How startups are disrupting the car industry ?




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Over the last years, startups have starting to emerge in the car industry with examples such as Uber, Tesla or Blablacar. However, this remains at an early stage and experts are wondering if this is a sustainable trend that will fundamentally transform the industry. The consultancy firm Oliver Wyman has elaborated a few leads in a study that will be summarised in this post.

When thinking about changes in the car industry, we first think about electric or autonomous cars. Nevertheless, the study conducted by Oliver Wyman first pointed the transformation of the startup ecosystem as the main event of the last years. Indeed, according to them, since 2000 more than a 1000 startups have been created and significantly impacted the market. For instance, Blablacar, a french carpooling service has invested around 340 million dollars since 2011. Together, they account for 50 billion of euros in investment over the last 5 years.

These young firms do not position themselves as the old main players, but try to compete differently by disrupting the market. In order to so, they strive to elaborate innovative solutions for the whole supply chain. Hence, we observe investments in R&D, sales, services, resources.

So far, the most significant examples lie in the mobility service sector. Indeed, companies such as Uber or Lyft have experienced impressive growths and many opportunities remain : car sharing, parking solutions, carpooling. The proliferation of these new services have also changed user/consumer behaviour, thus disrupting the market.  According to Oliver Wyman’s study , the share of mobility services in the car industry will be multiplied by 3 in 2025.

Environmental issues are also being tackled by these startups. The market for “ecological” cars is booming. Tesla, Charge point and Aleees are constantly innovating, launching new products and reducing their costs. Tesla cars are for instance getting more and more affordable for customers, such as the company has important waiting lists for its products. The study expects the share for hybrid vehicles to account for 17% in 2020.

As we can see, the car industry is changing and evolving in many of its different sectors. The rise of startups have enhanced innovation, giving birth to new services and opportunities, but technology has also changed user behaviours and habits. The market has thus been transformed in terms of user needs thanks to these startups. Based on this, I think we can reasonably assess that this phenomena will sustain and keep growing, pushing some historical actors of the market out. 


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How Facebook wants to turn Messenger into a distinct social network




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With more than a billion users, the social network company is constantly looking for new ways to exploit the data gathered on its users and improve the app usage.

Hence, since the beginning of the month, the app displays topic conversations under the name of a contact for some american users.

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These topics are generated from the last place visited, a song played or an event the contact has attended. These suggestions are currently in a test phase and Facebook hasn’t confirmed yet that this feature is being implemented.

Behind these new feature lies the strategy of the company that is to transform its messaging app into a distinct social network, dedicated to privileged relationships.

David Marcus, Facebook’s vice president said “Facebook and Messenger are two complementary services”. It is interesting to observe that Facebook is already applying this strategy on its main app, except that it combines personal with public data. For instance, Facebook messages its users about weather forecast, national day or a memory with a friend (other user).

After having implemented direct video calls, birthday reminders, audio calls or payment options, this new feature illustrates well the desire to turn Messenger into a platform dedicated to meaningful relationships by constantly giving them incentives to engage with each other, thus delivering highly qualitative data which constitutes the golden mine of any social network company.

Furthermore, Facebook is slowly building its monetisation system trough the creation of official accounts and personalised sponsored content. It is therefore quite easy to understand why Facebook wants to push its users to engage into conversations and hence deliver valuable content and data.

The strategy and shaping of the Messenger app proves again the importance of value creation through networks but also how today platforms can give incentives to users to deliver the information and data they value the most and will eventually be monetised.


Facebook Messenger suggests what to talk about with “Conversation Topics” feature


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