Facebook allows anonymity




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In the few days ago, there was an article about Facebook is ready to launch anonymity application plan. In the article, it said, Facebook will allow you to be yourself, but under a different name. It is the first step of Facebook’s innovation. Obviously, Facebook trys to be different with other internet products, in order to appeal to all kinds of users. One of the important new featrures of Facebook is that it allows anonymous online conversations start. Actually, this feature is similar as many other conversation websites, such as “talk to strangers”. People can talk to anyone they never know each other before anonymously. According to my own experience, anonymous online conversation is very annoying sometimes, however, sometimes it is a good tool to kill spare time. But, most of time the conversation with stranger is extremely short and always limited in “Hi” and “How are you”. Even, the stranger just send you rude and despicable words without any reasons. On this aspect, it would be quite hard for Facebook to control the privacy and human norms.

Nevertheless, many people believe that there will be many benefits from not using the real name. First, concerning with revenue, Facebook needs to invest more capital on real name websites. Anonymity website reduce their operation costs inverse. Second, people could talk more freedom on internet, which would increase the content richness and stimulate more creative ideas. But, it also brings a lot of potential problems for anonymity Facebook application. Due to in the past years, Facebook had used its real-name policy to prohibit abuse and pollution. And, now it is unclear for us to know how Facebook would active in order to protect users from spams. What’s more, real name website indeed reduce the cyber criminals.

Will you use Facebook anonymity application after it is launched? Why are you going to use it? What other features or functions do you expect to have on Facebook?






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Crowdsourcing: new way of recruitment




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Recently, I read an article about crowd-sourced recruiting. As the leader of the crowd-sourced recruiting, LinkedIn successfully provides the solution on recruitment and users’ information services. All of top 500 companies began to use crowd-sourced recruiting since 2002. After LinkedIn was launched in the market successfully, more and more companies increased investment in social media channels, and decreased the spending on recruitment fairs. Companies are willing to use internet and outsource vacancies, in order to find creative ideas and employees. Crowdsourcing applications help companies save much time and cost during the recruitment procedures. Because, interviews, online tests, interview recordings, training are all automatically managed by software.

Benefits from crowdsouced recruiting:
1.Candidates stand out: Candidates are better placed to make sure they stand out from the crowd, by sharing their ideas and applying their skills to a problem you set
2.Organizations stand out: Organizations can stand out as a recruiter, demonstrating innovative and open thinking
3.Live assessment: Seeing candidates in action and applying their skills to a task you set enables you to assess them based on a real-life scenario, rather than just a list of qualifications and an interview
4.Multi-tasking: Not only can a recruitment challenge bring you the next bright hire, it can also solve as a brainstorming exercise to generate news ideas and fresh perspectives on a problem you’re facing
5.Not just the usual suspects: A new and more open recruitment process, placing more emphasis on ability to complete a task, gives you a risk-averse way to consider strong and viable candidate who may have something incredible to offer but may be otherwise overlooked due to not fitting the standard form
6.Fun! Recruiting through a Challenge should be much more fun (and a learning experience) for both the candidates and the recruiting organization

However, recruiting systems are not always stable, which result in candidates reject by recruiters accidentally. Therefore, talented person might drain to other companies. So, what do yo think of crowdsourced recruiting? Were you suffered from recruiting system problems? What other disadvantages exist in crowdsouced recruiting?






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Summary of Home Assignment




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Topic: Engaging Customers and Prosumers

The first article in this week is called Tweet Me, Friend Me, Make Me Buy. From the article we know that understand and engage in today’s business environment is the key to the success for corporations. In the new channels, sales represent don’t need to start the conversation, but let everyone participate in the conversation and try to build harmony relationship with users. Additionally, social media marketing is an innovation way to do marketing. Nevertheless, policies and regulations are still loose and problems could not be controlled. Therefore, policies and laws should be soon to be established, in order to minimize the privacy risks and avoid cutthroat competitions.

The second article talks about twitter channels. It talks about both advantages and disadvantages of tweet channels. However, in my opinion, new online platforms have more advantages than disadvantages. They do help companies improve their services. Especially in Twitter and Facebook pages, users could get closer to the companies. And consumers could express their opinions and questions to companies directly and rapidly. On another hand, companies can respond to users quickly when users meet problems on their products or services. Comparing to old ways, telephone call and email always waste time and money. What’s more, massive online promotions are the easiest way to establish brand image, which helps consumers to increase brand awareness.

From the related articles, there have ideas on how to solve the negative comments on social media. First, listen to your customers patiently and attentively is important. Second, companies should ask customers plenty of open questions in order to clearly understand their problems. And employs should learn skills on how to ask questions appropriately. Third, to be an open-mind attitude to your customers is necessary. Sometimes their questions are harsh. Conversely, it’s a chance for you to improve your products. Fourth, to be honest and to be a person is a good way to be success. Customers would be trust you more, if you treat them like friends instead of strangers. Last but not least, commit yourself is the key on how to start a good conversation. Assure your customers that his or her input will be used, and enhancing customers’ loyalty. To sum up, social media helps company to achieve mission and objectives, while at the same time, companies should be careful to deal with these strategies.


Barry, C., Markey, R., Almquist, E. and Brahm, C. (2011). Putting social media to work. A white paper, Bain & Co.

Giamanco, B., and Gregoire, K. 2012. Tweet me, friend me, make me buy. Harvard Business Review.
Li, T., Berens, G., and de Maertelaere, M. 2014.  Corporate Twitter channels: The impact of engagement and informedness on corporate reputation . International Journal of Electronic Commerce, forthcoming.
Li, T. and Soonius, G. 2012. Is your social media strategy effective? An empirical study of the factors influencing the success of Facebook campaigns. Proceedings of the Workshop on Electronic Business, Orlando, FL, December.

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Dell on social media




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Nowadays, social media plays an important role in our daily life. Therefore, B2B (business to business) related company are more interested in doing marketing promotion by using social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube.

Recently, I read a successful business marketing case about Dell. Dell not only operates in B2B market, but also operates in B2C (business to customer) market, and it is famous for its low operation cost. So, they decide to use social media, which is the cheapest and more creative way to access to their customers. They use Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and many other social media to do promotion. Dell uses social media to listen, learn and engage with our customers. They join customers’ discussions, instead of just observe them. Dell joins the conversations every day, which could get better understanding of consumers’ needs. So that Dell could be able to deliver the specialized products and customized services to customers.

In my opinion, company should not rely on social media too much in the long term. Because, viruses cannot be controlled. Once viruses enter into social media, the brand image and reputation would be damaged. At the meantime, competitors will catch the chance to hacker and spread negative words. So that, people will begin to lose the trust on that company. Furthermore, some people like me always feel the online promotion sales are always difficult to participate. Sometimes, we restrict by bugs, time. And sometimes, we feel uncomfortable in payment. Lastly, those company who mainly focus on online marketing are easy to lose the group of people who seldom use social media.

So, how company win the trust from the people who seldom use social media? And how company deal with those drawbacks (such as viruses) of social media?


How Dell’s Social Media Strategy Applies to Your Business




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