Robotics in China




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China is fast becoming market leader in the market for service robots. They have robots to help children with their homework or serving diner in restaurants, in Peking there are already 4 restaurant without human waitresses. This weekend all of the Chinese Robot technique is exposed on the worlds biggest robot expo in the Chinese capital.
Since the Chinese president has declared that China has to become the world market leader in 2030 there are no boundaries in the innovation of the robot industry. The government is giving away large subsidies and tax benefits to stimulate the development of robots. In the Chinese regions like Zhejinang which are very industrialized they go one step further and they see the robotics as an essential part in economic development. They suggest that they need the robots to stay competitive and as a solution to the labor shortage. By the one-child policy in China there is a large labor shortage and they are now trying to solve this with robotics.
The service robots make their entry in the lives of wealthy Chinese families. For example the robot Yoby, a robot specially made for company of children and older people. In many families they use this robot to tell ancient stories from the Chinese culture to kids, an activity which many parents don’t have time for. Yoby is one of the most successful robots in the Chinese market and there are currently 4000 companies who sells this robot.
At the other hand there are many critics for the large subsidies for the robot industry. Many companies are only active in this market because of these subsidies and they are seen as very incompetent companies. Many of these companies won’t survive and then the subsidies will be considered as a waste of money. Fortunately there are more supporters and they see a lot of development in the growth of knowledge in the field of robotics.

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The revolutionary change in the binary options market




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The next generation of stock market trading
Each year Startup365 is organizing a competition for innovative startups and in the year 2015 the winner was a very high tech platform with revolutionary new ideas for the trading in binary options. Four students started the platform for their graduation at university but it was so successful that they decide to develop to a real start up. They developed an algorithm which totally disrupted the traditional market for binary trading.
Before this platform the market for binary trading was seen as a market which only was accessible for experienced and professional traders. According to one of the founders the playground for binary trading is no longer the domain of the rich elite. With the development of an algorithm which enables the unexperienced trader to predict 70% of the result of their trades correct they gave the market a total new dynamic. The platform is working with three algorithms and uses many terabytes of data about the market and previous trades. After all these information the system can predict with an accuracy of 70% whether the shares will rise or fall. The founders stated that the selection of winning trades is as strong as the internet connection of the user and will give every person the opportunity to make beautiful profits on the binary trading market.
One of the most remarkable things about the start-up is the fact that they give their algorithms away for free. During the developing and testing they have made enough money and they want to make a significant change in the existing market so they decided to give it away for free. In the video in the following link they show how it works and how you can make a profit with a few clicks within a few seconds.

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