Social media: misinformation or censorship?




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tel socialSocial media allows for faster distribution of news, and is a whole new way people write and read about what is happening. A major dilemma for social media platforms is how to prevent misinformation. It does not only cost a lot of money, it is difficult to find and remove such content. Also, it limits the freedom of speech, because it is difficult to state whether something is actually false information. Facebook, for example, has had a lot of problems with this issue mostly regarding the elections. As it is possible to have a very narrow target audience when advertising on Facebook, this makes it even easier to spread misinformation. However, Facebook does not limit most of these posts. People can report posts, but it still has to be checked before it gets removed. Twitter is now researching whether it helps to promt adding your own text before retweeting to prevent further distribution of unknown sources.
The question that arises is how responsible the social media platforms are for this problem. Should they be required to invest time and money to fix this issue, which will at the same time limit their ads and users because their posts get deleted, or should the government finance and check these posts? Currently, these platforms comply with preventing misinformation in order to not be shut down by governments, however the result of this is that there is a principal-agent problem.
One possible solution that would both limit fake news and prevent censorship would be to introduce the rating of posts and comments. These ratings could be done by professionals, other users, or using algorithms. This would allow people to see all posts without censorship. Of course, some problems with this are that people will rate posts based on their opinion and not on whether it is fake, but this is a better alternative because currently this is still happening and results in those posts being deleted.

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Integrating Information Technologies in the Restaurant Industry




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Most restaurants are currently operating the same way they always have been operating. However, with the rapid improvement in technological advances, more and more restaurants understand the importance and return of integrating information technologies for example in order to maximize efficiency, minimize costs, or maximize customer satisfaction.
Big restaurant chains, such as McDonalds, already implement these technologies as every second counts. McDonalds acquired an artificial intelligence company to increase the automation of their drive through by implementing speech to text, allowing customers to place orders without requiring an employee. With the acquisition of Dynamic Yield, McDonalds is able to use their know how and technology on personalization and decision logic technology (Lucas, 2019). This way, they use this artificial intelligence to gain insights and show menu’s according to various factors such as time of day and weather (Lucas, 2019).
However, even though it is expectable of such a big food chain to use such technology, it is also interesting to look at smaller restaurants and how they use the technology to gain a competitive advantage. It is expected that the correct use of information technologies will result in disruptive innovations in the restaurant industry. There are a lot of options and technologies which can be implemented in all aspects of restaurants. Artificial intelligence will require a lot of data but can drastically improve the decision making of customers. Some restaurants are already using research based methods to increase the quality of their food and customer satisfaction, decrease waiting times and for example even what background music to play. However, once these are based on machine learning, this will have a considerable impact.
Furthermore, technological advances will considerably influence the kitchen in the restaurants. Not only are robots taking over the preparation of food, taking orders directly from ordering screens, also coming up with new foods and recipes will be done by artificial intelligence by analyzing data about for example ingredients and recipes. They could also make food based on personal requirements and desires, such as allergies. Already a lot of restaurants are using research based methods to increase the quality of their food and customer satisfaction, decrease waiting times and for example even what background music to play. However, once these are based on machine learning, this will have a considerable impact.
A question that often arises in such situations is what will happen with the people working in the restaurant industry. Of course it is expected that some jobs will be unnecessary, however also new jobs will be created to seamlessly integrate the technology with the human part. It is important to note that going to a restaurant is more than just about convenience or taste of the food. It is an experience and people will always want to have the genuine feeling of a restaurant as we know it now.

Source: Lucas, A. (2019, September 10). McDonald’s acquires A.I. company to help automate the drive-thru, its third tech deal this year. CNBC.


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