The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity




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Organizations are becoming more digital and this means that have a growing number of information systems within the company. Nowadays, the risk of data breaches is one of the major concerns of the organizations and their chief information (security) officer. Most of the data breaches are caused by the fact that organizations are always one step behind the attackers. Besides, the attackers also use artificial intelligence in their attacks, making it even harder for the current security solutions to detect the malware or virus. To compare this to the companies: Only 26 percent of the companies in the financial services are using artificial intelligence in their security solutions. Artificial intelligence could offer a possible solution in preventing companies from data breaches and keeping their data safer.

The first useful application of artificial intelligence is using it the malware recognition. Attackers use very specific malware to infiltrate a system, which even uses machine-learning (AI) to see which security programs are installed on the system. Because this malware is so advanced and is using artificial intelligence, most current security solutions are not able to detect the malware, causing a data breach. So, it is important for the companies to implement AI into their security solutions, because it reduces the risk of getting fully infiltrated. A possible way to improve this recognition security system is to get companies and governments all over the world connected to each other, so they can share real-time information on new malware and the systems can themselves.

The second application of the AI in the cybersecurity is the use of AI in the counteract of the virus. Attackers are using millions of hacked personal computers and devices to establish a bot-net, which they can use to execute attacks. As a company, artificial intelligence could detect this problem quickly, like mentioned before, and then respond even more quickly. When the security system already got an understanding of how the malware works, the security system can counteract the malware, before it even infiltrates the important systems within the company.

To conclude, one of the important aspects of AI in improving the cybersecurity of companies is the speed of the recognition and the counteract. What other application of AI is useful in improving cybersecurity do you think?



Strom, D. (2018, May 22).Understanding the Relationship Between AI and Cybersecurity. Retrieved from

Ganti, V. (2018, June 28). The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity Retrieved from

Ismail, N. (2017, April 19). The role of AI in cyber security. Retrieved from

Thompson, C. (2018, February). The Role of AI, Automation and Machine Learning in Cybersecurity. Retrieved from

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Artificial intelligence and business model innovation: inseparable in the future?




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Nowadays, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a well-known concept among everyone. But, most of the people do not truly know what it means and what functions and purposes it has. Some people think that AI causes powerful robots that will take over our jobs for example. AI is already there, and we are using it, most of the time, without even knowing we are. At the McDonald’s you can place your order and pick up it up without even talking to one human being. Another example, all the personal advertisements we see on our smartphones are generated using AI.

AI is therefore really interesting for companies to implement in their business models. For example, the robots could be used to make the processes more efficient and, for example, to take over the standardized tasks of the employees, so they could really focus on being more creative and maintaining personal contact with customers. This could be extended by the fact that AI machines do not need any recurring trainings. Employees need to be trained and they can easily leave the company, causing another new employee that needs training.

Before business can implement AI into their business model, they should prepare their business for the arrival of AI. The process of gaining competitive advantage of AI consists of three phases. They need to generate data about the customers or processes they want to support with AI. After that, they should interpret this data, so that means transforming the data into information. Lastly, the company has to implement this information into the desired machines, in order to get the machine making decisions based on the imported information.

To conclude, AI offers very interesting opportunities to companies and their way of working. Companies can set up a team of people who are dedicated to developing the AI solutions within their company, but the most important part of become competitive is the data collection. Companies should see the importance of generating data as the first step in the process of implementing AI into their business model.




Ashwini, A. (2018, January 19). How To Create A Successful Artificial Intelligence Strategy. Retrieved from

Barkman, A. (2018, January 23). How AI Impacts Business Model Innovation. Retrieved from

Sandehl, A. (2018, May 16). It’s Time To Adopt AI Into Your Business. Retrieved from Model

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