Cyber security: it’s neccessary!




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Last year, the total cybersecurity expenses globally were up to 60 billion dollars. Cybercriminals investments are estimated up to 300 to 600 billion dollars. It’s about time that companies establish their cyber security!

Digital resources are inevitable in business. The online business is vulnerable when we are looking at security and privacy. It is very important that schools teach their students about these aspects. Since children start using the internet as communication platform at a very early age, it is important that schools act on this. Awareness is everything in this field and the students’ needs to aware of the potential dangers of the internet. Teachers must be properly educated in this field. This is why investments in education are needed for training.

Not only schools, but also the government plays an important role in the awareness of cyber attacks. In the Netherlands, the government has the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), which plays an important role in the safety of the Dutch internet users.
Whoever uses public Wifi spots, must be aware that hackers can easily duplicate such spots and use your personal information. A good cyber strategy is therefore not only focused on the technical aspects, but also on the human aspect of security.

Successful cyberattacks can cause some serious reputation damage. Imagine for instance when people’s personal information of dating sites is leaked. This could cause a lot of inconveniences and might even mean the ending of some marriages. For companies a cyber attack could mean loss in revenues, profitability and customer relationships. Moreover, it could also cause image damage when for instance personal information of customers or deals are exposed to the public. This can lead to serious problems for companies as banks or government instances. It does not just concern companies in the IT branch.

Considering all of the aforementioned problems, I think that cyber security must be placed on the agenda in all boardrooms. It is always better to prevent something than to cure it. By making society aware of the potential threats of the internet, we can already prevent problems.

Additionally, developers also play an important part in cyber security. They must always be aware of the security of the companies data. The process of protection must start in the software architecture and be continued in the design of this software. Afterward, the quality of the safety must be tested and if necessary, the software must be adapted in order to keep the company safe from cyber attacks.

All in all, it is important that society is educated about the dangers of the internet. The government and business must work together to protect our privacy and theirs. It is one of the biggest problems of the present, and must be taken into consideration in every boardroom globally.


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The future of grocery shopping




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When we were little, it was very common to join your mom on her trip to the supermarket. Nowadays, we can order almost everything we need online. We love to buy shoes, clothing and electronic devices online. But how about groceries? Why do we still go to the supermarket and drag around all those heavy bags? Is the future of the grocery shopping found in the online supermarkets?
In recent years, technological disruptions made it easier for customers to shop their groceries online. The mobile devices and technologies have been improved, which causes a lot of retailers to adapt their strategies. The rise in popularity of companies as Amazon and Wallmart are the living prove for this.
This online-shopping hype, also goes up for supermarkets. In the Netherlands for example, established supermarkets such as Jumbo and Albert Heijn have adapted their strategies and have made it possible for customers to order their groceries online. Why? Online supermarkets make consumers life a little easier. They try to save their customers time, money, gas and inconveniences by delivering their groceries (Forbes, 2015). Even though this sounds like a great idea, the online grocery market in the Netherlands only has a market share of 1,3% in 2015 ( 2016). The main reason for this relatively low percentage, might be that customers don’t like to pay service costs related to the delivery of the groceries.
You could say, that the market is screaming for a disruptor in this industry. Luckily, I think that a disruptor has been found in the Dutch market. In September 2015 Picnic supermarkets started operating. This supermarket is an app-only supermarket, that delivers groceries to your doorstep for free, if you buy products worth of €25,-. On top of this, the supermarket has a lowest price guarantee and if you order before 22:00 pm, you get the groceries delivered the next day. It must be no surprise that this company is growing at an exceptional level and that it seems that customers are starting to get used to the idea of online grocery shopping. So what do you think? Are we going to buy all of our groceries online in the future? Or, in ten years from now, will we still be taking our kids by their hand to the supermarket.

Step by step, physical grocery stores are becoming back ends for online shopping

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