New Leadership in a Digital Environment




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Information Technology changes the way we live and organise. It changes how we do business and how people communicate with each other. It changes the way companies are connected. This all is nothing new. What may be less obvious however, is the idea that technology offers leaders of modern organisations new tools to become a better leader. Avoiding technology and associated change is not an option anymore. Successful leaders are those who understand how much information technology can help them in the leadership process. Artificial intelligence, cloud solutions and connected devices are the building blocks of a lot of today’s companies, and leaders have to anticipate.

So, this rapid change has some important implications for leaders. The most important one is the recognition that digital leadership is not in the first place a case of scaling up projects and implementation of new applications, but a matter of transforming people and the way they work. For example, leaders must consider the possibilities of making the working life of a employee more flexible. This can be realised by the proper use of digital communication and focus on the right workspace design.

A leader in an organisation that makes uses of information technology, should also conduct proper research to keep informed about the new relevant technologies. He is, in addition, responsible for the education of his team on the trends in technology and de most suitable use of it. The most important part of his responsibilities on the digital level is perhaps the monitoring of the risks of IT in the workplace.

Modern leaders need to deal with risks as cognitive overload, increased distraction and negative impact of technology on well-being. They need to centralise the people in the first case, instead of the technology. For example, technology enables us to engage in relationships across great distances, but can cause a physical disconnection, which has negative influences on our social relationships. An other risk is a loss of productivity and satisfaction due to interruptions (notifications, etc.).

In short, a major role is reserved for leaders in making proper use of emerging information technology and in the identification of associated risks.





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The Downside of Information




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Nowadays, almost every organisation has implemented some form of Information Technology (IT). In most cases, business processes do profit from these IT solutions and it gives change to automate a lot of (boring) work. IT systems are getting cleverer and provides us with more and more accurate information. The significant advantages of IT are not hard to find. However, every business must also consider the substantial disadvantages. Of course, IT is an ongoing expense, considering the purchasing costs, maintenance expenses, repair, updates and expenses the necessary training. But more importantly, the effects on the people who are expected to work with and around the IT-systems should not be underestimated.

A realistic threat is the possible ‘information-overkill’ that is coming with the expansion of IT-systems. Not only in private life, but also in the professional atmosphere the amount of information coming to people is increasing. Finding the right and relevant information, archiving and the number of messages and e-mails in the inboxes are factors that could lead to a needless loss of time and energy. A lack of overview is lurking, and in the bad cases employees need to spend a lot of time filtering en sorting information.

Moreover, technology can be the cause of distraction and stress. Not only the specific business applications through which we are constantly attainable, but the whole technology-infusion in the lives of people can cause a loss of the power to concentrate. Organisations have to contemplate on this phenomenon. People tend to constantly check for mail and messages, especially in an environment where they get all kinds of signals when this is the case. This, of course, is a source of distraction and mental exhaustion. Without the right balance in the use of technology, employees are also in danger of social disconnection to other colleagues. On the short term, productivity can increase by implementing IT-systems, but on the long term it brings dangers for the satisfaction and well-being of employees.

Obviously, this does not mean that technology is harmful in most cases. It is a dangerous side effect of technology and can be destructive for businesses. It is a serious challenge for (information) executives to design workplaces that take these risks into account and that encourage the adoption of healthy and constructive technology habits.







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