Do you like a chatty or a silent chauffeur?




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If you have ever been in a taxi, uber lyft, or a similar service you probably have a preference. Personally, I prefer a silent chauffeur. However, many Uber drivers in the USA are not worried about driverless cars taking their jobs because of “human/social” variables. Several say that many passengers prefer having a conversation when they are going somewhere. Another argument they like is that if there is no person in the driver seat, who is going to look over unruly passengers?
I do not know about you, but these arguments seem kind of weak, and not enough to assure Uber drivers will get to keep their jobs. Even if there are people who feel strongly about having a nice chat with their driver, does that outweigh the benefits of driverless cars? I do not think so. For instance, driverless vehicles make roads safer. If 90% of cars in the USA were driverless, the number of accidents would go from six million to 1.3 million according to the Eno center for transportation. That is without taking into account the financial benefits of driverless cars. According to Uber’s CEO Travis Kalanick, the price of an Uber ride would decrease with the implementation of driverless cars as you would not have to contribute to the driver’s earnings.
However, first Uber will have to overcome several roadblocks to implement this technology more extensively. For instance, Uber had to start their driverless operations in Arizona after California did not allow them to do so. This is not to mention all the other problems Uber has faced in other parts of the world like London. All in all, I hope that soon I do not have to make awkward conversation to a complete stranger, but that day seems still far removed.

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Are we living in the age of Sarah Connor?




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Artificial Intelligence is a hot topic right now, with polarizing opinions around it. At least I have been exposed to the idea of AI for as long as I can remember, with the realm of sci-fi hammering me over the head with it. Who does not remember watching Sarah Connor running away from an incredibly muscular robot that weirdly enough had a thick Austrian accent? I certainly do. However, how soon are we for a day like that to come? How soon will we be waiting for our John Connor to save us from Skynet? Probably never, but it still is fun to think about.
Several prominent figures in our society regularly warn us about the dangers of AI. Constant among these opponents stand Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking, and Steve Wozniak, all of whom are incredibly smarter than I am, so at least we should listen to what they have to say. One of their more concerning warnings is that we might see T-800 models terrorizing our streets in the coming future. Well, not literal T-800 models, but something in the same vein. This is because many nations around the world are developing combat robots, and this arms race might provoke the advent the machines rising. They have many other concerns, but another that I find interesting is that we will not be able to keep up with machines. Machines can put themselves in a loop of increasing their intelligence and capabilities. So that would be like fighting an adversary that just keeps on getting more dangerous, like Hercules fighting the hydra.
So what will happen in the future? Only time will tell, but I hope that these warning voices do not become the intro montage to an apocalyptic movie, only that this movie is our reality.

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Are we living in the age of Sarah Connor?




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Artificial Intelligence is a hot topic right now, with polarizing opinions around it. At least I have been exposed to the idea of AI for as long as I can remember, with the realm of sci-fi hammering me over the head with it. Who does not remember watching Sarah Connor running away from an incredibly muscular robot that weirdly enough had a thick Austrian accent? I certainly do. However, how soon are we for a day like that to come? How soon will we be waiting for our John Connor to save us from Skynet? Probably never, but it still is fun to think about.
Several prominent figures in our society regularly warn us about the dangers of AI. Constant among these opponents stand Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking, and Steve Wozniak, all of whom are incredibly smarter than I am, so at least we should listen to what they have to say. One of their more concerning warnings is that we might see T-800 models terrorizing our streets in the coming future. Well, not literal T-800 models, but something in the same vein. This is because many nations around the world are developing combat robots, and this arms race might provoke the advent the machines rising. They have many other concerns, but another that I find interesting is that we will not be able to keep up with machines. Machines can put themselves in a loop of increasing their intelligence and capabilities. So that would be like fighting an adversary that just keeps on getting more dangerous, like Hercules fighting the hydra.
So what will happen in the future? Only time will tell, but I hope that these warning voices do not become the intro montage to an apocalyptic movie, only that this movie is our reality.

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