Visual Search: Seek and You Shall Find




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 Blog 2

You are casually scrolling through Instagram and your favorite influencer is wearing a very cute top. However, she did not mention in the description where she bought that top. You try looking at the comment section, but with no result. You go to your favorite online stores and type in a few keywords: “no styles found”. You try different keywords, but the results are far from what you had in mind. Defeated you stop your search.  Everyone that shops online has encountered this problem.  Companies are now exploring different options to make your hunt a bit easier. One of those options is visual search.

With visual search you can just upload that picture of the top you liked in a search engine of a web shop. The web shop will then give you recommendations based upon items that look most similar to the top you wanted. Easy, isn’t it? This will significantly improve customer search experience (, 2017), so it is not a surprise that some companies are already making use of this technology; ASOS for example. The online clothing company just added a visual search feature to their IOS app where users can search for clothes based upon a photo they upload to the app. The app will then look for the most similar alternative. Users said that the app did not find exactly what they were looking for, but found clothes with similar styles and patterns (Lomas, 2017).

A considerable number of companies believe that visual search is the future, so it is not surprising that some companies invest heavily in it. One of those companies is Google; with Google Lens they are trying to enter the world of visual search. Users can ultimately take a picture of everything, e.g. a restaurant, and Google will then return relevant information. Your mobile phone will basically change into a visual search engine. Since Google has a very big database it has the prospect to feed and improve the neural networks that are needed to make Google Lens work (Boyd et al., 2017).  Furthermore, Pinterest will also launch their visual search engine called Pinterest Lens. Pinterest users can use the app to take a picture to find what they were looking for. The Pinterest search engine is known for its accuracy, and it works especially well with clothes and household items (Boyd et al., 2017).

 (2017). Visual search technology: Why should retailers care?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Sep. 2017].

Lomas, N. (2017). Asos adds search-by-photo to its fashion ecommerce app. [online] TechCrunch. Available at: [Accessed 29 Sep. 2017].

Boyd, C., Boyd, C., DiSilvestro, A., Boyd, C. and Moore, J. (2017). Everything you need to know about visual search (so far) | Search Engine Watch. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Sep. 2017].

Econsultancy. (2017). How visual search is helping ecommerce brands. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Sep. 2017].


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How is one of the largest tech companies related to fashion?




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Imagine a world where tech nerds dictate the latest fashion trends. What would a world like that look like? What clothes do you think that we would wear? Which colors would be hot and which colors would be totally out of style? Weird, isn’t it? What if I told you that it is already happening all around us with some help of cognitive computing.

Cognitive computing tries to mimic the way a human thinks through self-improving algorithms, pattern recognition and natural language processing (Marr, 2017).  A supercomputer that is currently changing the fashion industry by using cognitive computing is IBM’s Watson. Watson uses deep learning algorithms and neural networks to process information. The more data the system has, the faster and more accurate is becomes. By using a decision-making tree the supercomputer will come up with a solution to solve any problem (Marr, 2017). 

But how is this supercomputer trying to change the fashion industry? Well in 2016 the computer designed a dress together with fashion house Marchesa for the prestigious Mett Ball.  Watson analyzed a considerable amount of data to find the perfect fabric for the dress. Through pattern recognition it also came up with a perfect color for the dress. It analyzed previous dresses worn to the Mett Ball (IBM Cognitive Stories, 2017).  If you’re not amazed already, you surely will be after this fun fact: the dress could change color by analyzing tweets of hundreds of Mett Ball fans. The dress had LED lamps attached to it and the color would change depending on the emotions in the tweets.  Rose meant joy, coral stood for passion, aqua indicated excitement, lavender represented curiosity, and butter showed encouragement (Bain, 2017).

Furthermore, together with Australian designer Jason Grech IBM launched its first cognitive collection. Watson analyzed thousands of images to come up with the design of 12 dresses (Anon, 2017).  Designer Jason Grech is also very passionate about architecture; not only did he feed Watson images of dresses, he also used pictures of his favorite buildings. Watson blended everything to come up with a lovely collection (Spolini, 2017).

The fashion industry definitely has to look out for Watson. He might be the next big thing.




Marr, B. (2017). Forbes Welcome. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Sep. 2017].

IBM Cognitive Stories. (2017). IBM Cognitive Stories – Marchesa with Watson. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Sep. 2017].

Bain, M. (2017). IBM Watson co-designed the most high-tech dress at the Met Gala. [online] Quartz. Available at: [Accessed 24 Sep. 2017].

Anon, (2017). IBM The Cognitive Collection. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Sep. 2017].

Spolini, N. (2017). Cognitive Computing supports fashion designer. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Sep. 2017].

 Trendz, S. (2017). <center>IBM Watson turns designer, collaborates with Marchesa to create a cognitive dress : MET Gala 2016</center>. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Sep. 2017].

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