When Love meets Technology




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How do software solutions enhance the dating and matching industry? 

The adoption of technology has irreversibly changed the way we connect with others, and dating is no exception. Thanks to social media we can get to know each other before we even have met in person, our smart phones allow us to be constantly reachable, and dating apps give us plenty of choice in finding a suitable partner. 

The intersection of dating and technology is no new development, whereas the technological innovations behind modern dating apps are (Bansal, 2020). How will these dating apps grow in the future and how do these apps provide a personalized experience?

We all know that dating apps use a matchmaking algorithm. AI allows these apps to use predictive analytics to rank the users that each person sees. Hereby the ultimate goal is to get the users attracted to the people they get to see which will lead them to keep using it (Hughes, 2021). The question is whether these algorithms also work when it comes to dating. Is it really possible to build a dating app with algorithms and a recommendation system that unfailingly gives people butterflies? 

The answer seems to be no, for a couple of reasons. First, because these algorithms only work with the information that the user gives them, and not everyone is that honest when it comes to preferences and what they are drawn to. Secondly, when someone joins a dating app, they might list several qualities as non-negotiables, whereas in real life these would not be the qualities and criteria they use to determine whether they like someone (Hughes, 2021).

Even though dating apps might not be the best way to find love, it has helped people meet lots of others, expand the reach of people’s social networks and facilitates the interactions between people who might have never met otherwise (Fetters, 2020).


Bansal, A. (2020, April 8). When Love Met Technology: How Software Solutions Have Enhanced The Matching And Dating Industry. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2020/04/08/when-love-met-technology-how-software-solutions-have-enhanced-the-matching-and-dating-industry/?sh=412a806147f6

Fetters, A. (2020, March 3). How Tinder Changed Dating for a Generation. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2018/12/tinder-changed-dating/578698/

Hughes, E. (2021, June 27). It’s 2021, why are dating app algorithms still so bad? WIRED UK. https://www.wired.co.uk/article/dating-app-algorithms

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Is the presence of teachers irreplaceable? AI in education




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Artificial Intelligence is one of the key drivers of innovation and growth across many sectors, including the educational one. The worldwide adaption of technology in education is transforming and will continue to transform the way we learn and the way we teach. It is believed that Artificial Intelligence is one of the disruptive techniques that will customize the experience of students as well as teachers (Plitnichenko, 2021).

An example of an AI technology used in education which can possibly replace teachers are intelligent tutoring systems. These intelligent tutoring systems are able to measure the current level of knowledge the student has and are able to understand the style of learning that is preferred by the individual student. Consequently, personalized education to each particular student will become more evident. This concept is also called adaptive learning (Fedena, 2018).

A famous example of this is the teaching assistant chatbot Jill Watson who was developed in 2016 and is still being improved. She is able to answer questions from students about a particular class and curriculum. She has a tremendous amount of knowledge of the classes and also understand which learning style best suits the particular students (Chace, 2020). With the help of teaching assistants such as Jill Watson, it is possible that education can me more closely tailored to each student’s individual preferences and needs. Maybe even better than teachers can. 

The reason that it is unlikely that assistants like Jill Watsons and adaptive learning will replace teachers in the future is because these technologies are still, amongst other things, unable to determine whether a student for example learns better visually or actively and cannot create an emotional bond with the student. Whereas the human factor will always be essential, these AI programs could possibly become a powerful tool in improving education. On top of that, it is likely that teachers will be the ones that drive the usage of AI based technologies to better assess the needs of their students (Fedena, 2018).

In conclusion, despite what one may think, teachers are too valuable to be replaced, even in the AI age. However, it may be joining them as colleagues in the foreseeable future.  


Chace, C. (2020, October 29). The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/calumchace/2020/10/29/the-impact-of-artificial-intelligence-on-education/?sh=599b79650dfb

Fedena. (2018, August 3). Artificial Intelligence in education – How it improves the learning experience? Fedena Blog. https://fedena.com/blog/2018/03/artificial-intelligence-in-education-how-it-improves-the-leaning-experience.html

Marr, B. (2021, July 13). How Is AI Used In Education — Real World Examples Of Today And A Peek Into The Future. Bernard Marr. https://bernardmarr.com/how-is-ai-used-in-education-real-world-examples-of-today-and-a-peek-into-the-future/

Plitnichenko, L. (2021, May 12). 5 Main Roles Of Artificial Intelligence In Education. ELearning Industry. https://elearningindustry.com/5-main-roles-artificial-intelligence-in-education

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