Are Our Cities Ready to Become Smart?




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Are Our Cities Ready to Become Smart? – How the regulators can handle innovation? 

Innovation and public interest 

Innovation is generally considered a good phenomenon, as we, human beings love to advance. In the XXI. century, innovation is especially glorified if its involves making something smart.
It is also self-evident, that in case of most innovations, we don’t know the impact on our broader environment, society, nature or the lives of individuals. It is enough to think about the recent controversies that hit the news related to Facebook. While not many would doubt that social media is making our world a better, more open place, its power for manipulation of masses and spreading fake news has direct effect on politics, our societies and so mankind’s history.

Companies in of the modern times are acting responsibly, which makes innovation a bit more deliberate. However, as the primary aim of companies is to make profit, considering the greater good, like welfare and environment remains the duty of the state, city council and other elected authorities.

I’m not stating that innovation shall be decelerated by the state, but regulators should attempt to create flexible frameworks where the kind of innovation is supported which is believed to bring greater benefits.

Otherwise, step-by-step firms will overcome assets, knowledge and information that should be publicly available.

Urban context

Smart city is in the focus of innovators for a while and it is especially interesting from the question of public interest. Not only because it is related to a the city, something that is believed to be public good, but also because it is not one single product (like other smart gadgets), but it a set of innovative products and services which aims to disrupt the way cities are working.

Innovation should be decentralized without doubt, as a city can be developed best by its people. But do not forget the fact, that regular development in the city, like erecting a new building or setting up a fancy bar on the corner are regulated as well! When the authority decides if a particular building can be built it raises a lot of questions, before granting the permit as it takes public interest into account.

Is it of the right function?

Does it fit into the cityscape?

Will the infrastructure be able to handle it?

And so building is permitted, but creative energies are channelled in a direction that is best for the community.

Uber’s example

Let’s take the example of the most basic disruptor of today’s city living: Uber. Uber is a service that makes life easier and invaded an unregulated territory of urban mobility. Innovation! However, latest studies show that it is also a service, that actually kills of public transport and increases congestion what is just the opposite that was expected from a prime example of the adored sharing economy scene. Uber also possesses data that would be really valuable for the public.

So is it right to let it fly?

The solution is definitely not the completely ban Uber, but regulators must find the state that is most ideal for the public and make sure, that the future awaits us more ready.

Ways should be figured out, how the data captured in smart city ventures can be used for the public interest and flexible regulatory frameworks should be created, which channel innovation to the best directions possible. Just as in case of constructing new buildings.

Vince Takács




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Will e-commerce destroy the corner shop?




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How the digital players disrupt the retail market is barely news for anyone, enough to think about the fact that Jeff Bezos became the richest person on the planet lately for a few days. B2C e-commerce accounted for more than 500 billion USD in the last year, and it is exploding. Amazon and its peers in different industries and countries are building immense and perfectly efficient systems, which are breaking down the competition everywhere.

In this disruptive process, many traditional competitors will fail, especially those, in case of which the main driver of the value proposition is the price and the simplicity of shopping. Malls and big-box retailers are struggling and the department store staff is getting hired by the closest Amazon warehouse.

But if digital commerce is so efficient and convenient why Amazon launched its Amazon Go service, which is a traditional store (with some futuristic features)? Why some retailers with traditional profile, like BestBuy, thrive?

Let’s take the example of Silicon Valley startup Bodega, which became an internet sensation overnight, sometimes cited as the most hated Startup of Silicon Valley. Bodega’s idea was to meld AI with mobile retail by creating super-smart vending machines, analyzing and forecasting the demand and so provide sufficient products. Sounds something very disruptive and is fitting the current Silicon Valley trend, right? What was the problem? The name and the manifesto. They wanted to replace the Bodega, the traditional mom-and-pop corner store.


Now we’re at the first attribute of the local retail which is hard to disrupt: community. The corner store, especially in immigrant communities is not only a place to buy goods, but also a meeting point, a sort of small agora in today’s (metro)polis. Families, communities support the owner by buying things here and it slowly becomes something way more than a shop. Access Bazaar, a NYC based startup is also disrupting trade, but the b2b segment: it supplies small shop owners on a web platform. Its founders are themselves of a Latino background, and see the importance of the corner shops within the community, or, as they call it, Bodega.

Retailers which build on communities or create living spaces instead of just selling things might have a place in the fabric of the city.


Another important perspective of traditional retail is interaction. Interaction with the wished good, touching it, trying it and so on. Or interaction with the seller, if the given product requires greater expertise. BestBuy was struggling a few years ago as many customers just popped into their store, tried the newest gadgets quickly and ordered them from Amazon later. So interaction was important for the customers, but they were really price sensitive. As BestBuy introduced their best price guarantee program and improved their customer services, suddenly people rather ordered their new TV from BestBuy. As they say, BestBuy went from “brick & mortar to showcase & ship”.

So in case of specific goods, showcasing will remain important, so those stores might be able to retain customers where they can put experience in shopping.

Being local

The third aspect to highlight is being local, which correlates really strongly to the first suggestion, building on communities. Consuming local goods is becoming more and more important for the city people as, quality, eco-friendliness and locality go hand-in hand lately. Local players might cooperate, sell their products together, creating local urban markets. This requires low investment and have many examples throughout today’s cities from local farmer’s markets to craft fairs and pop-up stores.

I listed some alternatives, that are rather positive scenarios from social and urban perspective, as city spaces retain their role of being meeting points, places for social interaction.

In a negative utopia in-store shopping as we know it, touching and trying before buying will become a privilege of the few in a downtown flagship store.

Others will be picking up their pre-boxed purchase from a robotic service center somewhere in the suburbs, or it will be already packed in the trunk of their autonomous car. In these visions, social interactions are minimal and urban spaces are left unused.

Disruption always leads the markets to a more efficient state of operation, so it is generally considered a positive phenomenon, where some short term backlashes might occur, as the traditional ways and methods are replaced.

But the disruption of the retail industry is unlikely to be total, as there are some basic, instinctive needs of us, human beings: forming communities, interact and belong somewhere.

Vince Takács



RSM BIM Information Strategy, 2nd Lecture, 19.09.2017.

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