The impact of STEAM in Gaming Industry




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In the current economic climate, digital business innovation is the key for success. Valve Corporation officially launched Steam in 2013, the main idea was to create a platform which allows users to download PC games which is stored in their database, so that they can be accessed with their account from every computer with on which Steam is installed. In the early 200X, where Xbox and Play station obtained most of the market share in gaming industry. In that time, Steam was just based on the concept of providing games to PC users, which was the beginning of Steam to save the PC games. Steam also offers the opportunity for individual developers to take foot in the gaming market without taking many risks.

Steam changed the PC gaming industry in a few ways. Firstly, Steam provides a new mean to game collecting. With steam, you don’t have run the risk of losing their games if a problem happens with game CDs and computer files; instead, everything is stored in your account, which is store permanent. Secondly, Game price is lower because the risk and cost of making a game is decreased. Finally, it seemed like the PC gaming industry had really stuck, and Steam revitalized the computer games by figuring out new types of games like (MOBA) Multiplayer Online Battle Arena.

The future of Steam is expected to extend to non-gaming software. The next step is Steam’s prototype of their first PC including a controller to challenge the console industry. The strategy to link the software and service they already got with the new hardware components makes the whole package perfect. Comparing to XBOX and PS4 there is a big advantage for Steam; the Steam Machine can be freely modified and upgraded by users. Personally, I believe Steam will leads the PC gaming industry development, the main challenge would be the emergence of Virtual Reality games.



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We are Heading to the Future of Electric Vehicles




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The  Electric Vehicle (EV) is not a new concept in automotive industry. EVs first came into existence in the mid-19th century, when electricity was among the preferred methods for motor vehicle, providing comfort and ease of operation systems that could not be achieved by the gasoline cars. Nowadays, environment is becoming even more important for us, an electric car such as Nissan Leaf, Ford Focus Electric or Tesla Model S, Chevrolet Volt , is a great way to contribute towards a healthy and comfortable environment. Fuel vehicles produce huge amount of carbon emission that damages our natural atmosphere, leaving us vulnerable to phenomena like pollution and greenhouse effect. In order to help the environment positively , EVs are a great step forward.

Other than the environment, there are several other reasons to for EVs to overtake the gasoline vehicles. Firstly, EVs are entirely charged by the electricity, meaning no gasoline is required; this would save you a lot of money especially the prices of fuel have gone all time high. Secondly, EVs are growing in popularity. All new types of cars being put on the market are unique, thus providing you with a wealth of choices moving forward. The last reason is safety, electric cars undergo same fitness and testing procedures as other fuel powered cars. In case an accident occurs, one can expect airbags to open up and electricity supply to cut from battery. This can prevent you and other passengers in the car from serious injuries.

In my opinion, Electric Vehicles could take over most driving necessities tomorrow, despite that there are still disadvantages such as short driving range and speed, longer recharge time, noisy when running, etc.  I believe to overcome these technique difficulties is just the matter of time. However, the main reason people do not opt an electric car is the price. Although electricity is much cheaper than gasoline, the price of the vehicle itself is more expensive compared to conventional ones. Research indicates  a rapid decline trend of the lithium-ion batteries during the last decade, therefore I believe the price of EVs will not be a problem at all.

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