Blockchain technology in health insurance




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The insurance industry is one of the few industries that has been relatively untouched by the latest technologies. The industry is characterised as one of the largest industries worldwide and deals with one of the most essential needs of a human being: health. This industry however suffers from a lot of inherent problems that do not allow for high satisfaction rates amongst customers and insurance providers:

Problem areas for customers:

– Access to medical history by the patient: Although the medical records of a customer are circulated amongst the different partners of the health insurer, the patient himself holds no proper medical records. In a situation where the patient needs to visit a different hospital in an emergency situation this poses a big problem.

– Timely processing of claims: Insurance companies typically have a prominently large span of time to process the claims. They include a margin in their contracts which ensures that the claim verification and approval process happens within that period. Such long periods stipulated in the contracts often lead to customer dissatisfaction.

–  Security: The customer information stored with the hospitals or insurance providers is subject to leaks and identity thefts.


The characteristic features of blockchain technology such as accessibility, data integrity, immutability and automated execution are now being considered by several health insurance companies such as Quest Diagnostics, Optum and United Healthcare to tackle the afore-mentioned problems. The application of blockchain technology can:

  • Expedite and improve patient diagnosis: The patient owns his/her medical information and has the rights to provide it as per needs without relying on any other external agency.
  • Smart contracts would automatically trigger transactions which would again make the processing and denying claims easier and faster. This increases the customer trust.
  • Sharing of data among the various providers in the network on a distributed ledger would ensure the data can be accessed easily anytime and also the risk of improper documentation and loss of data/documentation would decrease.


Needless to mention, the implementation of the blockchain technology would require a rigorous testing of the several functionalities, resulting in a significant time investment. However, the benefits in terms of more efficient operations and higher customer satisfaction look promising!



 Blockchain in insurance(Rep.). (n.d.). Deloitte Center for Health Solutions. doi:02/10/2018

Breteau, J. (2017, January 07). THE FUTURE OF BLOCKCHAIN IN HEALTH INSURANCE. Retrieved from

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Will hard money disappear?




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We are aware of how digitisation has instituted a change in the way products and services are offered. The emergence of online platforms that enable operational efficiency through improved production techniques and logistics has enabled online players to reach broader customer base at lower costs and improved margins, threatening the existence of traditional markets.

Several start-ups are relying on the speed and ease offered by online platforms and are able to build a business model that renders the products and services offered by traditional markets obsolete. One such example is Paytm, an Indian e-commerce payment system and digital wallet company. Founded in 2010, the company has grown over the years by partnering with several online merchants and diverse organisations and institutions to provide products and services that enable customers to book flights, trains, hotels and pay for utility bills, mobile and internet connection and for digital tv subscriptions. In 2014 Paytm launched Paytm Wallet, an online digital payment platform which allows users to transfer cash to an online wallet via online banking and debit and credit cards.

The integration of several products and services allows consumers to use Paytm as a single source for shopping and to utilise online wallet for all their payment needs. For example, Paytm’s integrated network with the national railway system and taxi service Uber allows it to extend its services and mobile payment platform to new customers (Uber’s and railways’) at an extremely fast pace and facilitates the payment by providing an option to pay by through Paytm’s online wallet.

Paytm Wallet is an extremely simple concept:

1. The user needs to sign up with Paytm by registering his/her mobile number.
2. The user then can transfer money to Paytm Wallet through internet banking, debit/credit card or Paypal.

3. This online wallet can be used to make payment over hundreds of websites who offer payment through Paytm Wallet.

One distinguishing feature of Paytm Wallet is that it allows small merchants to request payments by entering the mobile number of the customers, prompting a message on the customer’s phone to allow the wallet payment. The ease with which such transfers are made makes digital wallets convenient substitutes to hard cash. This is substantiated by a study conducted by Visa which reveals that Americans are twice as likely to carry a smartphone as cash.


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