Drone Racing, what do you need to know about it?




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What is drone racing exactly?

Drone racing is exactly what the name is telling you. The pilots use an FPV (First Person View) system, this is mostly done with virtual reality glasses, to allow them to race the drone just like if they were in the cockpit. The first person view is a functional requirement, as the pilot needs full control over his drone.

Despite there are some drone races here and there, drone racing is still relatively new. It is getting more and more attention and funding from companies which only confirms that drone racing will eventually get popular pretty soon.

What kind of drone do you need?

First person view racing drones are specifically made just for one purpose, racing. Most of these drones are small in size. Originally, the drones had bigger dimensions but due to the need for maneuverability improvements with high speed, the drones started getting smaller. Also, The smaller dimensions reduces the chance of them crashing into an object and it allows them to fit through smaller spaces.

Websites such as helipal.com are selling these First person view drones. You can make your own too, but that will cost you a lot more work. Speed is extremely important for obvious reasons. You should try to aim for speeds of at least 50mph (90 km/h) or above. Moreover, the drone need to be durable and easy to repair cause of the fair chance that you will crash it somewhere. At last, the quality of the FPV camera is crucial. You need to know where you are flying in order to maneuver smooth over the track.

How to learn flying a Race Drone?

My advice would be to first learn how to hover a drone and control it. After learning the basics of flying a drone, you can start learning how to race. When you first try the First person view, try to fly on an open grass field for instance and get accustomed to the point of view. It’s important to learn how to do tricks such as nosedives, flips, rolls and other things because you might eventually use them when racing.

Start racing!

Do a quick Google search and try to find a local league. https://www.droneracers.nl/ is a Dutch website where you can find everything about Drone racing within the Netherlands. I would recommend you start off in a local league before. It’s good to get some experience before you enter into competitions.

Curious how a Drone Race looks like? Watch this video!



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Modobag is a drivable suitcase that needs your attention




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When you travel quite a lot in your live, you know that airports around the world can be a pain to navigate. It is not really enjoyable to walk for 40 minutes to get to your gate. Of course, a numerous airports have the moving walk helps, which are convenient but not the ideal solution. It was about time that someone would take the problem seriously and would try to be innovative. How about a drivable suitcase? Would it tickle your fancy? Now, there is one, and it is called the Modobag!

The Modobag is quite some sophisticated engineering. The suitcase is capable to drive 8 mph (13 km/h) with a radius of 5 miles (8.5 kilometers). A truly brilliant technology. All the parts to make the suitcase moving take only 15% of the inside of the suitcase. This was a priority during the development as the suitcase still needed to be usable with this feature. When you watch the video (see link at the end of the article), you see why this suitcase is an instant success. You can hardly miss you flights in the future when driving around on the Modobag.

As shown in the video, a smile says more than a thousand words. Currently, the project is still in kickstarter mode. You can find more information on their IndieGoGo page. The early bird price for a Modobag is only 995 US dollars. After the launch, the price will rise to 1,199.- US dollars. A good price to have some fun on the airport right? It is always allowed to let your younger self out.

Do you think this is a suitcase you would buy? What do you think that are the pros and cons? What do you think about the weight of 8.6 kg? Do you think it is fast enough? Feel free to submit a comment!


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