Will AI have feelings or empathies? – People’s Identity Anxiety




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Artificial intelligence (AI) is no doubt one of the trendiest technologies nowadays. People using the algorithm to teach intelligent software to learn from known databases and conduct specific tasks. Rather than the tasks carried out by computers, we expect AI to be applied in a broader area and make the machine act as a person (Heath 2018). However, these functions in the general definition of AI are not realized in the current state. Though AI is not highly developed yet, people start to concern about the social issue it brings.

It is reported in August that Youtube’s AI auditing system has judged a robot battle video violated the regulation for its ‘animal cruelty’ (Tangermann 2019). It immediately became a hot topic and caused heated discussion. The doubtful point is, there is no such prohibition of robot battle on Youtube. Then how can AI recognize the video as a violation? Someone brings frightening speculation: AI stopped the violence on its kind.

It is not the first-time people concerned about the empathy of machines. People show a conflict mind-state on this topic. On the one hand, people expect AI to have mimic emotions since it is only believable when it is more humanlike (Wu 2019). On the other hand, when machines have empathy, will they form a sense of outgroup ostracism and even fight against mankind?

Regarding Youtube’s case, the answer is no. AI nowadays doesn’t have the comprehensive ability to regard robot as its fellows (Zhang 2019).  In general, what AI can do is what people taught and programmed. If we are able to teach them to act upon others’ emotions, we are also able to program them with law regulations and the attitudes toward human beings. According to Wu, the future of the empathies of AI is based on us (2019).

In conclusion, people’s fervent concern on this topic, in fact, reveals the ‘Identity anxiety’ toward AI inside us. Before the prevalent usage of AI, people should be well educated about its ethical mechanism.



Heath 2018, What is AI? Everything you need to know about Artificial Intelligence, ZDNet, viewed at 11 October 2019, <https://www.zdnet.com/article/what-is-ai-everything-you-need-to-know-about-artificial-intelligence/>

Tangermann 2019, YouTube’s AI Has Been Flagging Robot Battle Videos For ‘Animal Cruelty’, FUTURISM, viewed at 11 October 2019, <https://www.sciencealert.com/youtube-s-ai-algorithm-has-been-removing-robot-battle-videos-for-animal-cruelty>

Wu 2019, Empathy in Artificial Intelligence, Medium, viewed at 11 October 2019, <https://towardsdatascience.com/empathy-in-artificial-intelligence-eb167f62af99>

Zhang 2019, Hidden dangers? The beginning of artificial intelligence should be good, Equalocean, viewed at 11 October 2019, <https://www.iyiou.com/p/111461.html>


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How 5G promotes the development of other emerging technologies – Cloud and 8K




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5G is ‘the fifth generation of mobile internet connectivity’ that allows us to download and upload information in a way faster speed and a more stable connection (Wall 2018). It can reach up to a 100 times speed of 4G (Chan 2019). Besides a faster data transfer and exchange, what changes can it bring to other emerging technologies?

  • 5G makes the future of cloud brighter

For terminal products, memory space is used to store data to meet users’ future extraction and computation needs.  Cloud data storage enables users to download the data from the cloud whenever they need which means smaller storage requirements on terminal devices. Cloud can also complete the computational and reasoning functions of physical devices. 5G, promise a faster data transfer, can thus enable a faster feedback loop from the cloud to the terminal devices. Besides, 5G technology permits the connection of the Internet of things and cloud. Since it can provide more connections in a low power way, it empowers multiple devices connecting under a ‘family cloud’ (Nao 2019).

  • 5G empowers the development of 8K video

People are always chasing for a better watching experience. Higher resolution and faster delivery speed are two important elements to define a better experience. However, better quality always comes with larger data content and transmission pressure. 5G, with its attribute of ‘low-latency, high-bandwidth, and high-reliability communications’, grants magnificent support to the development of 8K video (Chan 2019). China has completed 8K UHD transmission through the 5G network (Fan 2019). Samsung, another key player in the 5G market, also indicates the need for building 8K TV with 5G function cooperating with SK (Bicheno 2019).

Technologies are interconnected. The development of one single technology depends on and will also influence the evolution of the other one. Despite cloud computing and 8K video, the advancement of VR, AR, AI, and natural language processing also benefits from the maturation of 5G (Llanasas n.d.). Key players in these industries should not only focus on their progression but also keep an eye on what is happening in co-related areas like 5G.


Bicheno 2019, SK Telecom and Samsung reckon we need 8K TV over 5G, telecoms, viewed at 5 October 2019, < http://telecoms.com/499591/sk-telecom-and-samsung-reckon-we-need-8k-tv-over-5g/>

Chan 2019, China transmits 8K content via 5G network, ASIA TIMES, viewed at 5 October 2019, <https://www.asiatimes.com/2019/06/article/8k-tv-transmitted-via-5g-network-in-china/>

Fan 2019, China successfully transmits 8K TV via 5G networks, China Daily, viewed at 5 October 2019, <http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201906/27/WS5d1475eba3103dbf1432aa29.html>

Llanasas n.d., How 5G Will Accelerate Cloud Business Investment, compare the cloud, viewed at 5 October 2019, < https://www.comparethecloud.net/articles/how-5g-will-accelerate-cloud-business-investment/>

Nao 2019, Cloud change 2: 5G cloud at dawn, EqualOcean, viewed at 6 October 2019, <https://www.iyiou.com/p/114498.html>

Wall 2018, What is 5G and what will it mean for you?, BBC NEWS, viewed at 6 October 2019, <https://www.bbc.com/news/business-44871448>

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