Social Media on Autopilot – Cruising at altitude mindless




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Over the last month, a new piece of innovation has tickled my interest. I almost didn’t want to tell you about it.

Assuming that you are like me, unaware of breakthroughs unless social media tells you about it, here, get caught up:

Pretty insane. Pretty ******* insane. What you saw is a no-code automation platform that allows for seamless and streamlined automation of mundane tasks and workflows. The integration of some of the most well-known applications creates possibilities that seem endless to me.

Let’s narrow my month-long experience down. I have been attempting to automate the creation of social media posts. Make, recently introduced full Youtube integration and I wanted to take equally full advantage of it for the chance to leech off the elusive concept of passive income. While I was able to (essentially) automate the creation of quizzes with music and a delayed highlight of the correct answer it was nothing I would ever continually watch.

The experience, however, got me thinking…

This was my first interaction with what I would expect future coding to be. offers users the opportunity to build complex automation and integrations without conventional expertise. I mean sure, deep coding expertise will likely always be needed to reach into the nicks and crevices of software, but c’mon if this isn’t exciting!

What it now allows for (in my mind) is a paradigm shift, the adjustment caters to a whole new target audience. It feels as if Michael Porter himself tore the barriers to entry wide open. Foregoing, technical prowess the focus has shifted towards problem-solving and even more so creativity. The user-friendly interfaces cater to intuition. Do the creative types now take over technical jobs?

And the best part? It’s free!


Make. (2022, February). What is Make?. [Video]. Youtube.

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