AI-enabled China’s Social Credit System: in-depth analysis




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Automation has transformed every aspect of modern individuals’ lives. Trivial tasks that used to take a person hours to complete, can now be performed within a matter of seconds due to technological advancements. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one such advancement of technology that is paving the way for the prevalence of automation in every industry. The ability of AI to perform tasks autonomously is primarily possible due to its ability to be able to process large amounts of data and infer patterns and conclusions within this data, thus effectively learning tasks by itself. However, the procedures used by the AI to analyze the data are initially inputted by an administrator in the form of algorithms and statistical models. An algorithm is essentially a set of rules and the process to be followed by the machine/computer to perform a calculation/action. Modern automation stripped to its core, is a collection of algorithms and related statistical models programmed by an administrator. Due to the increased adoption of the internet, algorithms have become integrated into every aspect of our lives.

The financial credit system used in many western countries can be seen as an example of how algorithms govern our lives. The system involves gathering financial data relevant to an individual from multiple sources, followed by an algorithm that analyses the likelihood of an individual defaulting on a loan. The data gathered primarily consists of previous debts taken, payment deductibles not met and other forms of credit taken up by the individual in the past. After the careful analysis of this data, the algorithm calculates a score for the individual, the credit score. This score is then used by banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions to determine the creditworthiness of the individual when he/she requests their services (Petrasic & Saul, 2017). In China, such a system exists not only to determine a citizen’s financial credit score, but it expands to all aspects of a citizen’s life by judging citizens’ behavior and trustworthiness, known as the Social Credit System, introduced in 2014. The Social Credit System will have a complete database on all Chinese citizens by 2020, which will be collected from a variety of sources. This scale of data collection is possible in China as Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent are the major providers of internet infrastructure in the country; they work closely with the Chinese Communist Party (Kobie, 2019). The majority of the digital footprint left by Chinese citizens is on infrastructure established by these companies thereby making it easy for the Chinese Communist Party to access its citizens’ data. This sharing of data between private companies and the government is not commonly heard of in China’s western counterparts and shows the importance of data protection laws enforced in those countries. The implementation of the Social Credit System has numerous effects on the country and citizens on economic and social levels.

On an economic level, the algorithms that facilitate the Social Credit System help bridge a major institutional gap that is the underdeveloped financial credit system in China. As mentioned earlier, the financial credit system utilizes algorithms to calculate a credit score to determine the creditworthiness of individuals. Such credit checks can make it more difficult or even deny individuals to access credits. Often, these credit checks focus on only certain aspects such as the timely manner in which we pay our debts (Petrasic & Saul, 2017). This is simply not enough to determine the creditworthiness of individuals as there are other factors at play as to why individuals pay their debts over a certain time period as they do. The commercial credit systems such as the Sesame Credit (developed by Ant Financial Services Group) can therefore be seen as more valuable in determining the creditworthiness of individuals. The Sesame credit score is arguably a better predictor of trustworthiness, as the scores take a broad range of important factors into account. This will prove to be very beneficial for the financial institutions as they will have the highest level of guarantee that the credit extended will be in safe hands. At the same time though, the citizen with a low rating will not be eligible for large loans and will be asked to pay a very high interest rate. Thus, effectively positioning the algorithm behind the Social Credit System as the decisive entity on whether a citizen can be eligible for a loan or not. The argumentation behind the decision to allow an algorithm to govern the credit eligibility of the citizens states that, due to the restrictions placed on the citizen with a lower score, it would motivate them to be better citizens thus achieving a better score. However, citizens with a lower social credit score than a certain threshold may be subject to more restrictions. For example, citizens with low social credit scores are restricted access to certain services such as (quality) education or (quality) transportation. On a social level, the Social Credit System may give rise to social segregation, where citizens with low social credits are exempted from social activities as well as leading to reduced interactions between citizens with higher social credits and those with lower social credits. Moreover, on the work floor, people with low social credit scores may fail to get a promotion because of their scores. The combined effect of restricted access to education, social segregation as well as limited career prospects, can lead to the next generation of those citizens, who have low social credits, being given unfair chances to increase their social credits, and, as a result, their quality of life. Questions arise whether algorithms account for bridging the social inequality gap or if it even strengthens it (Ebadi, 2018).


Ebadi, B. (2018). Artificial Intelligence Could Magnify Social Inequality. Centre for International Governance Innovation. Retrieved from

Kobie, N. (2019). The complicated truth about China’s social credit system. Wired. Retrieved from

Petrasic, K., & Saul, B. (2017). Algorithms and bias: What lenders need to know. White & Case. Retrieved from ed-know

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Smart Farming: How the Internet of Things transform the Agriculture Industry.




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With the rising population growth, which is expected to reach 9.6 billion by 2050, there is increasingly more pressure on the agriculture industry in order to meet this rising demand (UN, 2019). In addition, environmental challenges, such as unfavorable weather conditions and climate change, only complicate this further. To meet this demand, the agriculture industry is moving towards the use of the Internet of Things (IoT). Agriculture applications of IoT allow the industry to increase operational efficiency, decrease costs, reduce waste as well as improve the quality of their yield (Ravindra, 2020).

With smart farming, real-time data of farming procedures is gathered, processed, and analyzed, to allow large farm owners to be able to make more informed decisions (Kamilaris et al., 2016). With the use of IoT, players in the agriculture industry can monitor their equipment, crops, and livestock. Moreover, the data obtained from sensors placed in the field, allows them to run statistical predictions for their crops and livestock (Meola, 2020). A few IoT-enabled applications in smart farming, such as Precision Farming, Livestock Farming, and Smart Greenhouses will be discussed below.

Precision Farming

Precision farming is an umbrella notion for IoT-based techniques to make farming more controlled and accurate. Such IoT-based techniques make use of items, such as sensors, control systems, robotics, autonomous vehicles, automated hardware, and so on (Sciforce, 2019). Large farm owners can use crop management devices which should be placed in the field to collect data specific for crops. These devices gather information ranging from temperatures to leaf water potential, to overall crop health. By having this visibility at the crop-level, large farm owners are able to effectively prevent any diseases that can harm their yield. Thus, precision farming allows large farm owners to make decisions per square meter or per plant, as opposed to traditional farming where decisions are made at field-level (Sciforce, 2019). Furthermore, with precision farming, large farm owners reduce their environmental footprint as it allows for more efficient irrigation and more precise use of fertilizers and pesticides for crops (Kamilaris et al., 2016).

Livestock Farming

With the use of wireless IoT applications, large farm owners can collect data and monitor the location, well-being, and health of their livestock. With the information collected from the sensors attached to the animals, large farm owners can identify sick cattle. These sick cattle can be separated from the herd, thereby preventing the spread of the disease (Sciforce, 2019). This would save farm owners significant medical costs which they would have occurred had the disease spread to the rest of the herd. Additionally, it reduces labor costs as ranchers can locate their cattle more easily with the help of IoT-based sensors (Ravindra, 2020).

Smart Greenhouses   

Greenhouse farming is a practice of growing crops, vegetables, fruits, etc. in a controlled environment to provide favorable growing conditions and protect the crops, vegetables, fruits, etc. from unfavorable weather and various pests (Hajdu, 2020). Smart greenhouses are designed with the use of IoT so that it intelligently monitors and controls the climate, based on the requirements of the growing crops. Specifically, the IoT sensors in the greenhouse provide information on the light levels, air pressure, humidity, and temperature. These sensors can control the machines to open a window, turn on lights, control a heater, and so on. In addition, with the creation of a cloud server, farm owners can remotely access the system and control the temperatures within the greenhouse. This eliminates the costs of constant manual monitoring as well as optimizing the growth conditions of the crops (Ravindra, 2020).

Smart farming and IoT-driven agriculture have laid the foundations for the Green revolution. The Green revolution is expected to transform the agriculture industry by relying on combinations of new technologies such as IoT, sensors, geo-positioning systems, Big Data, agricultural drones, robotics, and so on. Pesticides and fertilizer use are expected to be minimized while overall efficiency will be maximized. Also, IoT enables better traceability of food, which in turn will lead to increased food safety. Moreover, these technologies help the environment through, for example, more efficient use of water (Sciforce, 2019). Therefore, smart farming is expected to transform the agriculture environment and deliver a more productive and sustainable agricultural production so that by 2050, all 9.6 billion people can be fed in a sustainable way.



Hadju, I., 2020. Greenhouse Farming Exceeds Weather Limitations. [online] Agrivi Blog. Available at: <> [Accessed 26 September 2020].

Kamilaris, A., Gao, F., Prenafeta-Boldu, X. and Ali, M.I. Agri-IoT: A semantic framework for Internet of Things-enabled smart farming applications. [online] 2016 IEEE 3rd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT). Available at: doi: <10.1109/WF-IoT.2016.7845467> [Accessed 24 September 2020].

Meola, A., 2020. Smart Farming In 2020: How Iot Sensors Are Creating A More Efficient Precision Agriculture Industry. [online] Business Insider. Available at: <> [Accessed 24 September 2020].

Ravindra, S., 2020. Iot Applications In Agriculture. [online] IoT For All. Available at: <> [Accessed 24 September 2020].

Sciforce. 2019. Smart Farming, Or The Future Of Agriculture. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 24 September 2020].

United Nations. 2020. Growing At A Slower Pace, World Population Is Expected To Reach 9.7 Billion In 2050 And Could Peak At Nearly 11 Billion Around 2100 | UN DESA | United Nations Department Of Economic And Social Affairs. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 24 September 2020].

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