The future with neural networks!




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Last week, I, purely coincidental, found a neural network called DALL·E which made me realize how exciting the future can be but also made me question several things. For the first time I came across something that really made me realize what the additional value of GPT-3 can be. Before, I saw some funny stuff that GPT-3 was able to do, but DALL·E written with GPT-3 actually can really add value. First, what is DALL·E? According to the creators, a company called OpenAI, “DALL·E creates images from text captions for a wide range of concepts expressible in natural language”(DALL·E: Creating Images From Text, 2021). In simpler words, the company trained a program to generate images from text descriptions.

To me, this sounded like it might be very useful in finding and/or creating pictures for different situations. But, I could not have imagined how impressive this machine was when I tried it out for the first time! It is unbelievable of what the program is capable to do. For example, if you ask the engine to create a picture of “a store sign with ‘peekaboo’ written on it”, results in the following pictures:

Or “A neon sign that reads GPT, gives the following images in just a couple of seconds:

If you want to test the possibilities of DALL·E and be as impressed as I was and still am, have a look yourself via

Thanks to GPT-3 now, but in general the development of technologies has resulted in several very impressive and useful software and applications. However, to me the question is how we bring these technologies to the wider public? How are we going to get more people interacting with these new developments? This would only accelerate the developments and would lead to even better and more useful applications. What do you think? How can developers achieve this and what do you think will be the big breakthrough for GPT-3?


DALL·E: Creating Images from Text. (2021, January 5). OpenAI. Retrieved 4 October 2022, from

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When do we stop pushing for technological developments?




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It does not matter if you like it or not, the future is coming and with it are rapid technological changes and improvements. These new technologies are going to change the way people live and how we think. These new technologies are offering new innovations, opportunities, projects and what else. So it seems logical that technological changes are great as they make our lives easier, increase productivity and make more things more accessible for more people. However, many people need time to adapt to new technologies as they often require us to change our habits, the way we do routines, and actions and change our daily lives (Digitalskillup, 2021). 

History shows us that it can be hard to predict the future but what seems certain is that new technologies will emerge and significantly impact our lives. Some people might say that technology has developed steadily in the last decades but if you start analyzing you realize how immensely rapid things have developed. This makes me wonder what will happen in the next decades. Some of the new technologies and innovations that are happening right now seem frightening to me. Artificial intelligence innovations can create images on their own, read people’s minds, and create human parts. It might look innocent but what if certain technologies are used with the wrong intentions? Where do we draw the line?

Personally, I’m mostly worried about autonomous vehicles and robots. Most of us would have seen the following video which shows the recent development by Boston Dynamics. Their robot dog seems just another cool technology development which might prove to be very helpful in certain situations. Just look at the cool stuff it can do in the video below:

But what if this technology is further developed by people with the wrong intentions? Well then you can get the following: 

Therefore, I think we should ask ourselves several questions to keep making cool and exciting technological developments but also make sure we do not push for some dangerous developments in certain areas. This is something the organisation called PAX is striving for in the Netherlands (Who We Are – Peace Organization PAX, n.d.). I argue more of these initiatives should be taken more seriously.

Questions we can ask ourselves on this topic are:

  • What will be the breakthrough technology in the next couple of years? How can we prepare for it?
  • What is a technology you do not look forward to seeing emerge?


Digitalskillup. (2021). How emerging technologies impact the future of business and services for citizens? Retrieved 12 September 2022, from

Who we are – Peace Organization PAX. (n.d.). Retrieved 12 September 2022, from

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