Diffusion and Social Influence




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This week the topic is diffusion and social influences. Personally, after reading all the literature from the week, I find platforms with two-sided markets is a very interesting topic. Thus, I looked into this topic and came up with two cases to discuss as well.

First of all, a platform with two-sided markets means that this platform provides a support that facilitates interactions among two sides that it serves or in another word, this platform enables two sided markets to interact with each other. Moreover, nowadays, a multi-sided platform (MSP) is becoming even more popular. Based on the name it is not hard to realize the definition of a MSP which is a platform as providing a support that facilitates interactions among two or more sides that it serves. One example is a platform which is called CareerProfessor. CareerProfessor is an app with different questions which contain different topics such as business cultures, social rituals and job hunting skills etc. The platform aims at connecting students or alumnus with their universities. In the other word, universities can use this app to collect data from their students and alumnus in order to build up a community inside universities. How it works is that only one-sided market needs to pay the services, which is universities in the case. While students do not need to pay any fees. Moreover, only if a university buy the licenses and sending out invitations to their students, then students can have access to the app in the app store. The other example is Adams, a traditional platforms connecting job seekers and companies in the Netherlands. How Adams works is that as a job seeker, it is free to register as a member and they will help them find a suitable position but without any promises. While later if the agency finds a job for a client, that person can either sign the contract with the agency or a company, but no matter in which way, the agency will get part of the salaries as their commission fees.

There are quite some similarities between these two platforms, however, they do use different marketing strategies and approaches to access the markets. In general, I think CareerProfessor has more potentiality to improve its business than Adams, since CareerProfessor as a platform may attract more parties to join. Not only has the app originally concerned about universities and students or alumnus, but also companies may also show more interested in the students graduating from that university due to a good university reputation and high employabilities of its students. Then in a long term, CareerProfessor can develop a multiplatform bundle to include universities, students, alumnus and companies, which definitely will help the company to improve its competitive abilities compared to Adams.


About Adams Multilingual Recruitment. (n.d.). Retrieved October 8, 2014, from http://www.adamsrecruitment.com/about-us/about-adams.html

Economides, N., & Tåg, J. (2012). Network neutrality on the Internet: A two-sided market analysis. Information Economics and Policy, 24, 91-104. Retrieved from http://www.stern.nyu.edu/networks/Economides_Tag_Net_Neutrality.pdf

Eisenmann, T., Parker, G., and Van Alstyne, M.W. 2006. Strategies for Two-Sided Markets. Harvard Business Review 84(10) 92-101. Retrieved from http://bblp.eur.nl/bbcswebdav/pid-377831-dt-content-rid-3055341_1/courses/BKBMIN030-14/hyatt_sloan08_oh-so-practical%20magic%20of%20open%20source%20innovation.pdf

Hagiu, A., & Wright, J. (2011). Multi-sided Platforms. Harvard Business School. Working Paper. Retrieved from http://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Publication Files/12-024.pdf

Hagiu, A. (2007). Multi-sided Platforms: From microfoundations to design and expansion strategies. Harvard Business School. Retrieved from http://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Publication Files/07-094.pdf

Klein, B. (2011). The Microsoft Case: What can a dominant firm do to defend its market position? Journal of Economic Perspectives, 15(2), 45-62. Retrieved from http://pubs.aeaweb.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1257/jep.15.2.45

Li, T., Sprengers, D., and van Dalen, J. 2013. Leveraging public sentiment to beat the market. Working Paper. Retrieved from http://bblp.eur.nl/bbcswebdav/pid-377831-dt-content-rid-3055333_1/courses/BKBMIN030-14/wise12_submission.pdf

Peer Pressure and Consumer Behavior. (n.d.). Retrieved October 8, 2014, from http://www.123helpme.com/peer-pressure-and-consumer-behavior-view.asp?id=166811

Rochet, J., & Tirole, J. (2003). Platform competition in two-sided markets. European Economic Association. Retrieved from http://www.rchss.sinica.edu.tw/cibs/pdf/RochetTirole3.pdf

What is CareerProfessor. (2014). Retrieved October 8, 2014, from http://www.careerprofessor.works/about/

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iPhone 6 Plus #Bendgate Discussion




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Apple just released its new versions of iPhone – as known as iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. It should be an exciting moment for all the Apple fans to upgrade their iPhones! However, this time, a controversial issue seems to become bigger and bigger that iPhone 6 Plus is easy to bend?! On Wednesday, owners of iPhone 6 Plus took to social media to complain that iPhone 6 Plus unexpectedly bent when they put their phones in their pockets. Afterwards, the mass show an extremely high attention on this topic, especially on social media level. Not only the regular audience, who may the current users of iPhone 6 Plus or potential buyers of the phone show their concerns on the iPhone 6 Plus bendgate issue, but also many competitors of Apple and popular websites try to make fun of the product in a very sarcastic way on social media. Personally, I found the most interesting case is how 9GAG, which is a famous social media website, reacts to the issue. Going to 9GAG Facebook page, since this Wednesday, which is 24th of September, there have been around 10 posts regarding to this bendgate issue. In 2 days, half of the 9GAG posts are related with the iPhone 6 Plus bendgate issue. Moreover, LG, Nokia and Samsung are also involved in the topic discussions. LG even posts a picture to respond the issue in a very funny way.


Afterwards, I am very curious about how Apple reacts to such an issue after reviewing so many anti-voices. Therefore, I went to Apple’s official page to check it out. Surprisingly, the website does not have any official declarations on the page. The only place you can find out the issue is under the SUPPORT column that some users made a post in the community and anyone can contribute to the answers. However, it is really hard to find a very authentic answer responding to the topic. Apart from Apple Website, there are actually quite a lot of blogs talking about the issue. They quoted some statements from Apple’s official responses, while those ‘statements’ also come from other blogs’ contents. So it is a bit weird for me that Apple hasn’t offer any official statements from its own channel yet. Also as everyone knows that Apple does not really own any official social media channels. It is maybe a tricky part for Apple to deal with this situation. In the most blogs, the opinions on the iPhone 6 Plus bendgate issue are not very positive. Regarding from the blog post of Forbes recently, the title of the article is ‘Apple responds to the iPhone 6 bendgate but questions remains’. The other blog post from 9to5Mac even indicates that 30% of readers are concerned about this bendgate issue based on their own poll results.

I think Apple really needs to come up with good social media strategies to subside the issue, but on the other hand, what would you do if you are market risk manager of Apple?

In the end, I want to share some heated posts on 9GAG with you. 😀

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Apple responds to iPhone 6 Bendgate controversy, says only 9 customers have complained



Apple says some bent iPhone 6/Plus phones will be replaced under warranty

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Social Media Power – The HeForShe Campaign




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Emma Watson, UN Women Global Goodwill Ambassador, delivered a speech on declaring the official launch of the HeForShe Campaign at United Nations Headquarters in New York on September 20, 2014. The HeForShe Campaign is led by UN Women and aims at “putting men at center of activism and dialogue to end persistent inequalities faced by women and girls around the world”.

The speech video was posted on Youtube through the HeForShe official Youtube channel. Only 4 days pass, the video already got more than 862,900 views on the channel, which means everyday the video reaches at least 200,000 people all over the world on average. What a big number! Since the video gets vrius online, other social media platforms of the HeForShe Campaign also get boosted a lot. According to the numbers sent out from Ogilvy, a famous PR agency in the world, HeForShe saw an 82% increase in Twitter followers within 24 hours of the Saturday launch, a 305% increase in Facebook likes, and a 3,500% increase in Instagram follower. It is a dramatic increase of social media attention in general on the HeForShe Campagin in such a short time period. It is also very interesting to see that all the social media platforms are quite connected in a sense that one platform’s attention can lead to another one and another one. Personally, I only found out this campaign few days ago after the Youtube video was posted. However, when I went to the HeForShe Facebook page, I found out that the page already joined Facebook since 8th March this year. In this sense, maybe Youtube Channel or video channels in general are more popular and easier to reach out audience than Facebook page?

After the HeForShe Youtube video goes virus online. More and more people, even celebrities participate in this movement. The most active platform so far is Twitter, every user can use #HeForShe to join the conversation and express their opinions on feminism. According to the blog posts from BuzzFeed, ELLE and PRNewser, celebrities such as Russell Crowe, Simon Pegg, Chris Colfer, Tom Hiddleston, Douglas Booth, Matthew Lewis and Joseph Gordon-Levitt all respond to Emma’s HeForShe Campaign, which boosts the whole Movement to a new peak level. Social media and halo effect are absolutely tightly attached with each other. On the one hand, celebrities use social media to promote certain images about themselves. While on the other hand, celebrities use their personal influences based on popularity to draw more social media attentions on certain issues. In this case, the participations of celebrities including Emma herself, also contributes to the partly success of social media promotions in my opinion.

So do you think Youtube Channel is more influencial than Facebook Page somehow? Or in this case, if Emma is not a popular celebrity in the first place, maybe the HeForShe will not even popular in the first place? Whether social meida is the key to success of the HeForShe Campaign launch? Share your thoughts with me. 😀








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No More Facebook Like-Gating Soon!




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What does it mean – No more Facebook like-gating? Recently, Facebook just changed its platform policy to ban the practice that as known as ‘like-gating’. Here is what the policy content has been updated:

Only incentivize a person to log into your app, like your app’s Page, enter a promotion on your app’s Page, or check-in at a place. Don’t incentivize other actions. Effective November 5th, 2014, you may no longer incentivize people to like your app’s Page.

It is very obvious that Facebook no longer wants Facebook Page mangers to use any kind of promotions or giveaways in exchange of likes on their pages.

Why Facebook wants to change the situation? Why does it matter to normal Facebook users or Facebook Page managers? Here is my thoughts.

The biggest reason why Facebook wants to change the policy is because Facebook wants to improve both users’ and advertisers’ experience with Facebook. Here is the answer directly given by Facebook:

To ensure quality connections and help businesses reach the people who matter to them, we want people to like Pages because they want to connect and hear from the business, not because of artificial incentives. We believe this update will benefit people and advertisers alike.

I believe banning like-gating will be beneficial for both sides (users and advertisers) in the end as well. On the one hand, for a normal Facebook user, many times they will like a page in order to enter a contest, get a reward or a coupon, while how much they really like a page or a company is hard to be predicted. Moreover, many users are already complaining about they get invited for such promotions quite often on Facebook, while they feel quite annoyed. That’s exactly the problem that most Facebook page managers treat Facebook as a very commercial platform and even apply many pushy marketing strategies when they promote products or companies. On the other hand, for advertisers, banning like-gating is surely a good news, since they can get to know their target groups more accurately. Otherwise, if Page Like only based on like gating, then most of the time, those users are not highly engaged. Besides, if this policy can really improve users’ experience with Facebook. Then more people will be present online longer, which helps increase the exposure chances of advertisements on the home page in a longer term.

Now the trend is changing from like-gating to action-gating on Facebook, which requires Facebook marketers to create more high-value and audience-engaged posts online in order to attract more fans. In general, I believe this action will help Facebook have a better business model and a better user feedback.

So what do you think of this policy made by Facebook? What kinds of influences do you think this decision will bring on Facebook users/ advertisers/ Facebook marketers? Share your thoughts with me! 😀




No More Facebook Like-Gating: What It Means and Why You Should Care


Facebook Bans The “Like Gate;” Pages Have 90 Days To Comply

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