Every year, an amount of 1.3 billion tonnes of food is either lost or wasted globally (Lemos, 2019). From this amount, 88 million tonnes of food is lost in Europe (Condamine, 2020). To get a better understanding of this number, 1.3 billion tonnes of food is around one-third of all food (Lemos, 2019). Therefore, food waste is a serious issue. Food waste happens at every stage in the supply chain, namely at farms, shops, restaurants and at households. To reduce food waste in these stages, innovative ways should be used (Mouysset, 2019). One of the many ways that can help reduce the food waste, is by using different types of technology. But what type of technology could be used to solve this problem?
First of all, there are many innovative ways found by companies, using technology, that can help reduce food waste at farms. Two examples of tech companies that are trying to help farmers are Full Harvest and Plantix. Full Harvest has built the first B2B marketplace where farmers and food companies can connect. Here, the food companies can buy food from the farmers that are not perfectly grown or food that they cannot get rid of (Mouysset, 2019). The food companies that buy food on this marketplace, can get it up to 40% cheaper compared to if they would buy it from traditional distributors (Lemos, 2019). The second company, Plantix, uses the technology Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help farmers (Lemos, 2019). They have launched an application that helps the farmers to be more productive. Farmers can upload images of their plants in this application. Then, the application can help recognize plant diseases and pests on time. This will avoid the plant diseases and pests from affecting the health of a plant, which can lead to food waste (Lemos, 2019).
Next to technology used for farmers, there are also technologies used to decrease the food waste in restaurants. One famous example that is really successful in decreasing food waste in this industry, is the company Too Good To Go. In this application, restaurants and cafes can sell food that they did not sell at the end of the day for a relatively low price (Mouysset, 2019). This application has two large advantages. First of all, it will avoid the food from being wasted and second, new consumers for these restaurants and cafes are attracted (Mouysset, 2019).
In this blog post, just a few examples are given of technologies that can help reduce food waste globally. However, next to theexamples given, many more companies are looking into opportunities on how to tackle this issue. If everyone helps in reducing the food waste problem, talking about consumers, businesses, farmers and governments (Mouysset, 2019), I believe that we should be able to decrease the 1.3 billion tonnes of food that is wasted every year.
Condamine, P. (2020). The severity of food waste in Europe. Retrieved 6 October 2020, from https://www.neweurope.eu/article/the-severity-of-food-waste-in-europe/
Lemos, L. (2019). Innovative technologies to help you cut food waste in 2020. Retrieved 6 October 2020, from https://digitalagenda.io/insight/innovative-technologies-food-waste/
Mouysset, C. (2019). 15 Emerging Technologies Helping Reduce Food Waste. Retrieved 6 October 2020, from https://www.lightspeedhq.com/blog/food-waste-emerging-technologies/