In the current digital area that we are living in, there is no effort needed to get to know the latest news all around the world. News is easily accessible and we are curious about every little aspect. We want to know more and more and be constantly updated, which results to a more competitive market for the media industry. They all aim to be the first and are willing to do a lot to achieve it. However, has is gone too far?
One of the most recent examples that shows this problem is the case of Anne Faber. Everyone in the Netherlands followed the case closely and the last couple of weeks was full of updates, whether it be in newspaper, television, radio or social media. Everyone wanted to know what happened to her and the media did everything it could to report the news to the people, however, didn’t they take it too far?
The media showed occasions of improper behaviour and have been disturbing the police with the search of the girl several times. There had been live footage at the lake where Anne’s bike has been found. They showed the lake and the personnel working there, which not only invades the personnel’s privacy, but is also indecent toward the family and relatives. After receiving more news about the whereabouts of the girl, the police fenced off the place and asked not to disturb. However, certain media outlets decided to fly above the crime scene and took several pictures of it, hence disregarding everything the police said. It also appeared that a media outlet already announced that a body has been found before the police even had the chance to make it public.
Instances like this shows improper behaviour of the media and it is happening increasingly more. The media is invading the privacy of people concerned, hindering the search process, while there appears to be no sign of sympathy, discretion and sensitivity. It seems as if the ethics are long forgotten and they only focus on getting the best headlines, pictures and story without even considering the feelings of the victims.
Baneke, I. (2017) Media zijn onnodig ver gegaan in berichtgeving rond AnneFfaber. Available at
Van Dijk, T.F. (2017) Journalistiek en Anne Faber: mediacode noodzakelijk. Available at