Apple App Store bundling




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With the arrival of IOS 13, Apple introduced its new application store subscription plan. A lot like Netflix and other streaming services, Apple Arcade lets you play unlimited games for a monthly fee. The subscription includes more than 100 games for just 5 euro per month, with new games coming up in the next few months. The service appears to be just like Netflix, with games sorted in premade categories, for example, adventure or family games. Additionally, Apple provides a recommendation system to provide you with new games which you might like.


With this new service, Apple applies bundling to their App store. This is where companies bundle all their loose components and create a package. In this way, companies can skim of consumer rent. This works because not every consumer value is the same for each game. But when combined the average value averages out. This will then become the monthly flat fee.

In my opinion, this is a great step from Apple. And could potentially be that second time Apple will change the app industry completely. If this new subscription model is a success, almost nobody will think about buying single games anymore.

I do not play a lot of games on my mobile device, and if I want to play a game, I do not want to pay 5 euro just to download a game I might not even like. With this new subscription model, some consumers might be willing to pay five euro per month to play all of the games from the created bundle. On top of this, there is a huge amount of new games to play each month will be a big advantage.

There are already some rumours that Apple is aiming to combine all of her services into one big bundle, which would include apple music, apple tv and games.


Bright (2019) Review: Apple Arcade kan de App Store compleet veranderen

Available at:


Levy, Adam (2019) Apple services bundle powerful as amazon prime

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Metha, Ivan (2019) Apple is reportedly considering bundling Apple TV+ and Apple Music Availabe at:



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Fake news and the American Presidential Elections of 2020




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Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft and Google are working together with the FBI, Homeland Security and other espionage services to create a strategy for the presidential elections of 2020. The goal of this collaboration is to form a new approach to tackle the weak points in the security of social media. The reason for this partnership was the presidential election of 2016 which was affected heavily by fake news on social media. (NOS, 2019)

Social media was the largest source for fake news in 2016, with nearly 42% of the total fake news on the election. There is even debate whether Trump would have won the elections if it weren’t for these fake news stories on social media. Research shows that about 156 stories about the elections were fake news, 115 pro-Trump and 41 pro-Hillary Clinton. This was the first time an election was so immensely impacted by fake news on social media. (Allcott et al., 2019)

Now in 2019, a daylong meeting at the FBI Headquarters in Silicon Valley was necessary to battle fake news in the upcoming elections and make sure they will be as fair as possible. All of the companies and institutions agreed that sharing of information is crucial to understanding where the threat is coming from.

I, personally, think this collaboration between these big tech companies is crucial to keep the integrity of the elections. The sharing of data will help all of these companies and institutions to detect fake news faster before it reaches the large public.
However, I believe this trend has to be extended further than just the presidential elections. Fake news is an everyday thing and should be battled accordingly. These companies should keep working together and try to keep the amount of fake news to a minimum since all people are affected by it on a daily basis.

Allcott, Hunt, and Matthew Gentzkow. 2017. “Social Media and Fake News in the 2016 Election.” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 31 (2): 211-36. Available at:

NOS. (2019, 5 september). “Techbedrijven werken samen met FBI aan strategie voor verkiezingen in VS” Available at:

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