How AI can revolutionise farming




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It is not uncommon to hear agriculture is the biggest reason for global warming due to its inefficient use of water and other resources such as pesticides, which result in leakages into the surrounding environment (, 2008). Alongside this a lot of poorer third world countries are reliant on agriculture as it makes up a large percentage of their GDP (Sawe, n.d.). These poorer farmers are unable to make the necessary investments to ensure efficient use of Enri mentally friendly pesticides and more sustainable technologies for water efficiency and farming methods. This inefficient and unsustainable use of resources coupled with rising population and therefore increasing demand for food creates an unfavourable circumstance for trying to prevent global warming and sustain the population growth of the planet.


Artificial Intelligence may pose a solution to this problem. Instead of having to expand their farms and as a result bun down forests to create land in the pursuit of economies of scale and consequently cheaper food for consumers (J. Sexton, 2018). Farmers can instead focus on improving the efficiency of their current farms to reduce spoilage, as well as crop disease and malnourishment/ dehydration.


For instance, according to the European Space agency, satellite imagery is being use to assess yields. Furthermore, satellites thermal imagery and optical sensors can help predict crop health, maturity and hydration (, 2018). Alongside this, Airbus is incorporating AI into their satellite imagery data, so that they can obtain real-time insights from their satellite imagery (Airbus, 2019). Combining the two technologies – satellite imagery data and AI – can help farmers in poorer regions and all over the world manage the irrigation systems better.  As well as improve monitoring of the health of their plants to ensure that chemicals and other substances sprayed on the crops are being used efficiently and only sprayed in those necessary areas. This will help combat inefficient use of resources such as pesticides and water, reducing environmental impact as well as improving crop yields. Which may prevent farmers from having to destroy forests to make room for agriculture and instead focus on improving current yields with this technology. This can me utilized in poorer countries due to the abundance of satellite imagery data (Airbus, 2019). As well as cloud processing technologies.



Airbus. (2019). Airbus turns imagery into insight with The OneAtlas Platform. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Oct. 2019]. (2008). The biggest cause of global warming that scientists need you to know about. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Oct. 2019].

Dixler Canavan, H. (2018). Yelp Turns 10: From Startup to Online Review Dominance. [online] Eater. Available at: [Accessed 8 Oct. 2019]. (2018). Agriculture – Earth Online – ESA. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Oct. 2019].

J. Sexton, R. (2018). Large scale farming is driven by a relentless quest for efficient production and concentration along the food supply chain – Richard Sexton. [online] Large Scale Agriculture. Available at: [Accessed 11 Oct. 2019].

Sawe, B. (n.d.). Countries Most Dependent on Agriculture. [online] WorldAtlas. Available at: [Accessed 16 Oct. 2019].


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The Future of Maintenance




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Airbus’s aircraft are understandably very complex machines with many components. When an aircraft breaks down it costs airlines more than 10,000 USD for every hour that the aircraft is inoperable (Pohl, 2013).

Alongside that, the Airbus A380-1000, for instance, contains 10,000 sensors in each wing, plus thousands more in the rest of the aircraft. Furthermore these sensors produce 2.5 terabytes of data a day (Mar, 2015). Maintenance engineers must sieve through all this data to identify the problem in the aircraft whilst subjecting to the oversight of the authorities such as the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) who require strict compliance and traceability of everything that has been done to the aircraft.

The complexity of the machines, the amount of generated sensor data and strict regulations on traceability of all the repairs and checks done to an aircraft creates for a very timely and complicated maintenance procedure. Because of this, aircraft manufacturers like Airbus are now searching to implement Artificial Intelligence into its aircraft maintenance procedures (Airbus, 2019).

In order to this, Airbus uses AI in combination with the terabytes of data generated by its sensors to create predictive models. These predictive models, work with existing sensor data. They can work with all parameters and all sensor data that is available, which they combine with machine learning, for which they first configure the model of the machine by seeing the relation of one component to another and what are their normal operating boundaries. They consider the uptime of all components and provide an optimum repair time based on the replacement of multiple failed, or soon to fail components, instead of grounding the aircraft for every failed individual component. Whilst the aircraft is in the air, the data from the sensors is transmitted in real time to Airbus where it is compared to the predictive models, allowing aircraft engineers to anticipate a failure, before it occurs.


Pohl, T. (2013). Cost per hour of downtime per aircraft is ~ 10,000 USD. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Sep. 2019].

Mar, B. (2015). That’s Data Science: Airbus Puts 10,000 Sensors in Every Single Wing!. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Sep. 2019].

Airbus. (2019). Skywise Predictive Maintenance. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Sep. 2019].

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