3D Printing in the Construction Industry




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3D printing has shaken up many different industries. Ranging from health care to education to the manufacturing industry and so on. You name it, and 3D printing has affected it in one way or the other. It has become hard to imagine these industries without this technology. An industry that is characterized by bricks and mortar for many years also experiences the impact of this technology: the construction industry.

Applications of 3D printing are developing quite rapidly. In fact, the goal of Dubai is to have 25% of buildings being 3D-printed by 2030 (Dutt D’Cunha, 2017). One of the companies that has much potential to play a big role is Cazza, a Silicon Valley-based startup specialized in 3D printing construction. This company has developed a 3D printing robot that looks much like a crane. This immediately indicates the way they distinguish themselves from the competition; the portability. The robot can easily move around and be transported, enabling it to construct the building on-site which saves costs. This in contrast to the manufacturing process of (most) competitors, which is to build separate components in a factory and assemble these on site. With this product, the company has had an investment round of around $25 million (Dutt D’Cunha, 2017).

Even though one of the main ingredients is there, the practical application still experiences some challenges. The development of the required ready-to-use construction materials is still in an early stage (Balch, 2017). Besides that, regulation plays a problematic factor. 3D printing materials have yet to become recognized as an industry standard, which is a difficult task with the current standards being dominant for over decades. Big steps need to be taken in this aspect in order for it to become a widespread technology. Furthermore, quality control is a very important aspect. The materials that are being used in the manufacturing process need to be constantly monitored (Balch, 2017).

When the technology has taken off, this comes with benefits including productivity gains, reduced labour costs and safer working environments (Balch, 2017). Furthermore, it allows the usage of environmentally friendly materials and reduces construction waste (Dutt D’Cunha, 2017). Although the challenges that yet have to be overcome might indicate that it will still take a while for the technology to be used widespread, Cazza believes that within the next five years this technology becomes common in many first world countries. Will we have a printed house in the near future? Time will tell.


Dutt D’Cunha, S. (2017). This Startup Is Disrupting The Construction Industry With 3D-Printing RobotsForbes. Retrieved 16 October 2017, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/suparnadutt/2017/06/14/this-startup-is-ready-with-3d-printing-robots-to-build-your-house-fast-and-cheap/#51c0db36e8e7

Balch, O. (2017). Building by numbers: how 3D printing is shaking up the construction industryThe Guardian. Retrieved 16 October 2017, from https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2017/jan/31/building-by-numbers-how-3d-printing-is-shaking-up-the-construction-industry

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The Political Influence of Tech Giants




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The growth of tech companies goes paired with growing influence on aspects outside of the business environment, such as political influence. This was discussed during an episode of the Dutch debate and discussion show ‘Buitenhof’.

At the end of August Barry Lynn, a member of a think tank called ‘New America’ was fired. At first sight this doesn’t seem to be that out of the ordinary, but the story behind the resignation is interesting. There are several hundred think thanks based in Washington. These think thanks are crucial to policy thinking in the U.S. New America is one of the most prominent think tanks. Google is one of the most important investors in New America. Fifteen years ago, Google wasn’t into politics. However, more recently they have noticed that their power might be in danger due to political regulation. Consequently, they started lobbying more and started financing think tanks. Eric Schmidt, the Executive Chairman of Google, was the chairman of the Supervisory Board, and appointed the managing board of New America. It’s clear that Google has much influence on New America.

Barry Lynn posted a statement on the website in which he praised the European Commission for giving Google a large fine. Besides that, he was trying to organize politics to battle against the growing power of telecom and tech giants. Reason enough for the board of New America to fire him. The same board that was appointed by Eric Schmidt. Of course, Google and New America deny that Lynn got fired because of his critical statements on Google, but what are the odds? After Lynn got fired, more publications surfaced in which people tell about the pressure they were put under after criticizing Google, so this is a more occurring phenomenon. Does the political influence of tech giants, in this case Google, reach too far?


Boffey, D. (2017). Google fined record €2.4bn by EU over search engine results. The Guardian. Retrieved 7 October 2017, from https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/jun/27/google-braces-for-record-breaking-1bn-fine-from-eu

Hill, K. (2017). Yes, Google Uses Its Power To Quash Ideas It Doesn’t Like — I Know Because It Happened To Me. Gizmodo Australia. Retrieved 7 October 2017, from https://www.gizmodo.com.au/2017/09/yes-google-uses-its-power-to-quash-ideas-it-doesnt-likei-know-because-it-happened-to-me/

Rosen, C. (2017). The Do-Not-Think Tank. Weekly Standard. Retrieved 7 October 2017, from http://www.weeklystandard.com/the-do-not-think-tank/article/2009599

Vogel, K. (2017). Google Critic Ousted From Think Tank Funded by the Tech Giant. Nytimes.com. Retrieved 7 October 2017, from https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/30/us/politics/eric-schmidt-google-new-america.html

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