Augmented Reality Meets Music: Learn to play the piano with AR technology




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Have you ever dreamed of playing the piano but never really had the time to go for lessons or couldn’t have access to an instrument to play? Now, these problems can easily be solved with the help of the new emerging technology of Augmented Reality (AR).

The logo of the PianoVision app

PianoVision [1] is a new application that uses AR to teach its users how to play the piano, regardless of the user’s access to an actual real piano or a “virtual” one. The app is available on MetaQuest and the gamers can use their headsets to learn notes or hand positions, by either using a fully “virtual” piano or in addition to a real piano [2]. PianoVision is billed as “the next evolution of the world’s most popular instrument” [3].

Using the AR technology, users can see their hands and the real/virtual piano keyboards in front of them while the app overlays interactive animations through the headsets, showing how to play the chosen song on the instrument. What gives an exciting experience is that the app calibrates easily with your physical piano by touching the two end notes from the piano. Once you do this, you can see on your real/virtual piano the octaves and the type of notes from all the piano. The indication of which finger you should use to hit a note is another great feature, together with the app stopping the song when you hit the wrong note and waiting for you until the correct note is pressed. For those interested in learning the theory behind playing the piano, PianoVision also offers the possibility of learning the notes by showing a floating piano sheet above the piano while playing the song on your instrument.

Video showing a sample of a user playing the piano with the help of PianoVision

The founder of the revolutionary application, Zac Reid, launched the app in February 2022 and claimed that he created the app intending to help wannabe musicians learn the piano in the same style as Guitar Hero was intended to teach users how to play the guitar [3]. Guitar Hero is a rhythm game where players use a guitar-shaped controller to simulate playing the guitar [4].

So, are you excited to learn how to play an instrument with the help of the emerging technology of AR? Hop into this adventure that perfectly blends the most representative classical music instrument with the new possibilities offered by augmented reality technology!

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