Why electric vehicles can be the future if the infrastructure is provided




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Since several years the production of electric vehicles (EV) is increasing faster than expected. With decreasing production costs these EVs become more affordable and thus more customer choose these over a normal car. But these EVs also need to be charged every once in a while. Not everyone has the luxury of charging their EV at home, mainly due to the lack of parking space in big cities.

This is definitely the case in the Netherlands. The municipalities have around 37% of the neighbourhoods covered with public charging stations, but even then the number of EVs is not proportionally related to the number of these public charging stations.  Municipalities only act on this issue once EV drivers request an increase in public charging stations in their own neighbourhood, but not everyone knows this is the procedure to get it done.

Driving electric is an important step towards becoming more sustainable. It is therefore important that car drivers who are in need of a new car are encouraged to buy an EV. But the infrastructure must be available to make it attractive to drive electric. Besides it being important that renewable energy is used to charge, the first step must be made towards increasing the availability of charging stations. Since municipalities have to go through so many procedures before actions are taken, a nice initiative would be to create a platform for this to regulate charging at charging stations.

What would be your suggestion on how to solve this matter?

Jacobs, I., 2020. Laadpalentekort Neemt Toe, Veel Publieke Palen Overbelast. VerkeersNet. Available at: https://www.verkeersnet.nl/duurzaamheid/34923/laadpalentekort-neemt-toe-veel-publieke-palen-overbelast/?gdpr=accept

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How AI Will Revolutionize The Aviation And Airport Industry




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With the world being more focused on digitization, it is more and more important that the aviation industry stays develops itself to stay attractive to its customers. There are many points for improvement that have not been implemented yet but could definitely enhance the customer experience by becoming more ‘digital’.
One thing is that flights are poorly scheduled, which is a big cause for accidents involving multiple airplanes. This can be solved by implementing voice recognition and machine learning to improve flight schedules and communication with airports. Maybe in the future, pilots are not needed at all anymore, but it is doubtful whether customers are willing to enter an airplane without a pilot.
With AI big data can be made sense of. There is a large volume of data already present in the aviation industry but it can be used better to save costs. Being able to predict turbulence is one example. When making better weather predictions, this can be avoided so travelling becomes safer and flights will be more punctual. Maintenance will also be less needed and thus save costs. Using real time data here with the help of AI could save the aviation industry a lot of trouble.
With collecting more and more data comes the risk of cyberattacks. Passenger and flight data must be protected with cybersecurity, which can be improved as well with AI. When using this data in a appropriate way, passenger details can be used to predict future travel flows. There are even opportunities to improve customer service with AI by using machine learning and making chatbots more human like.

The question is how passengers will react to this huge collection of passenger data and how it is used for improving the customer experience.
Harsh, A., 2018. How AI Will Revolutionize The Aviation And Airport Industry. Linkedin. Available at: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-ai-revolutionize-aviation-airport-industry-anurag-harsh/

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