital inequality, censorship and the morality of future technologies that will need to be tackled (M. Dionisio et al., 2023).

All in all, there is a need for digital innovation as it has the ability to change the way we live and solve more than one of the greatest problems known to humankind. Digital innovation is such that I have experienced its gains and therefore its future I am looking forward to where it will reach next. The world is ok for the future it is just that the people will have to be flexible and civilised in the way they embrace and use the latest technologies.


Dionisio, M., de Souza Junior, S. J., Paula, F., & Pellanda, P. C. (2024). The role of digital social innovations to address SDGs: A systematic review. Environment, Development and Sustainability26(3), 5709-5734.

Gatla, T. R. (2019). A cutting-edge research on AI combating climate change: Innovations and its impacts. INNOVATIONS6(09).

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Want to Be the Star? SocialAI Makes You the Main Character!




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Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok, and X (previously Twitter) all have one thing in common: we connect with friends, followers, or subscribers. Yet, for most of us, we will never reach the stage of celebrity where every post is directly responded to by dozens of messages. What if I tell you that a brand-new application can solve that? Social.AI puts you in the center of attention by giving you AI-powered bot followers that will engage with any of your posts.

As dystopian as it may sound, it’s hardly surprising that artificial intelligence has entered the field of social media, given the technology’s expansion. With new platforms like ChatGPT having more than 600 million visits per month (Duarte, 2024). AI is becoming an integral part of our daily lives.

Social.AI first seems like X, a well-known site where people share ideas, opinions, and posts. The difference is that you are interacting with a community of AI bots who are eager to respond to anything you say, rather than with actual people. In essence, SocialAI provides a social environment in which the user is the center of attention. No quiet on the radio, no ghosting. The designed bots are constantly available, prepared to offer advice and support, engage in discussion, or even engage in trolling.

Figure 1 Figure 2

Michael Sayman, the platform’s founder, calls it “liberating.” He clarifies that his goal was to provide a secure environment where people could communicate in private with one another and get input from a variety of AI characters. Users may choose from 32 distinct bot “types” on the app, ranging from adoring admirers to sardonic critics, depending on the kind of response they’re looking for (Lomas, 2024).

After some tries, some of us will feel more at ease knowing that there is still work to be done on this app before it can be said to compete against mainstream social media platforms. As you can see from the figures (Figures 1 and 2), each bot has a distinct personality, and you can easily perceive that the answer is from an AI chatbot, as they feel very oriented towards certain behaviors. 

Ultimately, Social.AI is not perfect yet, but it serves as a reminder of how AI can reshape social spaces. Even if this application is not on point, it reminds us that progress is not stopping and asks us a deeper question: As AI continues to evolve, do we want to be the stars of lifeless computers? 


Duarte, F. (2024, July 27). Number of ChatGPT Users (Aug 2024). Exploding Topics. Lomas, N. (2024, September 17). SocialAI offers a Twitter-like diary where AI bots respond to your posts.


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Will Vehicles Be the Most Powerful Terminal Device in the Digital Era?




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In the movie Captain America 2, the director of SHIELD drove a Chevrolet Suburban equipped with artificial intelligence, and successfully escaped the enemy’s blockade with the help of automatic maintenance, real-time analysis of road conditions and autonomous driving. We may never have a war vehicle equipped with machine guns and artillery like him, but the introduction of various new technologies has made the arrival of smart vehicle just around the corner.

Why Are Vehicles So Representative?

As a representative product of the digital era, the innovation of the automotive industry is closely related to many technological advances. First of all, the new form of energy – electric vehicles make it easier for computers to take over the energy management and driving of vehicles. The introduction of cloud computing and artificial intelligence has further enhanced the capabilities of vehicles. A large amount of data is transmitted between the vehicle and the cloud servers, and the on-board autonomous driving system analyzes road conditions in real time. In this regard, we have learned about Tesla’s FSD (full-self driving) which is pure vision solution, and there are also manufacturers such as Nio that are using lidar solutions. Even if AI is not completely taken over, the combination of AR applications and HUD (head-up display) functions can make human drivers’ own driving easier and safer.

Tesla FSD user interface.

What Is the Current Situation of the Automotive Industry?

Less than 20 years after the release of the first prototype, Tesla has surpassed Volkswagen, General Motors and Toyota to become the world’s most valuable automotive manufacturer. In contrast to Tesla’s success, the market share of some traditional brands with a long history continues to shrink. Industry giants such as Porsche and Mercedes-Benz have also begun to transform to electrification and intelligent driving. Behind the decline of old-era products and the prosperity of new-era products is the “digital disruption” that we are familiar with.

Mercedes-Benz Vision Avtr, steering wheel-free autonomous driving.

How to Imagine the Future?

If we regard all vehicles on the road as mobile large computers, the imagination space will be very broad. Reliable and powerful hardware (think of stable high-voltage power supply and complex heat dissipation technology) will enable vehicles to become the largest and most powerful terminal devices in the digital era. What else can we expect? AI models can be deployed locally instead of in the cloud; cockpits equipped with VR devices can serve as our entry into the world of metaverse.


Wu, A. (2024) The Story Behind Tesla’s Success (TSLA).

Staff, N. a T.A. (2024) Tesla Releases FSD v12.4: New Vision Attention Monitoring, Improved Strike System With Update 2024.9.5.

VISION AVTR | Future Vehicles (no date).

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Improving healthcare with Virtual Reality




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Virtual Reality is often associated with gaming, but this technology is also increasingly used in other industries including healthcare. For example, in 2019 the company VRrelax launched a VR technology designed for healthcare. It is a scientifically validated relaxation tool and can provide a solution for patients with stress, insomnia, anxiety and depression or also as a distraction from physical discomfort and medical procedures. The app offers relaxation and distraction by taking users to virtual environments, such as beaches or forests, or where they can do interactive exercises during medical treatments for distraction. The tool is widely applicable in healthcare, including hospitals, mental health institutions, elderly care and for people with mild intellectual disabilities. It is therefore very versatile!

the Department Psychiatry of the University Groningen studied the effects of VRelax on psychiatric patients The results of this study showed that VRelax can provide a much-needed, effective, easy-to-use self-management relaxation intervention to enhance psychiatric treatments (Veling et al ., 2021).

In addition, the product can also be used to combat burnouts, absenteeism and health problems (VRelax, 2024)). Figures show that stress, burnout and physical complaints are increasing rapidly, especially among young people Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, 2023). With the VRelax, users are taken to a beautiful and relaxing interactive world. This brings relaxation without effort (VRrelax). Research shows that VRelax reduces stress by as much as 40% within 10 minutes. VR therapy is also used in this way by the police. They must deal with intense situations in their work, are constantly on and function under high pressure ((Vels, 2022).

Virtual Reality can play a crucial role in the healthcare industry in the future. Very  important to mention is the fact that these kinds of innovations focus preventing health problems instead of curing them. With the current shortages in the healthcare system, this could be THE solution for the future! Healthcare currently focuses much more on healing, but prevention is certainly not less important. Products such as the VRelax are widely applicable, relatively cheap and easy to use!

There has also been an huge increase in the demand for demand for cutting-edge digital platforms such as Stamford’s Virtual Heart or VR training simulators for clinical examinations and teaching tools (Visualise, 2022). These global virtual and augmented reality project in the healthcare market are projected toreach $18.7 billion by 2028. These new studies and project are making this now one of the most exciting times and I am very curious to see where these new developments will lead!


Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport. (2023, November 15). Steeds meer beginnende mentale klachten onder jongeren door werkstress. Nieuwsbericht |

Veling, W., Lestestuiver, B., Jongma, M., Hoenders, H. J. R., & Van Driel, C. (2021). Virtual reality relaxation for patients with a psychiatric disorder: Crossover Randomized Controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research23(1), e17233.

Vels, E. (2022, December 30). True-to-life, low-stimulus VR environment protects workers from burnout. IO.

Visualise. (2022, October 24). Virtual reality in the healthcare industry. VISUALISE.

VRelax. (2024, February 15). VRelax – Ontspannen bij stress en pijn

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