COVID-19! The long-awaited adoption of XR technology?




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The virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) market – collectively known as extended reality (XR) has been on the verge of becoming the next mainstream platform. Nonetheless, it has remained a niche market due to technological and content related limitations. At first experts believed that XR technologies would follow a similar technological development as smartphones. For example, in Germany, 56% of the population had adopted smartphones within the first 5 years. VR on the other hand only achieved an adoption rate of 5%. Now experts believe that the COVID-19 pandemic will open up a breakthrough window for the extended reality market. But first, let’s start at the beginning.

XR technology

XR technology is used as an umbrella term for augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality. Augmented reality can best be described as an interaction between a virtual experience and the real world. You could think of it as a form of enhanced environment. One of the most popular examples of augmented reality is the application Pokémon GO. AR does not only exist within the gaming industry but is also slowly working its way into other industries such as entrainment, retail and online shopping. AR is considered to be the most widely adopted XR technology. Virtual reality on the other hand is completely simulated, it creates a entirely virtual environment. VR is more complex as it seems because it requires a fully developed simulation. Virtual reality is often used to fully engage the customer with the product without any external influences. Lastly, mixed reality can be seen as a hybrid between augmented and virtual reality. Its goal is to overlay an interactive experience onto the real world. An example of this is the integration of the Microsoft HoloLens into Skype. Here the consumer is able to control a Skype session by interacting with the simulation casted into the real environment.

Examples of AR, VR and mixed reality (top to bottom)




Perception of XR

One of the major reasons people are experiencing hesitation has to do with the fact that XR was first introduced to the public in the gaming industry. People started seeing AR and VR as a gaming device. Additionally, the gaming industry has shown that although this technology is quite impressive, it is very limited in what people can do with it. At first, people simply did not want to give it a chance. Throughout the last years XR technology has been developing on serval dimensions (quality, complexity, audio, etc), allowing users to interact with the augmented and virtual reality on a different level. Now we can slowly acknowledge that XR is moving into different areas such as the entertainment, education and e-commerce industry. Where it has proven itself to be extremely useful.

Importance of XR

The impact of COVID-19 and physical (semi-) lockdowns has led to the limited availability and visitation of brick- and mortar retail stores, acting as a catalyst for e-commerce sales. Especially with the development of XR technologies, people are able to virtually showroom products at any point in time from their home. There is no need to go to the physical stores anymore, which helps to reduce the risk of coming in contact with other people. Additionally, XR has become extremely important for entrainment purposes such as sports events. Through the use of XR we are able to fully immerse ourselves into the event and experience it as if we were actually there. Furthermore, XR is also being used for the purpose of education. It can be used as an interactive tool for children, where they can learn about certain topics through the use of augmented realities. On the other hand, business professionals that need to receive training in a certain area of expertise can make use of virtual reality.

Future of XR

Currently many people are working from home and therefore attending video conference calls. Even though this is a good alternative during the pandemic it does not provide the same experience as a ‘real’ meeting. Here XR can step in and allow people to collaborate in a virtual environment, providing a real and personal experience. Moreover, XR can be used to recruit employees providing better insight into job applicants. This technology could also be used to improve training for workers. Workers would be given the opportunity to gain experience in a controlled environment. Additionally, it could be used to give virtual tours of organizations or within the world of tourism (museum exhibitions, city tours, etc.). There are so many opportunities for XR to become successfully integrated within society.


What do you guys think?

Will this pandemic be the long-awaited breakthrough of XR? Or will it remain a niche market after all?




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AI to stay fit!




5/5 (1)

Is corona pushing us into a second lockdown? We don’t know for certain! But recent developments within the Dutch population may suggest otherwise! The government is guiding us step by step towards this scenario. Of course, this is not a scenario that many of us are found off. We value our freedom! But before you know it, we are back to where we were a few months ago. Restaurants closed. Bars closed. Gym’s closed. EVERYTHING closed! Meaning that many of us will turn back to the good old-fashioned home workout. All though home workouts have been around for decades, they have never been this popular. One of the major influences on the industry comes through the advances in technology. We have moved from traditional workouts to CD/DVD’s to videos to online sporting classes (Lufkin 2017). Now it is time for Artificial Intelligence! Tempo Studio has revolutionized the home workout through personalised AI-powered workouts. Tempo Studio offers an innovative and advanced home workout solution in these times of uncertainty. Providing us with and effective and efficient way of working out.

What does it look like?

The all in one fitness system has a large flat screen (42 inch), integrated speakers (60w), motion sensors and storage for workout materials (Futurism 2020). The great thing about the system is that it does not take up a lot of space. If there is enough space to do push ups there is enough space for Tempo Studio. Furthermore, it has a stylish and modern design, that will fit perfectly into people homes.

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How does it work?

Futurism (2020) mentions that the system uses a motion sensor that emits over 30 pulses of infrared light. These pulses are transformed and create a 3D model of the human body using 80,000 individual points. The system has the ability to track every single movement specifically. Providing the user with data such as summary statistics, recommendations and can even analyse the form. This is a great benefit, as it informs the user where exercises can be improved. Moreover, one can also request live feedback from coaches.

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Future of working out

Will this type of technology be the future of working out? Usually we are going to crowded gyms or using the outside world such as parks as our personal gym. But what if we are limited in using these places due to regulations from the government? Does this type of technology stand a chance? I believe so. Some of the reasons we workout includes reducing stress, being healthier and becoming more attractive. It also has a positive effect on the workplace and provides us with benefits such as improved concentration, better memory and enhanced creativity (Friedman 2014). Not working out can seriously influence our well-being and how we function. Additionally, I believe that a system like this will attract people that are embarrassed to go to the gym. Often people do not go because they are insecure or  because they are worried that they will not carry out exercises in the right manner (Teeter 2017) Artificial Intelligence can tackle this issue by providing users with points of improvement and passing on the data to personal trainers in order to give assistance (live feedback).  A system like this is not only a good solution for people to stay active in times of crises but also after.

Do you guys believe that AI has the potential to disrupt the fitness market in the long run? Or will gyms keep dominating the fitness industry?



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