Where Google failed, and where Snap may succeed, is in how the public perceives the product. Google Glass was an attempt at putting the experience of a smartphone inside a pair of glasses. Spectacles are designed for one thing, and one thing only.Filming short, throwaway clips from one’s own view-point By deliberately limiting what Spectacles can do, Snap Inc has streamlined the product and kept the price tag low. Spectacles retail at $129.99, less than a pair of designer sunglasses and much less than a pair of $1500 Google Glasses. This price is affordable for most comsumers.
Another difference is the design. Spectacles look cooler and less nerdy than Google Glass. The spectacles are available in black, teal and coral, and are basically looking like sunglasses you can buy at popular sunglasses webshops Cheapasszonnebrillen and Ikhebeenbril

Snap Inc has come up with a very creative idea and design to charge the Spectacle. The Snap Spectacles charger is like a case of sunglasses, it keep-safes the sunglasses so they don’t break and it also charges the spectacle. The battery should last a day and you can get up to four full recharges from the portable charging case.

Snap spectacles have a unique feature which indicates that it is recording a video.
The glasses have a light on the front alerting people you’re recording. This feuture was indicated due to the privacy criticism Google getted.
I think the Spectacle will be a success since it is affordable and it looks nice. Most of Snapchat users are young people (13-16 years old) who are willing to buy these kinds of products