Where will the digital twin bring us?




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When I ask someone what an aircraft simulator is, probably everyone will have an idea what it is. It is basically an aircraft on the ground which gives you the feeling that you are flying at an altitude of 10 kilometre. This simulator has been used for many years to train the pilots and stewardesses in a safe and convenient way. This turns out to be really successful. You can say that this aircraft is a ‘twin’ of the real aircraft.
Currently, the digital twins are becoming very popular. A digital twin is a virtual representation of a products that plays an integral role in the technology-driven industrial world. (Components, 2020). It turned out that it is useful way to represents physical assets in a digital way. Nasa introduced this concept to keep track of complicated machinery. By using digital mirroring technology, NASA was able to replicate systems and equipment in a way that it represented the real world (Disruptionhub, 2019).

Nowadays, digital twins are used to visualize data and are even able to predict problems before they occur. By gathering data via sensors, self-updating models can be designed to develop and algorithm which can detect problems. Especially in the oil and gas industry this can be very critical. Digital twins can for example be used to design and test a drilling platform before they will be physically produced. This reduces the risk of potential problem which can have, especially in the oil and gas industry, catastrophic consequences (Eck, 15).

“Simulation of real-world environments has become a critical requirement for models operating at the extreme end of complexity, in training self-driving cars for example, or anomaly detection using the digital twins of IoT-enabled physical assets,” (Machinehub, 2019). This development will allow companies to assess risk at an early stage which will decrease the chance of potential problems.
How will this industry evolve? Will in twenty years every building or construction have digital twin? Will soon to be pilot learn his job digitally? Will the aircraft simulator be replaced by a digital twin? The only thing we can say at this point is time will tell..

Components, E. (2020). De digital twin – wat is het en hoe werkt het? Retrieved from https://www.essentracomponents.com/nl-nl/news/productbronnen/de-digital-twin-wat-is-het-en-hoe-werkt-het
Disruptionhub. (2019). 9 disruptive technology trends for 2019. Retrieved from https://disruptionhub.com/disruption-trends-9-for-2019/
Eck, E. v. (15, 05 2020). Digital Twin. Retrieved from https://www.bimadvies.com/digital-twin/

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Will AI replace doctors?




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Fitbit, Apple watches, Garmin’s and many more smartwatches have become very popular the last five years. These types of watches are also known as activity trackers and smartwatches. Currently, 21% of Americans say they use smart watches or activity trackers (Vogels, 2020). This trend potentially implies that people want to be more aware of their health.
Activity trackers and the mobile application which belong to these activity trackers encourage healthy behaviour (PWC, 2017). An apple watch for example notifies a user every hour to stand up and walk a certain number of steps. It has recently become possible to get an hourly notification to wash your hands and not touch your face in order to fight against COVID-19 (Putock, 2020). The applications and activity trackers help with the management of a healthy lifestyle. It gives the users the feeling that they are in control of their own health.

Additionally, the data which is created by the use of the activity trackers and smart watches can give healthcare professionals a better insight in the day-to-day patterns of individuals. In combination with AI this can help them to provide better feedback and give more advanced guidance to stay healthy (PWC, 2017).

The use of AI and the Inter of Medical Things (IoMT) very hopeful. AI can help people to stay healthy, professionals get insights in the daily patterns of the patients. This seems a very hopeful development in the medical world. But the use of these systems come hand in hand with very big challenge; security of the data. Even though the data will be securely stored nowadays data is nowhere really safe. A data leak may have huge implications. Very sensitive personal data will be out in the open which can be used against you at any moment in time.

The innovations which are being introduced in the healthcare can be very disruptive and improve the quality of life. Will in ten years a smartwatch or activity tracker prevent the population of potential diseases or will the use of smartwatches be decreased since the data is not securely stored?


Vogels, E. A. (2020, 01 09). Pew Research Center. Retrieved from About one-in-five Americans use a smart watch or fitness tracker: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/01/09/about-one-in-five-americans-use-a-smart-watch-or-fitness-tracker/

Putock, M. (2020, 03 13). How to set up hourly reminders on Iphone and Apple Watch to wash your hands and stop touching your face. Retrieved from https://9to5mac.com/2020/03/13/hourly-reminders-to-wash-hands-on-iphone-apple-watch/

PWC. (2017). No longer science fiction, AI and robotics are transforming healthcare. Retrieved from https://www.pwc.com/gx/en/industries/healthcare/publications/ai-robotics-new-health/transforming-healthcare.html

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