Digital Transformation Project – Drone delivery by PostNL




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Post NL is currently by far the most delivery company in the Netherlands. Post NL has three main business units: ‘mail in the Netherlands’, ‘Parcels’ and ‘International’. The company is putting its efforts into improving efficiency. A changing market structure (more parcels and less mails) has caused a shift in attention toward e-commerce. PostNL has managed to integrate its entire infrastructure into its IT. Notable is the cloud strategy of Post NL in which their entire IT was transferred into a cloud. The data that PostNL gathers is stored in a central database. The firm’s IT based platforms provide customers with many features. For example, the PostNL app allows customer to view detailed information about their parcels (e.g. expected delivery times, invoices and a track and trace option). The extensive network and the technological advantage (advanced machinery such as SMX) of PostNL provide the company with an unmatchable competitive advantage over the other competitors.
sUAS technology, or better known as drones have made their appearance in the parcel delivery market. Package delivery by drones has become reality and tests have been conducted by many companies. With Amazon being the pioneer with this technology, many other firms in this market (such as DHL) followed. Even though consumers are excited about the drone technology, skepticism remains within PostNL. Benefits of the technology are for example significant faster delivery and delivery to places that cannot be reached. Thus, granting PostNL an even a bigger competitive advantage. We believe that PostNL could benefit greatly from the drones. Therefore, we proposed a business plan for the implementation of the technology. The implementation of the drone technology implies that the IT strategy of PostNL has to be altered. A network which supports the drone technology has to be integrated into the current IT infrastructure. This network should allow drones to operate as independently as possible (such as independent interaction with the inventory and the data warehouse).

A business plan has been written in order to assist PostNL in implementing the drone technology into their strategy. Objectives include: ‘The delivery time with the drones should be no more than 30 minutes’, ‘all urgent parcels up to 500 pounds will be delivered by drone’, and ‘Drone delivery will be launched if safe operations can be demonstrated’. A new mission and vision has also been formulated: ‘Enhance delivery in the Netherlands while privacy and safety are guaranteed and cost are kept at a minimum’ and ‘In the future, all B2C parcels in the Netherlands will be delivered in 30 minutes or less’. The changes in IT that have been proposed are: ‘Integrate a drone network’, ‘Drone interaction with the mobile app and PostNL website’, ‘SMX adjustments’ and ‘R&D investments’. The following keys to success are expected to make the implementation of the proposed strategy a success: ‘Inform the customer’, ‘Reduce noise pollution’, ‘Keep it safe’, and ‘Make it possible’. We expect that the drone technology will increase customer satisfaction and revenues.

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5G -The internet of the future




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The ‘internet of things’ has revolutionized our way of work and living. We are currently using 4G networks to call, chat and, use the internet. With a rapidly growing amount of devices being connected to the internet, a new technology is necessary to keep mobile network connectivity stable and reliable. 5G might be the answer. According to test results of Samsung, 5G can reach internet speeds of 1.25 Gigabyte per second which is hundreds of times faster than 4G. 5G is referred to as the internet of the future and promises enormous potential for both consumers and businesses.

The business implications of 5G
Connectivity can be integrated into all business processes and is already an enabling factor for many business processes. 5G takes it a step further by being able to process higher frequencies and more connections at the same time, transfer more data at a significantly faster speed and reduce latency.
This allows firm to increase data transmission, increase productivity, and lower operational costs. For example, 5G can optimize machine-to-machine (M2M) connectivity by enhancing data transmission. Another example of potential business applications of 5G are wireless cloud offices. These online offices require a high bandwidth data network which the 5G technology can provide.

Self driving cars
‘Self driving cars’ is a recently emerged technology that allow cars to be operated without a licensed driver. These cars can provide more safety than regular cars as they are free of human errors. However, self driving vehicles require high bandwidths and close to zero latency in order to guarantee safety. The superior features of the 5G technology can enable these vehicles to safely drive at faster speeds and in closer proximities.

5G is currently in its testing phase and is expected to be available in 2020. The reliability, responsiveness, and coverage that the 5G technology offers has the potential to lead to the disruption of value chains and the rise of new businesses.

Kumar, U. Pandect of 5g Communication Technology in Context with Some Latest Researches. The International Journal Of Engineering And Science (IJES) ISSN (e), 2319-1813.

Click to access 5g-signals.pdf

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Is Mobile disrupting the Games Industry?




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As children we were all used to playing games on the traditional consoles and handhelds such as the PlayStation, Xbox, and the Nintendo DS. However, in recent years Mobile gaming has started to become increasingly more popular. It is expected that revenues of mobile games will pass those of console and PC games this year. With expected revenues of 36.9, 31.9, and 29 billion dollars respectively. It is expected that Mobile games will continue to increase its overall market share in the upcoming years. With recent technological developments such as augmented reality (for example Pokemon Go), non-mobile game developers are bound to have a disadvantage over mobile games.

The business models of mobile games differ from those of console and pc games. Their “freemium” models allow players to play a limited version of the games for free. However, for enhanced features and additional content has to be paid. This model has proven to be a big success as it is attracts new users fairly easy with its free content. Console and PC game developers are starting to adopt this concept into their own business models. An example is the game “World of Tanks” which made it into the top five highest earning revenue games on PC in 2015 (814 billion dollar). Sony is also allowing developers to put their freemium games up for sale in the PSN store. Several triple A-gaming publishers (such as Konami) are shifting their attention from PC/ Console games to the mobile games industry as they see more potential in this platform.

Mobile gaming is also changing the demographics of gaming. 37 percent of the mobile gamers are above the age of 35 and 56 percent of the mobile gamers are female. Mobile grants easier access to games than consoles as they do not require the purchase of an expensive console or gaming PC.

With advancing technologies and changing business models, the gaming industry might be heading in a different direction. As of now, console and PC gaming might have entered its last dominant era. What do you think? Is this the start of the downfall of gaming as we used to know it?


Thought Konami was the only publisher going mobile? Think again

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