Facebook allows teenagers to post public




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Facebook has changed its privacy settings for teens. Therefore they can post public.

By this changes it is possible for young Facebook-users to decide with whom they share their status. By default, a post is shared with friends, and users can specify with whom they want to share a post. Between the age of thirteen and seventeen when an update is shared public, young users be informed through an extra mention at privacy setting.

“Teens can cope very well with social media and want to be heard. Whether it comes to community involvement, activism or their opinion about a film. Therefore, users between thirteen and seventeen now have the ability to share their updates public”, although Facebook.

Adjust the privacy settings gives young people the opportunity to reach a larger audience. Goal of Facebook with this change is to compete with social networks like Twitter and Tumblr where many young people gather. In addition, teens can now turn on the monitor button, so users who are not their Facebook friend can monitor them. These followers see only public posts, as in case with all other users.

What is your opinion of this change? Are teens able to decided about their own privacy settings?


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Wikipedia will be stricter on faced accounts




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Last week we discussed Wikipedia. In this class we discussed inter alia the quality of this encyclopedia created by many authors. We also talked about anonymous and faked accounts of authors. This week I read an article of a stricter approach of Wikipedia to deal with faked accounts.

At this moment Wikipedia is investigate hundreds of accounts that would be used to change information unlawful. These accounts would be paid by companies to change information at their Wikipedia-page. People and companies who have a Wikipedia-page are not allowed to make changes at their own page. Changes or additions can only be made by experts or on the basis of a source.

The last time, people would be active on Wikipedia in commissioned by companies or organizations to promote these companies. This is in contrary with the policy of Wikipedia.

Wikipedia reports that there are hundreds of these types of accounts active on Wikipedia. Meanwhile, there are more than 250 accounts blocked. The open encyclopedia says the matter of this phenomenon is really high, because it might undermine the reliability of the products. The site asks companies that pay people, to make them to stop.

Wikipedia keeps a closer eye on unauthorized changes and additions. In the coming weeks they come up with the results of this approach.

According to a survey of early this year fewer people contribute to Wikipedia. Since 2007, approximately one third of the editors have stopped.


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Dog Jan de Hoop and Cat Grumpy popular on Facebook




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A few weeks ago I read an article about the fact that animals also become more popular on Social Media. The dog of Jan de Hoop and Cat Grumpy are the most popular pets with a social media account. Referring to a research of an online pet store of 700 people.

“Petworking” is hot. This trend is originated in the United States of America en Great Britain. It is about sharing nice videos and pictures on social media. The purpose is to achieve as much as possible followers. The most favorite is Cate Grumpy with almost 1.5 million likes on Facebook, a Wikipedia-page and millions views on YouTube. In the second place is the dog of Jan de Hoop. 18.000 followers on Twitter follow the daily life of Bob.

Top 5 famous animals:

1.    Grumpy Cat, 1.350.788 likes on Facebook 
2.    Bob de Boxer (dog of Jan de Hoop), 18.009 followers on Twitter
3.    Bo (dog of Obama’s), 4.811 likes on Facebook  an 3.398 followers op Twitter
4.    Boo (world famous Facebook dog), 7.448.198 likes
5.    Purrfect (cat of Ceelo Green) 55.406 followers on Twitter.

What do you think of this phenomenon? Do you follow an animal? Would you ever create an account for your own pet?




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Online Social Networks




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This week was about Online Social Networks. About one year ago I have been an intern at L’Oréal. One of my tasks was to keep our page on Facebook up to date. We use Facebook mainly as a marketing tool. For example we post our newest advertisements. Furthermore we post our products, pictures of creative hairstyles we create at show and other marketing related notices. An advantage of this strategy is that it is a cheap way to generate publicity over a huge public. On the other hand, only posting marketing materials can be too unilateral. Indeed customers can experience it as a lot of spam of just advertisements.  Besides, it is also really important to monitor: What is the demand of the network? Firm informedeness or consumer informedness. In this case they use Facebook mostly for consumer informedness, not to listen to customers.  

A competitor of L’Oreal Professionnel is Sebastiaan Professionnel. They use Facebook at a totally different way. Instead of communicate unidirectional, they provoke a conversation with their customers. For example they ask their customers explicit for their opinion. An advantage of this strategy is that their customers get the feeling of being part of a community. The relation between customers and brand changes from a formal to an informal. On the other this strategy is really time consuming. In contrast to L’Oréal Professionnel they use Facebook for firm informedeness. 

What do you think is the best strategy?


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