Why you need to go to South-Korea (with the studytrip)!




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Firstly, because it is a really pretty and unique country. The culture is indescribable, there are so many interesting habits and nice traditions. People are kind and so helpful and the food is amazing. Furthermore, the drinking culture is huge, and it is not over when you have a job, no then it actually starts, since you are socially obliged to go drinking with colleagues and your boss.

Okay, enough awesomeness and little facts. Let’s make this a relevant article for the course.

I went with my exchange to the immense city Seoul in South-Korea. This city just breathes technology. With the headquarters of Samsung, Hyundai Motor Company, Korea Electric power Corporation, POSCO and LG electronics, South-Korea has transformed into an economic heavyweight. South-Korea is one of the fast-growing economies. In 1960 the growth per capital was 11% of the United stated growth per capita GDP and this increased to 49% in 1995. But how did this country which was overrules by many other countries over the years grew economically so fast?

South-Korea who has never been independent before 1948, the year of their victory on Japan, has made such a tremendous transformation. Korea is in the middle of low-labor-cost China and the high-tech, capital industries of Japan. The government had to build a creative economy due to the spending on R&D which is the result of the high demand for new technological developments from its domestic customer base. The Korean government desired to develop low-manufacturing exports, which created the start of South-Korea’s economic success after the Korean War. However, the conglomerates or in Korean they are called ‘Chaebols’, emerged into strong multinational corporations who became essential for the transformation. These big companies, such as Samsung and Hyundai, enabled a massive pooling of resources. As a consequence, Korean manufacturing went into a new phase of growth which was depicted by technological leadership and innovation.

According to Bloomberg 2017 Innovation Index, South-Korea is the big winner. South-Korea is investing heavily in R&D, value added activities and patent activities, which increases the technology intensity. Your mobile phone that you are using to read this blogpost with, or where you will check your email on, is almost certainly produced in South-Korea, as it is the number one producer of cellphones. But also in displays, semiconductors and shipbuilding.

South-Korea’s strategy was and will be to diversify its economy through high-value innovation and increase global competition to create new growth industries for the future.


PS If you want to know more about South-Korea, its technological and economic development or about the people or the coffee-taste, approach me.









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Three things you didn’t know about your future sex life




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It is the most important and distinguishable aspect as a human being; intimacy. Living in 2017, has shown that many innovation has already taken place, but also still a lot of possibilities in this field exist. As the world is becoming more integrated and digitally connected, what does this mean for our most distinctive character as human being? Is it possible to make love with a real person, who is at the other side of the ocean? Will it be true that you cannot only love a person, but maybe as well a robot?
Since I believe many BIM’mers are not up-to-date regarding all the new innovations that have taken place in the sex industry. Me neither, so that’s why I did the research and saved you guys some odd findings in google. Unless you might have or had a long distance relationship. Being apart for such a long time makes you dependent on skype or facetime to see each other, calling for hearing each other and send your intimate and private pictures via Bleep. Ofcourse, besides visiting there is no physical interaction between the two of you, which you kind of regret.

But hé after reading this blog, your sexlife will definitely change, wanna bet?
Since 2015 the gadget Kissinger exist, which allows you to kiss your beloved one at the other side of the world and exactly feel her/his mouth movement. This is how it works: you press you mouth on the smooth pad and your beloved person, but also someone else you might want to kiss on the cheek or who knows who else you want to kiss, can receive this data. High precision force sensors are embedded under the silicon lip to measure dynamic forces at different parts of your lips during a kiss. The device send the data to your phone, which sends it to your partner or partners, depending on you. Via miniature linear actuators your lips can be replicated on your partner’s lips to create a realistic kissing sensation. It is also possible to feel it when your partner kisses you back. However, it is not possible to use your tongue. Sorry guys, still got to go for the old-school kiss. But, wait for it, it will be better!

Eventhough it is not possible to kiss your partner virtually with a tongue it is possible to have virtual sex! Technology is awesome!
Since this July 2017, it is also possible to have virtual sex with your partner or a virtual person. Yes you read that correct, there is an actual device that collects the data of your movement and send it to the other device which reproduces these movements. A Dutch company based in Amsterdam (Okay rest of the world; your prejudgments are justified) called Kiiro developed the Fleshlight. It has a device for him and for her, which can be connected.
But if you do not want to connect the device with your partner, sometimes it can get boring, it is also possible to use it with your phone and a VR gear. This creates a picture of watching porn, but in fact you will be the star of the show.

As we built on to a climax, there are more innovations going on at the moment that might surprise you. The robot industry has proved that robots can do things that they would have never thought of earlier. They are able to communicate and even differentiate moods of the person they are talking to based on their tone, intonation and speed. This is not everything yet, these lifelike dolls can even adjust to the different moods and also show empathy. Robots are becoming more human. And these characteristics were the missing dots in the picture. It is not a dull sexrobot, but this robot can be replaced for an actual partner.

See the girl at the top of this page, take a second look.. Yep, she’s a robot.
Upcoming January the concept of lifelike sex will be one step closer. In this months a realistic doll, with anatomically correct sizes and an animatronic talking head with a programmable personality will make her debut. According to the designer, “‘Harmony’ is a sophisticated piece of machinery and her primary design is to carry on a conversation.” Her vocabulary is endless and almost every physical and personal feature can be modified, so also the bad moods can be eliminated. Furthermore, she is able to move her eyes, blink, raise her eyebrows, turn her head and change her facial expressions. You can program her completely according your taste and wishes. So nowadays it is possible to design and program your girlfriend.

From January it is actually possible to have a lifelike doll in your house as companionship or for sex. But of course it has a price tag. This lovely wannabe girlfriend will cost around $10,000. So you should make a choice between actually putting in some effort to get a real girlfriend and have some cash or have a girlfriend who cannot wait to fulfill your wishes for $10,000.


Will technology be able to replace human intimacy?






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