This self-solving robot has destroyed my last interest in playing Rubik’s cube.




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“When you are trying to restore a Rubik’s cube with your eyes closed, the master has created a Rubik’s cube which has no soul.”


If you’re looking for a toy that works best with geekiness, it’s probably the Rubik’s cube.

The seemingly ordinary cube, which is divided into different colors and can be simply twisted and scrambled, can be seen in a myriad of ways but very hard to restore. People enjoy the sense of achievement after successfully restoring it, but also hate that they are fascinated by the mathematical model behind the cube. It is said that one out of every seven people in the world has played the cube, and with the addition of a lot of smart and Talented players, we can often see various magic skills, such as restoring the cube with one hand.



Even with eyes closed



These guys almost play the cube to a magical level, but the challenge to the cube seems never-ending. A Japanese engineer recently tried out a “soulless cube.” Why soulless? You’ll see that when you finish this video down here:


Yes, you read that right, this engineer has tried something unthinkable, he made a Rubik’s cube that could be restored automatically: Self-solving Rubik’s Cube


It may look like a regular cube, but it’s a real cube that restores itself: no matter how complicated you make it, even twist it into a ball, it comes back.


How did he do that? It turned out that the engineer had changed the core of the Rubik’s cube into an electromechanical structure. He first designed the motor model on the computer, the model contains the complicated mechanical structure such as motor, wire, and battery, making the cube has the basis of automation.



To achieve full automation, we still have to rely on machine learning. The advantage of machine learning is that, through the learning of primary data, the solution of Rubik’s cube, which is very complex in our eyes, is the training of data. And relatively speaking, the complexity of the third order cube has an end, if there is no strict time limit, there’s no problem doing it with machine learning.



Many engineers have already built a mechanical arm that can restore the Rubik’s cube, some of which can be analyzed and restored utilizing cameras. This time, the motor is installed inside the Rubik’s cube, and the reduction is completed by mastering the structural changes, but this time, the motor is connected inside the Rubik’s cube, restoring the cube by learning the structural changes. Starting from the particular inner core, Human Controller made specific cube pieces through 3D printing, therefore, brought this Self-solving Rubik’s Cube to life.


With the addition of artificial intelligence and machine learning, a lot of things that used to be very complicated for us are becoming easy or even very simple, but a lot of the fun we once had seems to disappear as a result.


What kind of puzzle toys should I buy for my kids? Am I buying it to let them have fun or the enjoy the victory over a robot? Will there be a game between human an robot regarding Rubik’s cube, like Alpha Go vs. Lee Sedol?


Some things perhaps shouldn’t be meddled in by robots because we’re not trying to solve problems, we’re trying to enjoy the pleasure of addressing them.


My dear classmates, will you buy this cube?












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Let IoT be the guardian angel




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Living away from your family feels nice and free, but let’s be honest, as we grow up, we start to think, or worry about the elderly in the family. “How are they doing today?”,” Have they took the pills today?”, “Grandpa has been living alone for 5 years…”. “Did my grandma turnoff the gas?…” You can’t sleep.

From a macro view, the whole world is getting old: The UK will see a massive 23% increase in those aged 65+ between 2010 and 2018. By 2035, numbers of people aged 65+ will rise by just under 7 million – from 11 to 16.9 million. By 2050 the number of senior citizens in China will reach the peak at 400 million, which is 34.9% of total population, whereas Japan has already reached 32% in 2013.

The aging of population comes with large population base, rapid growth, high average age, disability and empty nest effect, while the demand for life, rehabilitation, medical care and spiritual service of the elderly has become increasingly prominent. The Internet of Things (IoT) is helping society facilitate the challenge.

IoT smart home devices/systems are taking care of elderly from 3 different aspects: precaution/reminding, rescue and comfort.

IBM has introduced cognitive and IoT technology to home field, through the deployment of a variety of sensors to the elderly home environment, the system can track user daily activities and body performance data and therefore build the “scene”. With the enrichment of personal data, the system will be able to build customized modes and timetables. The function of reminding or precaution can be reflected in very detailed aspects, for example, the self-learning stove alarm learns an individual’s cooking habits within a specific house by picking up data. Falling asleep when – or simply forgetting that – the stove is left on is incredibly dangerous, and this small device aims to send alerts before toxic gases are released/before a fire starts without being a hindrance. Also, Philips HUE motion sensor can detect footsteps in the dark and light up the smart lights in the hallway, therefore making the journey to the toilet easier.

sensors-17-01182-g001 (1)


Even if misfortunes happen, the smart devices(motion sensor) and warble devices, such as the latest Apple Watch,will sense and report the incident, whether it is because of fall down or drop of stroke, the initial symptom will be reported to both guardians and emergency center at the first place.

The IoT caring system will bring people multiple surprises, in addition to real-time health care, it can take care of the spiritual needs of the elderly. When the elderly have communication needs, the smart device will list the background information of the elderly in the corresponding database, including interests, hobbies, habits, personality or recommend interesting places, nice TV programs or rich community activities. Most importantly, your video/voice memo will be delivered.

In the future, development of both digital technology and health care will tip the scale toward precaution/reminding, as we will do our best to prevent any incident. And, most importantly, we make money and take care of our family.




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