Walmart’s new patent




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It’s not unfamiliar that businesses have been monitoring consumption habits to predict customers’ behavior, online stores give recommendations to users based on browse record, and supermarkets place commodities according to purchasing habits. Monitoring is not slowing down with technological developments. Recently, Walmart is trying to patent a shopping cart with “biometric feedback cart handle”, which is embedded with plenty of sensors that could perceive user’s feeling.


This novel shopping cart is able to collect various of data, including the biometric ones like stress level, body temperature, heart rate, or the other information like the speed of the shopping cart, the strength put on the handle, the duration of the handle being gripped. The grocery store giant states that this innovation will help its staff to promptly notify the elder customers in the store who need help. When the system detects that a user’s data like heart rate or temperature appears to be abnormal, it will inform the location of the user to the staff who will then give necessary assistance.


Although the plan is still at the stage of patent application, and the given reason is to allow staff to provide necessary assistance on time, it is hardly an acceptable service that could collect so much sensitive information. In addition, it’s not guaranteed that Walmart would use these data for other purposes. In case Walmart publishes this shopping cart, it could effortlessly collect a large amount of data from its numerous stores in a short time. The commercial value of these data is unpredictable. For instance, changes on biometric data when a customer passes by certain commodity could be an indication of interest, Walmart could employes the data for experiments, and the conclusion of which could be applied in the optimization of product placement and sales. Are people willing to see that their sensitive information is being used in this way? There is a big question mark.


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What does Machine learning mean to music?




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Music is always indispensable in people’s daily life, from the long-existing live performance of various types of instruments to the recording industry that has experienced prosperity and decline in the past years, music has been communicated globally through different mediums. The earliest form of vinyl record evolved to tapes and Cds in the 80 ’s, which has evolved to streaming recently. Throughout the evolution, the relationship of music itself with, not only music producer but also the audience, has dramatically changed.

Obvious changes have appeared on the audience. In the past when information was not as easy to be reached as today, people could only discover music through record store, magazine, friends’ recommendations or radio, the number of channel was rather limited. However, in the Internet era, people can not only search and listen to music online by themselves but also reach music via an unprecedented approach that was created by streaming media.

Spotify, a music streaming service developed by Swedish company Spotify Technology, has utilized Machine Learning to analyze its users’ listening behavior and its song database. It first assigns a certain vector to each of its users and songs first, which represents a user’s favorite and a song’s characteristics, then cooperates with collaborative filtering to further analyze the characteristics of the songs in its database and its users’ taste on music. The result of these two processes is implemented in the software to recommend users the songs that they possibly like. Moreover, Spotify also applies convolutional neural networks to analyze raw audio data, which allows them to have a better understanding on the songs’ characteristics and capture the fundamental similarities between them, therefore provides song suggestions based on the similarities of the song that a user has listened. Spotify is just one example of the many music streaming media, it is not hard to believe that other companies also have comparable methods to precisely provide song recommendation via Machine Learning.

On the one hand, audiences benefit greatly from the advantages of technology, they’re able to enjoy their favorite music that really fits their taste without making much effort on searching. On the other hand, people used to spend a lot of time on listening to different music in a record store before finding the pleasant ones, the absorbing process of which is part of the joy in searching music. Yet the process has been indirectly eliminated by the precise recommendation of music streaming service, and people might less appreciate good music simply because they can easily find some. Is technology promoting music communication or diminish the value of music? Who knows.




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