Is education becoming an omnichannel?




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The education industry has probably been one of the most rigid industries in history. Since the beginning of education no big changes have happened. Over the past decade, however, there (finally) have been some changes in the value it delivers. It all started with the rise of the computers and with the rise of MOOC’s some new companies have entered the industry of education. Coursera, edX and udacity are threecompanies that are solely based on online education (MyLearnMBA, 2017).

Since education is being supplied over the internet universities were adapting their programs as well. Top ranked universities entered into partnerships with companies like Coursera and Udacity. edX is a joint venture between MIT and Harvard University, and therefor can be seen as a reaction on the new players in the industry. This shows the impact of the digitization on the way traditional institutes are teaching their students (Shah & Pickard, 2019).

The question is, however, to what extend the educational system is becoming an omnichannel. With the possibility to deliver most of the student’s content online, the threat of students staying at home is becoming more relevant. Social, verbal and practical skills are essential parts for the development of students, and those skills are, at the moment, one of the downsides of e-learning. Therefore, it must be asked if the to what extent the education industry should be digitized (Arkorful & Abaidoo, 2015).


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Why Strava is a bench mark for data companies




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In the recent years there has been quite a few stories about companies which endured privacy scandals. Mariott hotels (2018), Twitter (2018) and Facebook (2018 & 2019) are just a few scandals most people would know about (Information is beautiful, 2019). While it’s good that those compvanies have been shamed in public and have to pay an enormous fine, it’s sometime better to focus on some stories as well.

Strava is a tracking app for your sports activities. With an enormous userbase, which are currently creating 8 million activities each day (Strava, nd), Strava processes a tremendous amount of private data. Even though most of the people who read this will think back to how Strava uncovered a military bases, the way how they process, treat and sell your data is actually admirable.

Strava has a really transparent business model, which includes three sources of revenue. Firstly, Strava has an premium account option, for the people who think that the fee version is not good enough. Secondly, Strava sets up partnerships with companies like Zwift, which is a gaming company and develops software for spinning bikes. In this way, people can ride their bike in Milan, Barcelona and New York all in the same week. Lastly, Strava sells, like a lot of other companies, the data they collect. Of course, they gives you the opportunity where you can change settings for sharing your data. Moreover, Strava lets you opt out for the data sharing of your heart beat data. Ethical data collection is, however, not just giving people the opportunity to opt out or say that they don’t have to use your services. It’s more about what companies do with their collection of data. Strava, in contrast to others, never sells private data. Strava set up a service, Strava Metro, where buyers can take a look at all the data combined, which leads to massive amount analysable information. Most of the time, Strava sells their service to local councils and cities, who then can analyse what happens in their city, what can be improved, and what should be newly build. This leads to better, new infrastructure making sure their users can enjoy more beautiful and safer activities (D’Alessio, 2018; Gulley, 2014)



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