Persisting Problems in NGO Operations: Could AI Be the Solution?




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Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a crucial role in addressing and improving environmental, social, and political challenges (Devaney, 2022). Among the big organizations are Amnesty International, Oxfam, United Way, and Save the Children, but the list of smaller and local NGOs is also endless. For decades, these impactful operations are paired with substantial challenges for which solutions are not easy to be found. Nonetheless, in today’s rapidly evolving technological environment, there may be a solution on the horizon: Artificial Intelligence (AI). In this article, we will dive deeper into the potential of this technology after having analyzed NGOs’ main problems.

Main Challenges

Research from Bromideh (2011) has brought to light two main challenges NGOs face. One of these problems is a lack of financial resources. NGOs are dependent on acquiring donations and grants, resulting in infrequent and fluctuating money streams. The subsequent large expenditures on aid or campaigns they might encounter makes the financial pressure apparent. Another challenge is the lack of human resources, especially administration and expertise. Given their nature of being non-profit-oriented, the organizations are dependent on volunteers. These volunteers might have varying levels of knowledge, expertise, and working experience. However, due to the aforementioned lack of financial resources, there is limited capacity when it comes to training and professional development into the expertise needed. These problems are persistent and solutions have remained difficult to find. But what if nowadays the solution is closer than ever hoped for?

The Solution?

Artificial Intelligence, the most far-going disruption of the 21st century! The widespread potential of these technologies can also be applied to NGOs to largely reduce their challenges (Dees, 2024). Below, you can find four aspects in which AI can relieve some of the pressing concerns.

Donor Targeting & Engagement. Through machine learning algorithms patterns, trends, and correlations can be identified across the NGO’s donation base. These insights can provide a deeper understanding of who the donors are, what they are looking for, and how to keep engaging them.

Budget Management. As NGO members might not always have in-depth financial literacy, it could be that monetary resources are allocated inefficiently. An AI tool could therefore analyze income and expenses, projects’ financial needs, and unnecessary expenditures (Ames, 2024). Tailored advice can also be given with an eye on the future.

Virtual Assistants. No organization can exist without some form of administration. Members spend significant time on this activity, time which could be “better” spent on the NGO’s mission. With AI, large parts of the administration can be automized.  Document processing, resource allocation, customer service: the possibilities are endless  (Burton, 2024).

Volunteer Management. The process of matching potential volunteers’ skills and availability with the organization’s needs can be optimized through AI algorithms. Additionally, AI-generated training programs can be integrated to help members gain needed skills and knowledge. All these aspects ensure efficient resource allocation and volunteer satisfaction, indirectly increasing retention.


Combining the aforementioned aspects, there are many ways in which AI can be integrated into NGOs’ operations, helping them to reduce the burden of a lack of finance and human capital. As technology continues to advance, more and more aspects can be trusted to AI technology so that NGOs can focus on what really matters.


Ames, O. (2024, May 17). Leveraging AI for Financial Literacy: A Comprehensive Guide. EastRise Credit Union.,strategies%20or%20highlight%20unnecessary%20expenditures.

Bromideh, A. A. (2011, July). The widespread challenges of NGOs in developing countries: Case studies from Iran. International NGO Journal, 6(9), 197-202.

Burton, L. (2024). How AI is Used to Streamline Administrative Tasks in the Modern Office. Swipedon.

Dees, M. H. (2024, May 25). 7 Ways Nonprofits Can Leverage AI Today. Agile Cloud Consulting.,engagement%20and%20fostering%20stronger%20relationships.

Devaney, C. (2022, September 20). What is an NGO: Definition, Duties, Types, Role in Civil Society. Liberties.

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