What happens when 5G, AI and IoT are combined? Welcome to 2020.




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I read about the concept of intelligent connectivity in Mobile World Live (2019) and found it quite interesting. Intelligent connectivity is the combination of 5G, AI and IoT. When the combination is realized, transportation, entertainment, industrial and public services will be revolutionized. For example, 5G and AI will enable real-time communication between vehicles and people, automatic driving and plan better according to the weather and traffic conditions. 5G will enable the AR, VR, 3D video and immersive TV. 5G can also ensure the speed and security of drone’s delivery by coordinating large fleets. It is expected that in the near future, 5G will be used in not only developed regions, but also in developing regions (Mobile World Live, 2019).


5G is most known for its usage for mobile communication. Fast speed is the most intuitive feeling about 5G. But speed is not a must for mobile phone users. Therefore, I think using 5G may not be a cost-effective option for them. Currently, most of the applications of 5G are for communication among objects, such as the Internet of Vehicles, remote medical treatment, and Industry of the Internet.


Dated back to 2007, Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone which is like a complex of a widescreen iPod with touch controls; a revolutionary mobile phone, and an internet communications device (OS X Daily, 2019). The iPhone caught up with the Internet tides and disrupted how mobile devices interact with people. In my opinion, when 5G, AI, IoT, ecosystem, and infrastructure are all completed, the mobile phone may become the information center of the future consumers. The competitive advantages would be more related to soft powers such as the AIoT (AI + IoT) from Xiaomi and the full scene distributed operating system Harmony from Huawei. The improvement of 4G traffic has already changed our lives. When 5G is coming, if we look at the future, will 5G focus on disrupting the phone, or everything? I think with the new information volume, 5G may be an opportunity to change the world.

Mobile World Live. (2019). Intelligent connectivity: The fusion of 5G, AI, and IoT – Mobile World Live. [online] Available at: https://www.mobileworldlive.com/mbbforum18-news/intelligent-connectivity-the-fusion-of-5g-ai-and-iot/ [Accessed 6 Oct. 2019].

OS X Daily. (2019). Watch Steve Jobs Introduce the Original iPhone in 2007. [online] Available at: http://osxdaily.com/2017/01/09/steve-jobs-original-iphone-presentation-video/ [Accessed 5 Oct. 2019].

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Pay with card or code? No, pay with face! – China subway face payment




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In Shenzhen, China, the subway operator is testing a facial recognition ticketing system, supported by 5G network. At the Futian station, people can scan their faces on a tablet-sized screen on the metro entrance gate and the fare would automatically be deducted from their linked accounts (South China Morning Post, 2019).


The system allows people to pay by face when keeping other old methods such as scanning code or using transportation card at the same time. According to South China Morning Post (2019), Shenzhen’s subway handles up to 5 million rides per day. It is expected that people can pass the metro gate without even feeling it. This fast payment can effectively improve metro’s efficiency. Besides, this system could also be used to track criminals.

In 2017, Alipay has already set up a facial payment system (Smile to Pay) for a KFC in Hangzhou, China. And the company behind this technology, Ant Financial, said that customers need to enter their phone numbers against fraud (The Verge, 2019). They tested the system by changing make-up and hairstyle. The system can identify correctly in all these situations. This is like a portent indicating that establishing facial payment for metro at a larger scale won’t be that far.


From bringing cash to bringing card, our wallets become smaller and smaller. If face payment is possible, we technically don’t need to bring anything. Regarding facial payment, 2 oligarchic companies, WeChat and Alipay are competing against each other. They are giving huge amounts of allowances to the merchants for equipping with facial payment machines.

But now there are still some uncertainties. For example, the device recognizes face from far away, and this may lead to unintentional payment. And for accuracy, there is also room for improvement.

However, I think facial payment uses biological liveness detection, which can block photo and video fraud. It’s much more difficult to duplicate than pirating a credit card. And it saves time and improves customers’ experience. So, I think this more efficient and safer payment is the future trend. What do you think of the facial payment? Are you in favor of it? Will it replace card and QR code payment?

South China Morning Post. (2019). You will soon be able to pay your subway fare with your face in China. [online] Available at: https://www.scmp.com/tech/innovation/article/3001306/you-can-soon-pay-your-subway-ride-scanning-your-face-china [Accessed 12 Sep. 2019].

The Verge. (2019). KFC in China tests letting people pay by smiling. [online] Available at: https://www.theverge.com/2017/9/4/16251304/kfc-china-alipay-ant-financial-smile-to-pay [Accessed 12 Sep. 2019].

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