Technology of the week. Online auctions (Catawiki vs Vakantieveilingen) (Group 91)




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In our technology of the week video, we talked about online auctions.

An auction is actually a common name for several types of sales where the price is neither set nor arrived at by negotiation, but is discovered through the process of competitive and open bidding.

Today, The internet age has transformed auctions into a truly open process in which thousands of goods (from books to ships) and services (from air travel to legal advice) may be offered for bidding by anyone from anywhere and at any time.

We discuss two different online auction sites, Catawiki and Vakantieveilingen.

Catawaki is an online auction house which focuses on collector’s items. Catawiki was the fast growing internet company of Europe in 2015. There revenue increased the past four years  with 45080%.

What are the strengths of Catawiki?

1:  they have a specific target group: Collectors. What started with comic books is now extended to 40 different categories, from model trains to wine.

2:  Catawiki is not only  an site with auctions, it is also a place where collectors find each other. So Catawiki also becomes a meeting place where collectors can share their hobby.

3: Catawiki has more than 30,000 lots weekly sold. Catawiki has 12 million visitors each month.

They have 160 auctioneers who are composing the auctions. The auctioneers make sure the auctions are varied and of high quality.


Vakantieveilingen is an Dutch online auction platform which started in 2006. It became big in 2008 because of the crisis. Vakantieveilingen has now daily more than 200.000 visitors who are participating in auctions. There are monthly more than 150.000 auctions.

What differs vakantieveilingen from many other auctions sites is that they are putting products and services from companies up for auctions. All of the products and services that are sold are owned by companies.


The weaknesses of catawiki are that people who want to sell something at catawiki have to do that with items which are at least 75 euro worth. An auctioneer have to determine if an item is worth that amount of money. If it’s below 75 euro, you will not be able to sell the item. Further, even if your item is estimated for at least 75 euro you could still end up selling it for only 1 euro. You cannot define a minimum price with most products. Only with very expensive products you are able to define a reserve price.

Also, the auctioneers are responsible for handling disputes, not catawiki them self. This means that if a auction goes wrong and a buyer ends up with the wrong product, the auctioneer is responsible for handling this problem. If the auctioneer decides it is not his problem, the buyer will end up with the wrong product.


Vakantieveiligen is actually a sort of platform where companies can offer their services and products. People can bid on those products and services. But customers cannot leave reviews on vakantieveilingen. For consumers it is harder to determine if the company offers a nice deal or if it is sort of a rip off.  Consumers first have to search on other sites if the company is reliable.

Another weakness is that a  much heard complaint is that if you win an auction at vakantieveilingen for a certain amount of money, there are often extra costs that aren’t always clear and good indicated.


What should Catawiki and vakantieveilingen do to turn their weaknesses into strengths.


Catawiki should enable to offer items lower than 75 euro’s. 75 euro’s is quite a boundary for most people. And if you only wish to sell 1 item of a collection you may not able to do so.

Further, is should try to increase their reliability by taking responsibilities for disputes instead of push this problem off to the auctioneers.

Vakantieveilingen should create a review platform where consumers can write reviews about the products and services they purchased trough vakantieveilingen.

Also vakantieveilingen needs to show extra costs above of the auction price more clear, so consumers know better what the exact costs are.


Authors: Wim Sangers, Tim kaslander, Roland Haring & Tiziano Gonsalves

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Does YouTube community stands a chance?




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YouTube is trying to stop people from moving from the YouTube platform by launching its own community platform. This platform has to compete with Facebook and other social networks. In the last years users of social networks and especially users of Facebook are placing more and more videos on their timeline. Even live videos and 360 videos are getting more and more popular. This is an alarming trend for YouTube, as it sees more and more people abandoning their website. YouTube community has to keep the people from moving.

The problem for YouTube is that the owners of YouTube channels cannot really interact with their fans. The only way to interact with each other is via the comment section under a video. That is why many popular YouTube channels also have a Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram account. Because it is way more easier to interact with your fans via this way.

The YouTube community feature makes it able to interact more with your friends or community. A popular vlogger can now post thoughts and other information on its community wall. Their fans can comment on those posts. This is similar as with a Facebook timeline.

The owner of YouTube, Google, tried something similar before and failed miserable. Ever heard of Google+? This social network was launched a couple years ago and had to compete with Facebook. But nowadays no one uses this social network. Creating a own social network platform for YouTube  is thus risky. Is YouTube not too late? Will people actually use this feature? The beta test that YouTube conducted was overall positive. Most people liked the feature and also used it. But there are also critical notes about the ‘social network’. It is for example not possible to share things. So if your idol post something on his wall you are not able to share the post on your wall. In the end, YouTube tries too keep the people on YouTube instead of losing them to Facebook. Do you think they will? Or is it too little too late? What do you think?







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Make phone calls with your fingertip




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Are you always struggling with picking up the phone when you receive a call? Or do you always lose your earplugs? SGNL has the solution for you. Just simply put on their wrist strap which is also applicable with the Apple watch, Samsung gear, and Pebble time, and answer calls with your fingertip.

So how does this work? When you receive a call, your SGNL wrist strap receives a voice signal from your phone through Bluetooth. When you press your finger near your ear, acoustic signals are transmitted from the strap to your ear so you hear sound without anyone noticing it.

I think the product is appealing to people in a way that it looks really futuristic, but can this idea develop into a successful commercial product? According to the investors at kickstarter it can. The developers set a goal to receive an investment of $ 50.000. They have already received more than $ 750.000 and there are still 26 days left to make an investment.

So will this be the future of conducting phone calls? If I look in my direct environment, I do not really see people making phone calls with their fingertips in the coming years. This is for several reasons. First, it is only useful for receiving calls. It is possible to make a call with your SGNL wrist strap, but it can only save 5 contacts. So with all the other contacts you want to reach, you will still have to use your phone, or your smart watch. Second, the price of a SGNL smart band is $ 139, which I find quite expensive for just making a call with your fingertip.

In my opinion this is a fun development. I think most people are curious about how and if it works but will not be triggered to buy the product. Therefore I do not see that this product will change our behaviour in how we will conduct phone calls. What do you think?

Here is a link to the video



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