Digital Maps for Machines




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We currently find ourselves on the cusp of a new generation of vehicles. This new generation will be among the first intelligent robots that humans will interact with. However, before this reality occurs, a wide range of enabling technologies are required. Many of these technologies will not only enable the realization of autonomous vehicles, but also offer sustained innovation for a ride range of new technologies such as delivery drones and smart cities. The most important of these technologies is the development of High Definition Maps (HD Maps).

HD Maps are LIDAR-scanned point clouds (these are composed to form a mesh) which can be layered with image textures to compose a virtual 3D space. As they are laser scanned, the resulting map is incredibly detailed with centimeter-level accuracy. This HD map provides machines an enormous and precise data set which it can use for positioning and route navigation. However, consensus on the requirement of such maps is absent. Adversaries say the high costs of HD mapping is unnecessary for the functioning of autonomous vehicles, cars should be able to function with only using stereo cameras, radar, and an ordinary localized map. On the other hand, proponents are adamant that although autonomous navigation is possible without HD maps, its commercial readiness will only be feasible with maps that can eliminate corner cases such as Tesla’s fatal autopilot crashes. If the Tesla would have cross-checked their perception of ingested sensor data with an HD map, it would have quickly realized that the object ahead was not an overpass, but a truck to which it needs to yield.

The true potential in HD map lies in the automation of map updates by using sensor data from vehicles and machine learning to record real time changes in the cloud. This would enable real-time mapping by leveraging the crowd and significantly reduce the labor for mapping companies to provide updated maps. It would also allow a wide range of machines to make real-time decisions based on actual conditions instead of unrealistic scenarios.

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Dark Data




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Data is the oil of the 21st century says Siemens CEO Joe Kaeser. Recent developments in techniques to analyze large data sets have changed the perceived value of data that companies collect and store. The value of data is on an exponential growth path as technology that is underpinned by machine learning, requires copious data inputs. This also reflects a larger trend in the business industry that has arisen through digital transformation; the shift from intuitive decision making to a more empirical fact-based alternative. Companies are increasingly starting to value their data more and are looking to optimize their decision-making systems. To create such intelligent systems, the machine learning algorithms need large amounts of labelled and structured data. Unfortunately, the efficiency by which companies are able to turn a single data entry into valuable output is very low. In fact, it is estimated by the International Data Corporation that only 10% of data that is collected by firms is used for analysis. So, what is happening with the other 90%?

The 90% is dark data. Dark data is data that has been acquired but cannot be used for analysis or decision making. It is typically unstructured and companies often choose to store it despite the costs and current uselessness in hopes that it may be beneficial in the future. The idea is that the more data accessible to the firm, dark or not, the more future advances in analytics would be able to capitalize. How does data become dark data? In the majority of cases, data becomes dark due to the inability for business systems to process the large amounts of data and make sense of it. An example of this is a facial recognition that can track identify and track users in a store, but does not have the capability to determine and log the facial expressions or interactions of these users. How common is this issue in a business environment? It is estimated that 6.75 septillion megabytes of data goes dark, every day. While firms are eager to source new data inputs, they also need to be conscious of the high inefficiencies in storing data and continue to focus on developing techniques that brings more of this dark data, into the light.


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