Who wants to be a Graphic Designer in 10 years?




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In ten years, the landscape of graphic design will probably be entirely different. Generative AI (GenAI) and advanced image creation tools will take on a crucial role in transforming this industry. These technologies are already changing how graphical designers envision their craft, but imagine the potential influence it can have on the future of graphical designing.

Personally, I had never used an image creation tool until a couple of weeks ago. Since I am not a designer myself, I had already learned how to optimize the use of Canva, another designing tool. However, the big difference between Canva and Image creation tools is that with Canva you just use templates or recommendations, but bringing together different aspects to your own personal preferences is something you have to do yourself. With image creation tools, this entire creative thinking process can be skipped, which complete shook my mind. I used to create personalised menu cards, logos or invitations via Canva, but now I first saw the possibilities of creating images with Generative AI.

The first time I used ChatGPT for creating an image. I wanted to create a photo that I could use for my first blog post, so I uploaded my blog and told ChatGPT to create a suitable image for me. I was not entirely satisfied with the result, so I gave some feedback and it gave me an adjusted version. However, I still was unsatisfied but could not put my feedback in words to tell ChatGPT what I wanted to change exactly. Thus, I did not use the self created picture after all, but the future possibilities caught my attention.

It got me thinking about how we could use this feature, and what skills we needed to make optimal use of it. One challenge in particular, is that it is really hard to create an exact description of what the image needs to have, because the tool just guesses what you want. You have to be very specific if you want to create the perfect picture, and know what aspects need to be different. However, this tool can come in very handy for the idea generation. It can provide you with some examples to start your thinking process, and from here you can adjust anything based on your personal preferences.

So what could this mean for professional graphical designers? As these image creation tools become more advanced, they will smooth the fine line between human creativity and GenAI creativity. The role of the professional graphical designer may shift from hands-on creation to the case where the capability of selecting the best generated concepts becomes a key element for the skillset of a graphical designer Designers will need to develop from being makers to strategists who must understand not only aesthetics but also know how to align AI capabilities with brand identity, market trends and user experiences. They have to keep the overview, without losing their creativity or becoming lazy because they think they do not need to think for theirselves anymore.

Furthermore, as more businesses choose to use AI-generated designing techniques, differentiation will become essential. The capacity to combine personal or brand style, human intuition, and emotional depth with AI-driven workflows will be how you can tell designers apart. Rather than being replaced by Generative AI, future graphical designers will work together with these tools, using them as a creative partner to extend their own unique vision.

In 10 years, being a successful graphic designer will be less about mastering software and more about embracing innovation. I am curious how this will look like in the future and how these image creation tools will find their way to professional designers, as well as to lucrative users.

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1 thought on “Who wants to be a Graphic Designer in 10 years?”

  1. I completely agree that the role of graphic designers is shifting. It’s not just about creating anymore; it’s about strategically leveraging these AI tools while maintaining that human touch. I think if you have a sketch or let AI try to improve an original logo or image, it can definitely enhance the outcome and help the AI generate something closer to your vision. I’m particularly intrigued by your point about the need for designers to blend personal style with AI-generated concepts. That mix of intuition and technology could really set apart the great designers of the future.

    I’m also curious about how designers will adapt their skills in this new environment. It feels like there’s a world of potential waiting to be unlocked! Thanks for sharing your insights!

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